Hola Welcome to the site :)
In case you aren’t aware of it, you can play online with triplea as well.
Have fun gaming !
I am dicebot.
Hello, been on the forum for close to a year but I haven’t really introduced myself yet.
I live in Phoenix AZ and I’m always open to play with other players. I currently play about once a month, but I want to play way more.
Currently I own
Axis And Allies Europe 1940 (2nd)
Axis And Allies Pacific 1940 (2nd)
Axis And Allies Classic (2nd)
Axis And Allies D-Day (2nd)
Axis And Allies Nova
Axis And Allies & Zombies
Axis And Allies 1941
But I do plan to get more and to soon get some games from HBG and I will play any game.
I’ve been playing Axis And Allies for two years when I looked up WWII Board Game online and I’ve been loving the game ever since
Hello, my name is Michael Phong Mitchell. I am from Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City). I lived in the states most of my life. Now, I am back in my city of birth again. I would love to play against anyone one on one in the classic Axis & Allies for now until I can get comfortable with the game once again. Once I am comfortable with the game again, I am willing to expand to other Axis & Allies games. The one game I am willing to try out is Axis & Allies: 1914, the game I have always been wanting to play!! I have never heard of it until I came to this site. I also would love to play Axis & Allies: 1939, a scenario before Hitler invaded Poland. I am also willing to try out Axis & Allies: Global War 1936-1945. The latter two are the one I have been wanting to play so very badly!!
The only Axis & Allies game I had ever played was the Classic Axis & Allies: 1st and 2nd Edition (1984). I have not play in ages since I had no one to play against and I usually played by myself. I only played against one person who was evenly matched with me so we would win with the Allies. Only once did I lose with the Allies because I was rusty. I have always wanted to play the game again as it is my all-time favorite war game. I want to test myself against other players to test my skills and strategies. I am very adaptable in the game. I have been trying to find an android game of Axis & Allies, but there are no Axis & Allies games, only similar games like World Conqueror 2, 3, and 4, my most played World War II games.
My Facebook is Mikey Phong Mitchell if you want to make friends with me. Please let me know you got my FB on here. I do not accept random friend requests at all. I am trying to get in touch with my game friend whom I played Axis & Allies with.
Hello. My name is Russell McKee. I live in Alabama. I’ve been playing A&A both online and F2F for a long time starting with the old Hasbro days. I own and play all the major A&A games but I’m still learning the finer points of Global 40. It was a crushing blow when GTO bit the dust… It’s hard to find players these days. I am super excited to see 42SE incarnated as a online game especially with LH GenCon 3 setup.
I’d like to play live a couple of times a week (US Central Time; GMT-6 during the winter) and have a couple of async games going as well. I’m mostly a consumer of Forum content.
Hi rem400.
Would you consider joining the G40 league? It is a great community that will gladly help you get things set up in case you need assistance.
Give it a try!
@CrazyIvan, like you, I also am looking for those who play the classic version as it is the only one I know of. I do not know how to play the newer versions. If you like, we can be friends on Facebook and discuss when we can play against each other. I hope that we can arrange for a time to play against each other. I would like to play the Axis when we first play against each other. My gaming Facebook is Dana Phoenix, the name of my Archer in Dungeons & Dragons and Dungeons & Dragons Online. Anyone can add me as a friend from this site, but you need to let me know who you are first before sending me a friend request.
@djensen Greetings All!
My name is Phil Hammond and I have been playing historical miniatures and board games since I was in High School a long time ago in a galaxy far away. My major in interests in Axis & Allies is in the Air War games (Angels 20/Bandits High) and War at Sea though I have played the original Axis & Allies traditional. I was sad to see my two favorites get dumped by Wizards at the Coast but they survive on the secondary market. Last gaming convention I attended I managed to run an Axis & Allies Air War in the Med game and this coming year I will be running a Cactus Air force Pacific scenario at another convention.
As a special note, if you shop around you can get into Air War for as little as $10 for a starter pack thanks to Black Friday deals right now.
When not playing Axis & Allies I can be found playing SAGA Dark Ages, Bolt Action WW2, 28mm Ancients and various rules for 28mm ACW and AWI miniatures.
Happy Holidays to all!
Hi guys my name is Lorenzo.
I’m from Ontario Canada
The game I’ve played the most is spring 1942. But I recently purchased the anniversary edition and have been enjoying it. I try to play once a month. I have a group of friends that play daily online. Finding the time for a home game is hard. Ok look forward to reading and contributing to the forum. Oh and never retreat…lol
Welcome to the forum. Where are you from in Ontario?
We had a Global 40 event in Waterloo/Kitchener not too long ago and might do another in the future. Just wondering if that’s in range for you and if you have interest.
Interested. I’m from Hamilton
Excellent, I’ll send you a private message.
Here’s a link to the past event post as well:
great. Thanks
Hello all, my name is Michael.
I’m fairly new to the world of Axis and Allies having just started the summer of 2019 and been playing since; however, my excellent writing and rhetoric skills that I’ve learned in my university studies have led me to study the rulebooks in the world of Axis and Allies in order for me to semi-master/quickly understand the concept and play styles of the game. I’m a university taught environmental engineer.
I like to play AA50 anniversary edition and just recently took on the venture into 1940 Europe with my cousin.
As to how often I play, my cousin and I try to play whenever we get the time. Sometimes it can be once a week or every other week, but at the very least try to have a tradition where a game is played monthly.
I have bought the the 50th anniversary edition and just recently Pacific 1940 and Europe 1940 both 2nd edition so I play with the standard out of the box boards so no I play with no customizations in terms of equipment. However, I guess our (my cousin and I) house rule regards bombardments where you bombard for the first round of combat and the hits on the defending units result in them not being able to return fire. Before that we were misinterpreting the bombardment rules and bombarding every round of combat. But quite frankly, he and I both agree that the bombardment rule as written is probably the worst piece of trash in the rulebook.
This concludes my introduction. My very next post which I am going to work on will be on the “by the book” bombardment rule and what my cousin and I see wrong with it. So please everyone give me feedback on my thoughts about bombarding.
Welcome to the forum :slightly_smiling_face:
Please post your understanding of the rulebook’s bombardment rules in the appropriate dedicated game-categories.
Thank you and have fun :slightly_smiling_face:
I’m theskeindhu on Axis and Allies online. I played basic A&A as a kid, now enjoy losing as the Allies online.
My name Is Jason. I live in Mount Vernon, Washington (about an hour north of Seattle). I am 55 years old.
I am currently playing the anniversary edition, after a long hiatus. I remember playing the original Milton Bradley release way back in ‘84, with my good friends, and did so for three or four years, (along with Fortress America), when I was just 20 years old. Just before Christmas of 2019 I decided I wanted to play a strategy game and remembered good ol’ Axis And Allies.
I received the anniversary edition that Christmas and got going.
I play mostly solitary as I am having a hard time finding other players. That, of course, makes re-learning the rules a little slow for me, but with the help of this forum I hope to get back to speed. I play a game about every other week.
I have seen some videos on YouTube where players made some stands for their air units. I liked the idea and made some of my own from wooden dowels (for the bases), and finishing nails. I then superglued some straight pins into the decks of my carriers and a small magnet to the underside of my air units.
I think they turned out nice.
Thanks for your time and having me here.
Hi, I’m “Mars”, currently living in The USA. I just purchased 1942 2nd ed. First played A&A in 1984, so yea, I’m Old. Never kept up with it for lack of players…no longer have that set :(. Haven’t’ played since before the fall of the Berlin Wall, but is set up on my dining room table, ready for Friday.
Greetings again from Colorado.
Formerly Phelan Kell.
My granddaughter had a problem with my phone, decided it needed to be reset. The recovery process has been fun. Had trouble reconnecting, just signed up new.
Been playing war games since high school, old A.H. titles like Tactics II, Bismarck, Submarine, Richthofens war, Air force etc.
Have copies of G-40 2nd ; '42 2nd (for newbie recruiting) ; '14 and I’m pretty sure I’ve even got my old classic and Xeno boards and books floating around somewhere.
Have fun.
Hi from Denmark,
I live right outside Copenhagen, Denmark - and have been playing Axis & Allies since 1993 (started with Classic 2nd E).
Back in 1995 we started up a small group of commited Axis & Allies players - this veteran members group still exists and has expanded over the years.
Since 1995 we have played all Axis & Allies variants from Larry Harris Game Design.
We focus mostly on Axis & Allies Global 1940 2nd E. For the first 2 years we played out of the box rules.
Now we use a set of 4 Expansions (House Rules) which we have made ourselves, inspired by online existing house rules, Gamers Paradise, Xeno Games and Avalon Hill.
We also turned to World War ll History, to find inspiration.
These 4 sets of house rules are compatible with most A&A variants.
Today, we play (training) twice a month. Our Tournament schedule includes 3 major tournaments every year - each lasting a whole weekend.
We would very much like to contribute to the Axis & Allies community with our house rules, which are avilable for free.
Best regards
Axis & Allies Klub Danmark
The Captain
Hi Captain
Welcome to the site. Would you post your house rules under “customizations” ? I would like to see what you came up with :)