Hola Welcome to the site :)
In case you aren’t aware of it, you can play online with triplea as well.
Have fun gaming !
Hey! I have been on the forum for near a year now. I am a teen living in the southeastern United States. I love to play Axis and Allies along with other board games. I just got AA Anniversary Edition and am really excited about playing it. I look forward to playing y’all by forum soon. My life consists of playing chess (both casual and tournament) and being a living historian (for a war a few years before the world wars). I thank all moderators and all admins for the work they put into this forum and I hope all of y’all have a blessed New Year!
I am so inspired by this franchise I am selling all my card board counter hex based games so I can buy more A&A games. Just finished watching YG Boot Camp #4 about the map. I learned some things about movement thru sea zones I hadn’t caught before. Among other very helpful clarifications. Wonderful! Thank you YG for your efforts. Plan to watch the rest, in order.
I received my two games that make up Global 1940. I am back in the hobby!
@AdmScuttlebutt said in Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Dec. 2018):
I received my two games that make up Global 1940. I am back in the hobby!
Yea : )
@AdmScuttlebutt Cool.
Re: Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Dec. 2018) I have been playing this game and other board games practically my whole life recently I finished a game of axis and allies pacific the original one and thought that it favored the japan more I had held onto China and wiped their main units off of the mainland and rolled great but as America closed I on japan they took the India capital and they did not have enough soldiers to defend against attack by the huge Japanese Air Force which gives them an edge in battle if there are any strategies on how to beat the Japanese I’m all ears
I m from France
I play Axis & Allies Europe 1940 2nd Ed. (beginner)
I play once a month
Hello and welcome!
Hi All,
I live in Minnesota. I’ve been playing Axis & Allies ever since I was a teenager when there was only the Milton Bradley version. Still have it though it is in very rough shape. Over the years I’ve tried to purchase the updates, D-Day, Battle of the Bulge, Anniversary, Amerika, and War Room. I’d like to add Guadalcanal to my collection. I don’t play as frequently as I’d like.
I’ve noticed the various versions of A&A 1914 technology and would like to consolidate them. I’ve noticed that there is a lot of files and such in boardgame geek database. HBG (historical board gaming) has a lot of potential that I would like to pull into this forum. Then there is shapeways pieces.
I hope that there are future plans for campaign level games, Kurks, Stalingrad, Midway. I know HGB have a lot in the works, but besides Amerika things seem to have fallen short.
Well that me and my A&A experience and aspirations.