Okay that makes sense. AC with 2 fighters is the best defence in the game I think so I can see why they are very valuable. i know this is quite a generalized question but what you guys have explained seems to clear things up in what to buy and when to buy if that makes sense. I will definitely use points you guys have used to apply in my first game; which i plan to hopefully provide a possible game summary of my turns and thoughts of each country I am playing :lol: thanks again!
Latest posts made by Acidlemon
RE: Fleet Sizes
Fleet Sizes
I still have yet to play my first game of 1940 global edition so I apologize if I come off a bit noobish to this version of a&a. I’ve played 1942 almost 5 complete times and have looked over all the rules for the 1940 version so im set when it comes for the game rules :-D
Anyways naval combat has always seemed really interesting to me but my question is what a decent or strong navy would consist of. It’s a very broad question but im more wondering things like what units to buy if you’re a minor power compared to a major power. What units to build towards first ie. For the US, build battleships and aircraft carriers with air units or start smaller with an abundance of destroyers and subs. How do you perceive the strength of another hostile navy? It seems general and simple or even obvious when you see a handful of capital ships and even more lesser naval units, like japans starting navy, compared to say Italy’s mini starting naval fleet in sz 97. This is more for me to have a basis to use for future a&a games to gain experience and not overkill on my navy; EX. With the U.S. buying 3 AC’s with full air units and 3 battleships along with a healthy amount of screens against a shrimpish german navy of maybe 2 capital ships and some destroyers. That’s an extreme example but I’ve easily surpassed germany and even Japan’s navy’s in the past while playing the UK in 1942 and it makes the game drag on much longer with me then having to buy transports and land units.
Now when it comes to using and maneuvering the vessels, I feel that that is an entirely different concept and art in and of itself so Id rather not make this thread bigger and more generalized. Thanks in advance!
RE: Transports and other friendly power's units
Ahhh okay thanks guys! Just clearing the air a bit due to my last game with a KGF. We were all a little unfamiliar about how that worked with transports and such so we went along with modified rules everyone thought was fair and afterwards we’d ask this forum for clarification. Thanks again!
Transports and other friendly power's units
Hey guys! I was wondering how loading friendly units on a transport works for attacking and loading and off loading. Furthermore, when do you Attack and load units? For example if the US has transports next to the UK, do you load uk units onto the US transports during the britain player’s turn or the US’s? And same goes for amphibious assaults; if say UK tranports hold US troops, do those troops Attack during the British turn or US turn? How does this affect off shore bombardment too?
RE: Is Artillery Worth It?
Thanks for the replys! Yeah, now I can see why artillary are very good units to add to large amount of infantry or even about 3-5 infantry to get a huge bonus with 1 or 2 artillary. I’ve played one game since I posted this thread and I was russia. I threw 2 or 3 artillary in here and there every second turn to help with pushing into average defended german territories (about 2-5 infantry with 3-5 tanks), when I could afford it, with mass infantry and it did help quite a bit. We were going for a KGF in a 5 man game which didn’t end because of the time and it was pretty close all across the board. Definitely something to consider buffing your offensive units. Thanks again! :lol:
Is Artillery Worth It?
Hey guys!
Ive been recently playing a&a 1942 SE and have wondered if artillery are really worth buying. They are spread out quite plentifully during the initial setup but don’t seem to be a choice of any players to buy. Yes they seem to help out with allowing better hits for infantry on the offensive and provide some alibi wounds on the defense, but besides that at 4 points a pop why not just buy an infantry? They could be a diamond in the rough unit for all i know but im curious to see how you guys use and think about them. Thanks! :-D -
Noob questions
Hey there just wondering about some things you can do in A and A (obviously). Firstly can you load troops into a transport and make an amphibious Attack on the same turn? Or just with tanks because it says in the rules that if a unit loads onto a transport that it uses all of its movement to do so. Also can planes capture territories provided they still move back to a carrier or previously conquered land owned? And also, can tanks and infantry move again in the non combat move if they moved in the combat stage like aircraft? Anyway help would be much appreciated.
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