no scramble.
You can assume the obvious ones.
csaw_1988 allies -vs- dawgoneit axis - csaw_1988 allies wins
18L axis-dominion (+3) wins against Adam514 (allies) bm3
18L axis-dominion (+3) wins against Adam514 (allies) bm3
dice were unfair for him in a few key battles, which really helped Japan when needed most. it’s Adam’s infamous “island curse” at work here :evil:
I’m gonna make a rare exception for you here, since Allweneed would be at master level (but hasn’t played in league in years).
So you get 8 instead of 4
that sounds about right, thank you big G!
really wish it wasn’t so, tho, cuz he would be a great addition to our league if he actually stayed active, even if just one game at a regular pace.
Maybe you should let the Wookie win
I’m gonna make a rare exception for you here, since Allweneed would be at master level (but hasn’t played in league in years).
So you get 8 instead of 4
that sounds about right, thank you big G!
really wish it wasn’t so, tho, cuz he would be a great addition to our league if he actually stayed active, even if just one game at a regular pace.
It is a real shame to me. First he disappears (right after a blunder in a play off game), then he shows up again after 4 years, plays a game at a fast pace and then disappears again as soon as the position got uncomfortable. I don’t get this.
MrCunego (axis) vs Bobbarossa (allies) BM - MrCunego wins
Axis Dominion (Allies) beats Arthur Bomber Harris (Axis+5) BM3:
Karl (Allies) over Ferrousgryphon (Axis +6)
G40 Dawgoneit (Allies +18) vs. StuckTojo (Axis) - StuckTojo (Axis) Wins
Axis-Dominion (Allies) over Simon33 (X+4) BM3
karl over amon
allies over axis
Mallery29 (Axis) v. Dawgoneit (Allies19) - Dawgoneit (Allies19) wins
waited 6 weeks
really wanted to play it out.
would be glad to finish when or if he shows back up.
Adam (axis+3) over axis-dominion in bm3
cyanight (Allies) over simon33 (Axis) BM3
Triple bummer.
Adam (axis) over axis-dominion;topicseen#new
Order is restored :lol:
I didn’t think he’d let you stay above him for long
G40 BM.3 Odonis (Allies) vs VonAlba (Axis)
VonAlba wins
Fortress China strategy fails again!
axis-d over oysteilo (allies)
axis-d over oysteilo (allies)
I think he should take back his Russian move and not resign. I felt allies had very good chances here!