What to do with the India transport

  • '17

    No best plan here of course. If you’re going KJF, then yes, drop 2 infantry on an island.

  • Always Ethiopia , with the Cruiser Bombardment .

  • TripleA

    Only Ethiopia if you placed a bid. It can go awry and you will be sad where as not attacking it has never made me sad.

  • '21 '20 '18 '17

    If you go for the easy money, it dies, and the island usually gets taken by Japan anyways.

    If it stays alive, then you can use it to shuck and project threat the whole game.

    If you add 2 more (from med and one bought in SA) now you have a real invasion force.

  • '18 '17 '16

    I use it to take Persia. I don’t like to take an island because that would give me more money on the Pacific side and that money will go to Japan if he does the Calcutta Crush. It’s not enough money to prevent the Crush so you’re only picking up cash for your opponent.

    If things go well on the Europe side and Germany goes for Russia on turn 2 instead of London, then you can put a factory on Persia turn 2 and hopefully stall the Crush that way or at least be able to take India back. If the Crush never comes then you are sending troops to Egypt and maybe Russia.

  • take sumata-leave  java for az  stack Calcatta  az stage ftr to java or malaya… advance to celebes or fall back to calc -stack calc-az ftr to calc az take dutch new g for no’s…a dow on t2 by brits or az to get NO’s. [america dow t3 one way or the other]

  • I think that keeping your units alive is something that is not mentioned enough. If you can preserve that transport by moving it to the middle east instead of a suicide landing on DEI it can provide value to you throughout the game whether in the med or if you build a factory somewhere it can help move those units around faster.

  • @KGrimB:

    I think that keeping your units alive is something that is not mentioned enough.

    Fair point!

  • '19 '17 '16



    I think that keeping your units alive is something that is not mentioned enough. If you can preserve that transport by moving it to the middle east instead of a suicide landing on DEI it can provide value to you throughout the game whether in the med or if you build a factory somewhere it can help move those units around faster.

    Then again if japan does not attack J2 you will have more income ( and it actualy payed itself back in 2 turns )
    Japan might not be in a position to attack ( or not willing to attack ).

    Putting units somewhere where they get killed sounds stupid but if it forces actions by the opponent or if you trade units for time as the allies your doing well.

    I think you have to assume that Japan will DOW J2 if they didn’t J1, barring some really non conventional play like Crussia, G1 DOW or whatever. If they don’t J2 DOW, you should rejoice as Allies because that is not normally a very strong move, and positioning for weak axis play is poor play for the allies.

  • '19 '17 '16

    Quite. It’s a red herring though that Japan might not J2. You have to assume that they will.

    My current J1 move has the 3rd TT in range of Borneo. Given that you can’t get the NO for the DEI J2 without a J1 DOW, I like hitting Malaya J2 if I can. A lot of players like to use a UK DD to block SZ37 which means you can’t get on Sumatra anyway. That way you also block the Anzac NO.

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    Usually hit Ethiopia.

    If not hitting Tobruk, I might take the artillery from India to activate Persia, walk the man from West India into East Persia and move the empty transport from Egypt fleet next to Persia.  Next turn there are 2 loaded transports ready to reinforce Egypt or India or attack Africa.

  • Traditionally, I just start converting Dutch island but because I have been playing against a Japanese player who tends to move his fleet south. I will take the transport and knock out Italy.

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