Hey all. I’m from Minneapolis and I started playing Classic in the late 90s/early 2000s and fell in love with it. I played a ton of that, the old Xeno Games World at War, and some A&A Europe. Quit playing for awhile and picked it up again about 6 years ago when I found Global 40, playing almost weekly ever since. I’ve played tons of that, the Naval Minis, the Global 1942 tournament game and recently I started playing HBG’s Global 36 game (which I love). While I’ve always preferred to play live (It’s the poker player in me), I’m open to playing new opponents online as well. I just haven’t posted on here because I’ve had multiple groups to play with. Always glad to talk shop or play A&A, so feel free to message me.
Best posts made by ArtilleryAficianado
RE: đź‘‹ Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Current)
Latest posts made by ArtilleryAficianado
Two v3 rules questions
Two questions
Is there a limit to how many infantry units you can upgrade to motorized? I assume there isn’t since it’s not stated.
If Russia and Germany sign the pact, can the Germans use the northern sea route to trace a lend-lease supply path? My hunch is they can’t, but I’m still curious
Thanks in advance
RE: Sea Zone spawning and combat in 1936, and, the Dutch problem.
“8.2 During Combat Movement, a player moves all units that are conducting combat”.
Sharing sea zones: “units do not participate in combat until a power makes a new combat move during the combat movement phase”.
Seems to me that units must move to conduct combat, therefore ships can’t move after they’ve conducted combat.
That doesn’t seem broken to me. There’s multiple ways to go. The income japan leaves on the table by not attacking the DEI (8-12/round) presents a significant opportunity cost. It’s certainly not a guarantee that Japan is able to swoop down and grab them at the end if they need to either.
RE: Trying to Help the Devs.
@Sgt-Mclusky As someone who has played A&A games for more than 20 years - and also plays this game - there are 4 big things that need work:
-Transport loading/unloading: The way in which this works in the game is honestly really awful. Not only is the action of doing It very clunky, but checking to see if all the units actually got loaded and unloaded is awkward as well.
-Arrows: arrows pointing to a territory where your units aren’t actually going.
-SBR: how you can tell weather you are doing an SBR or attacking a territory is needlessly difficult.
-Dice: WAY too many wild outlier outcomes. I see three or four 0.5% or lower outcomes in a single game way too often. I rolled 20 dice at 3 yesterday and got zero hits, rolled 12 dice at a 3 and got zero hits, and rolled 3 AA shots and hit 3 1s all in the same game yesterday. Those 3 events should happen in the same game once in 20 lifetimes.The simplest solution to all this is to add an edit function, so changes can somehow be made. It’s a decent game, but #1 and #4 are pretty big issues. Appreciate the post.
RE: đź‘‹ Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Current)
Hey all. I’m from Minneapolis and I started playing Classic in the late 90s/early 2000s and fell in love with it. I played a ton of that, the old Xeno Games World at War, and some A&A Europe. Quit playing for awhile and picked it up again about 6 years ago when I found Global 40, playing almost weekly ever since. I’ve played tons of that, the Naval Minis, the Global 1942 tournament game and recently I started playing HBG’s Global 36 game (which I love). While I’ve always preferred to play live (It’s the poker player in me), I’m open to playing new opponents online as well. I just haven’t posted on here because I’ve had multiple groups to play with. Always glad to talk shop or play A&A, so feel free to message me.
RE: Where is everyone located?
I bounce between Minneapolis and Las Vegas, but I’m stuck in the land of the cold air right now
RE: Controlled Neutrals
So I could sure be wrong, but weather Japan can attack a German-controlled minor power seems like it comes down to this - Is a controlled minor power part of an Alliance?
Germany and Japan are both part of the Axis Alliance weather they are aligned or not. According to table 4-1 (Alliances) the controlled minors of Republican Spain/CCP/Nationalist Spain/KMT are part of their respective Alliances at the start of the game. If the Commonwealth attacks a dutch territory (while they’re neutral), the other dutch territories revert to German control. Since you cannot declare war on a member of your own Alliance (table 4-2), an Attack is a declaration of war, and it seems to be indicated that Controlled minors are part of the Alliance of the controlling Major Power (without being aligned), That says to me that Japan can’t attack a German-controlled Minor, but maybe I’m missing something that contradicts my interpretation there.
France could certainly attack Poland though if they wanted as long as Poland isn’t a British-controlled minor or British-Aligned at that point, therefore making it not part of the Western Allies “Alliance”.
RE: Axis Victories (what's the "magic" trick?)
Yes, in recent games the Germans are taking more Russian territory and thus increasing their income and denying the Russians their income.
I guess that when you fail to take Moscow you go for a long game (14-15 rounds).
Do you attack USSR with Japan? I usually do. The plus side is the russian are getting less, but all too often, it sucks valuable Japanese ground forces needed in China in the early game.I agree with the above post - I’m not sure what the UK is doing if the Italians are running hog wild in the med. It’s never been that hard for me to just neuter them with UK if I put a little effort in.
Also - as has been said - Japan should have Calcutta out of the game by the end of J4. If you’re short a TT, build an air base in Siam or Shan and take ceylon J3 so you can leverage all your material.
Germany should be able to topple moscow or take everything else and just have so much income that it falls eventually as long as you STB the factory.
RE: Looking for players in MN
I live in Maple Grove and i’ve been looking for other players myself. Are there any other local games around here still?
RE: 2020 Master Players List Version 3.0
Greg Swenson
Minneapolis, MNI’ve played A&A 1942, A&A Europe, A&A Europe 1940, A&A Pacific 1940, A&A Global 1940, and Xeno Games WaW among others. I’ve been playing for about 15 years and really enjoy playing all variants of this game. Really enjoy G40 though
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