@Timothy-Gengarella the lightning war ability only provides an extra combat and non combat phase; Germany doesn’t get a whole second turn.
Italian Special Rules/Abilities?
Has anyone got any house rules or ideas for Italian Special Abilities?
They seem to be the only power that has no special rules at all. Even the two China’s have their own Nation Specific rules.I was think maybe something like these…
•Fear of Missing Out.
In anticipation of a short war Mussolini declared war on the W.Allies in order to Guarantee Italy’s seat at the negotiating table. Italy receives a one time D6+4 IPP the turn it declares war on the Western Allies as long as it declares war before Jan 1941. If it fails to do so it may not gain any VPs for “Expand the Empire”.
•Unreliable Armour.
Due to Italian industry’s inexperience with Tank design Italianarmour proved unreliable. Any Medium or Heavy Armour that rolls a 11-12 to attack must withdraw to the territory it attacked from. Amphibious attacking armour must be abandoned unless the battle is won.Be interested to hear if anyone else has any ideas or thoughts.
They do have the blackshirt units, but it would be fun to have more.
Maybe something about their reticence to use their navy and their big ships after Taranto?
I had forgotten about the Blackshirts. Good point.I was looking at something to prompt them to actually enter the war so that the Italian player didnt game the system and wait till the end of the game to declare war.
How would you work the mechanics for your Fleet idea? -
I think the Italians should have rules that let them invade Yugoslavia and Greece without giving the France and the UK such a large IPP increase during peace time
Imperious Leader '17 '16 '15 Organizer '14 Customizer '13 '12 '11 '10last edited by Dec 2, 2019, 10:53 PM
- Frogmen- once per game ( or 3 times per game) the Italian player may make one target attack against any ship rolling 8 or less to hit.
- Bersaglieri -up to X of these may be built, in combat they have automatic hits ( they were sharpshooter units)
- Rommel effect- When German and Italian units are in combat and the German player has armored units, they receive a combat bonus of re rolling X misses.
An interesting idea but there would have to be some alternative downside if you take the income increase away from the allies. -
I like the Frogmen idea. I think hitting on an 8 is a bit high. But if they worked similar to the Japanese Kamikaze rules where by you had a set amount to use (say; 4), hitting on 4s/5s, against specific targets (any Capital Ship, Escort Carrier, Battle Cruiser or Heavy Cruiser), in any sea zone in the Mediterranean that has an allied Naval Base of some sort. As long as the Italian player has at least one submarine or air transport/bomber to “deliver” the frog men.The idea being that the frog men are a hard to train unit, wouldnt be wasted on smaller targets and can only operate in the calmer waters of ports in the Mediterranean.
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by General 6 Stars Dec 3, 2019, 3:31 PM Dec 3, 2019, 3:21 PM
@Imperious-Leader said in Italian Special Rules/Abilities?:
- Frogmen- once per game ( or 3 times per game) the Italian player may make one target attack against any ship rolling 8 or less to hit.
YES - Bersaglieri -up to X of these may be built, in combat they have automatic hits ( they were sharpshooter units)
YES Build 1 a turn. Up to 6 max on map. Cost 3. - Rommel effect- When German and Italian units are in combat and the German player has armored units, they receive a combat bonus of re rolling X misses.
YES I have Rommel in Africa and any 2 German tanks that miss can re roll if they miss for 1st round only.
Ideas here which I have in my game are 6 Italian NA’s. Roll for 2 per game at start.
- Free Battleship : Place in Rome Naval port.
- Black Shirts : All Italian Inf attack +1
- Bravado : All Italian Inf defend +1 in only original Italian territories.
- German influence : Germany can buy 2 German units and place at any Italian factory.
- Puppet : Germany can buy 2 Italian units and place at any Italian factory.
- No Allies : Italy receives 5 Icps if no allies ships in Med.
Just a side note here all countries have event cards and yes 1 of the Italian cards gets to sabotage a allies ship in Med. (Frogmen).
- Frogmen- once per game ( or 3 times per game) the Italian player may make one target attack against any ship rolling 8 or less to hit.
@Dran-Black maybe it could work similar to Slovakian resistance. Britain/France decide whether or not they oppose for similar IPP bonus/penalties. If the Britain/France aren’t at war with a major power, they may send one existing infantry class unit each to Yugoslavia/Greece representing expeditionary forces. If they do and they beat the Italians they get one D12 income increase each. If they intervene and lose, they lose one D6 income each and Italy gains +2 peacetime income. If the allies do not intervene, they gain one D6 income each, and Italy gains a one-time bonus two IPP.
Yeah that seems like a decent trade off. I’d make it that the Allies only choose to intervene after the italian combat move phase is complete.
I think that the Italians should only be able to go after both territories in the same turn though and only if they have annexed Albania on a previous turn. -
@Dran-Black I think that’s a great idea, gives more of a reason to actually annex Albania
@Dran-Black Does Italy get any bonuses if attack by Allies.
I dont believe so. They can only attack after Italy has attacked another nation though.