However, it is remarkable that in the key real life landings (Husky, Overlord, Guadalcanal etc.) that subs played a minor part at best in attacking/deterring the transports.
Nope, not even remotely remarkable. Massive invasion fleets have the most massively protected transports in a very confined space, with massive amounts of destroyers, asw, air flotillas all in a confined space, and usually in shallow(er) waters… NONE of these factors are things that subs would consider a suitable target… massively protected in a small space in shallow water? Nope, not something subs usually go for. Aside from very rare, super-daring missions, this isn’t typical sub warfare. If you find that remarkable, shrugs from me.
What IS remarkable is convoys of troops and tanks, in unescorted missions, sailing in the open waters of the Atlantic, crossing from America to Britain or Africa, completely alone, could be sailing right over 10 subs for all you know, and have ZERO CHANCE of any interception, delays, or losses.
I stand by the fact that subs going after unescorted convoys of transports crossing the Atlantic is EXACTLY what they excel at beyond a doubt, and EXACTLY what the rules in A&A make completely pointless. If you think massive invasion fleets not being interfered with by subs is remarkable while unescorted transports on the open Atlantic shipping lanes going unchallenged isn’t a bigger thing, I don’t know what to tell you.
The rules in A&A about subs is pretty crazy… I think unescorted transports should be interceptable as a minimum, while perhaps the rule stands as-is if escorted by warships?