• Global 1940 House Rules:

    Neutral Italy: Italy is neutral until the start of her first turn.

    Tanks in Global 1940: These start at 3-2-2-6 units, Technology development will get you better tanks.

    Commando/ Paratrooper/ Marine: These are elite infantry units that attack at 3 in the first round, and 2 all other rounds. They defend at 2 and move at 1. And cost 5 IPC. When used as a Paratrooper in combat, they must start with a Transport plane and be dropped to a range of 4 spaces.

    Heavy Tanks: These are 4-4-1-9 units. During combat, they roll first and loses are taken before the defender has any chance to counterattack.These are new units featured in the technology chart.

    Self-Propelled Artillery: 3-3-2-8 If they roll a one during combat they can choose the land unit that is hit.These are new units featured in the technology chart.

    Partisans: Once the enemy controls one of your originally controlled victory cities, you can place a Partisan marker in that territory (limit one attack per turn). They roll a D6 and cause 1-3 IPC worth of damage. Rolls of 4-6 have no effect. Use markers to indicate these units.

    Volkstrum: The German player may recruit these 1-1-1-2 infantry units every turn once they lose an originally controlled Victory City. The quantity of these is limited to the current count of originally controlled victory cities. One Volkstrum unit is placed on each controlled home victory city during the placement phase. Use markers to indicate these units.

    Panzer Grenadiers: The German player may have on the board up to five of these 2-2-2-4 units at the same time. They can be combined with artillery for the combat bonus.

    Conscripts: The Soviet player may recruit these 1-1-1-2 infantry units every turn once they lose an originally controlled Victory City. The quantity of these is limited to the current count of originally controlled victory cities. One Conscript unit is placed on each controlled home victory city during the placement phase. Use markers to indicate these units.

    Special Army Groups:
    Each major nation may form a number of elite armies composing of two of the following types of units:
    Mechanized Infantry
    Self- Propelled Artillery (with Technology)
    Heavy Tanks (with technology)

    Germany can form a total of six Waffen SS representing high echelon Panzerkorps.
    (Not more than 3 on the board at the same time).

    Italy can have one elite army (DAK- Africa Korps)

    Japan can have one elite army (Kwangtung Army)

    Soviet Union can form a total of six Shock Armies representing high echelon units.
    (Not more than 3 on the board at the same time).

    British can have one elite army (8th Army)

    Americans can have one elite army (3rd Army)

    With each group of units, they fire first in all combat rounds (as either attacker or defender) and loses are removed before enemy units have an opportunity to fire. All nations start with one of these on turn 3 and can designate one new elite unit each turn. If these units are destroyed in combat they may not be brought back. Up to six German and Soviet army groups of these types may be formed in total during the entire game and if they face each other in combat, German, Soviet, Italian, American, Japanese, and finally British, groups fire in this order. Tokens will be used to delineate these units.

    Heavy Artillery: These are 3-2-1-5 units. During combat, they roll first and loses are taken before the defender has any chance to counterattack. These are new units featured in the technology chart.

    Light/Escort Carriers: These are 0-1-2-8 units that carry one fighter or tactical bomber and take one hit.

    Battlecruiser: These are 4-4-3-15 units that always move 3 spaces whether they came from a naval port or not. They Shore Bombard at 4 and take only one hit.

    Transport Plane: These move 4 spaces in combat or 6 spaces in non-combat movement. They can carry up to two infantry class units that start from the same space. They defend at 0 and cost 10 IPC and like transports cannot be used as a combat loss unless they are the last unit. If destroyed their cargo is also lost.
    Rail lines: These costs 3 IPC each and provide a land movement bonus along a continuous chain of built Rail lines. The limit of this movement is the starting IPC value of the territory they began movement from. The chain of build rail lines can be broken by a Tactical or strategic Bomber performing a SBR against the rail.

    Spy: during Research and development phase, a player may purchase them for 12 IPC each. They can only develop Technology from enemy nations that they themselves have developed. On a roll of 4-6 results in successful development of that weapon. Only one spy can be used at a time and is removed from play if successful.

    Tankograd: The Soviets have a special factory that may produce one tank per turn at a reduced rate of 5 IPC. This Tank is placed in Samara and if captured ignore this rule.

    Archangel Rule: The Soviets have a special aid that allows the building of one mechanized infantry or artillery at a reduced cost of -1, and this is placed in Archangel. If Archangel is enemy occupied, ignore this rule.

    Generals: Each major nation can have one General to aid in one combat situation. The first round gets +1 for all land or sea units in one battle per round. The General may also be used in aiding the defense again for that first combat round. Procedure: The unit is placed in the battle during your turn and then moved in an area you expect an attack to be made until its your next turn.

    Fortifications: Each player may build these units at 12IPC each and place them freely in any controlled territory. They attack at two rolls of 3 or less and must be manned by any land unit to work. They take up to three hits (mark hits with chips). The 4th hit wrecks the Fort. If they are not wrecked, they may repair automatically if not under attack at the start of the turn.
    Revised Tech Tree:

    Procedure: Same as Global 1940 except you assign your researcher to one of the following FOUR categories: Land, Sea, Air and Production. You can only assign up to one researcher per category at a time and no more than two different categories.
    Research & Development Sequence:

    1. Buy researcher tokens
    2. Roll research dice
    3. Roll breakthrough die
    4. Mark development

    Step 1: Buy Researcher Tokens
    Each researcher token costs 5 IPCs.
    Step 2: Roll Research Dice

    For each researcher, you have, roll one die.

    -Success: If you roll at least one “6”, you have successfully made a technological breakthrough.  Discard all your researcher tokens and continue to step 3.

    -Failure: If you do not roll a “6”, your research has failed.  Keep your researcher token and continue to the Purchase Units phase of the turn. On each subsequent turn the success becomes easier and is reduced by one each turn: 6, 5,4,3,2, and eventually it is automatic.
    Step 3: Roll Breakthrough Die
    If you succeed on any research die, you choose any technology within the 1st tier. Additional technology research applied to the same tech category can go to a higher technology as long as you got at least one tech. For example: If you want a technology that is 3rd tier in land technology, you must have at least one 1st tier and one 2nd tier tech in that same category.

    Step 4: Mark Development
    If your research was successful, place one of your national control markers inside the appropriate advancement box on the research & development chart.  Your development becomes effective immediately. Any number of powers may develop the same technology, but powers cannot share their technology.

    Land Technology:

    Tier #1:
      Mobile Warfare Doctrine- Infantry matched with a Tank or Self Propelled Artillery attack at 2 at a 1:1 basis.
      Logistical efficiency- Total up your adjusted placement capabilities of all your factories. This total is the value in land units (in IPC) that may be transferred to any other contiguously connected land territories traced to your home factory. Example: German player can place 13 units, so 3 infantry and 1 Artillery totally in 13 IPC can be transferred to any controlled territory as long as it can trace an unbroken line back to Germany.

    Tier #2:
      Self-Propelled Artillery- You may now build these units.
      Medium Tanks (These are standard 3-3-2-6 OOB units)

    Tier #3:
      Heavy Tanks- You may now build these as 4-4-1-9 armor units.
      Prepared Defenses- Artillery rolls first for the defense. If they roll a one, one attacking unit is removed from play and does not fire back. If they roll a two, the hit is allocated in the normal fashion.

    Sea Technology:

    Tier #1:
      Naval ASW- Cruisers are now ASW units and have the same rules as destroyers with regard to submarine interactions. Both negate at 1:1 basis.
      AA Cruisers: If your Cruisers roll a one on defense, an attacking plane can be selected as a loss.

    Tier #2:
      Sonar- Destroyers now have a first strike against subs if subs are present.
      Super Battleships- your existing battleships attack and defend at 5 and they always fire preemptively in combat each turn (loses removed before they fire back) for either attack or defense.

    Tier #3:
      Improved Carriers- Carriers now have a 3-fighter capacity. Damaged carriers can still defend with planes, but cannot launch attacks on naval units until repaired.
      Super Subs- Your subs now defend at 2 and attack at 3.

    Air Technology:

    Tier #1:
      Radar- any fighters you have defending and not under attack can assist adjacent territories prior to the start of combat rolls. They act immediately in these battles.
      Naval Radar- At the start of naval combat the defending player who has this technology can attempt to avoid combat and move into an adjacent space. Roll a 1-2= success (your defending ships retreat and no combat occurs), 3-6= failure (combat continues normally).

    Tier #2:
      Long Rang Aircraft- Aircraft now moves 2 extra spaces.
      Air ASW- Aircraft can now attack submarines without the need for a Destroyer (or Cruiser with naval ASW technology).

    Tier #3:
      Jet Fighters- The attack value of your fighters is now 4 and the defense is 5.
      Tactical Bombing guidance system- On the first round all Tactical Bombers rolling a one can select defending units hit. Further combats are handled normally.

    Tier #4:
      Heavy Bombers- roll two dice = pick the best result and apply to SBR. Also, Bombers also now attack at 5 or less and defend at 2 or less.
      Rockets- These are placed in any controlled area even if you do not have a factory. They may fire into any enemy area getting a roll of 3 or less or causing IPC damage to a factory equal to a D6. Each Rocket unit costs 6 IPC.

    Tier #5:
      Atomic Bomb- Each Atomic Bombs costs 10 IPC and only one can be made each turn. When dropped no AA roll is made. Effects: 3 dice of variable damage and one die of permanent damage. The first turn this can be developed is turn 7. Prerequisite: Heavy Bombers technology.

    Production Technology:

    Tier #1:
      War Bonds- add one D6 to IPC totals each turn.
      Rosie the Riveter- Every two non-infantry land units bought gets you a -1 IPC discount in cost.

    Tier #2:
      Underground factories- SBR hits count at 1/2 value rounded down.
      Research Talent Pool- Future research costs are now reduced to 3 IPC each.

    Tier #3:
      Shipyards- subs, transports, destroyers cost one less IPC, all other ships cost two less IPC.
      Total War- The first land or air unit built (by type) costs -1

    Procedure: allocate researcher to develop a tier #1 technology in any of three categories. Once you have developed a technology you can choose one of the two choices. If you elect to develop further research in the same category and succeed, you may then either elect to choose a Tier #2 technology or pick something from a LOWER tier technology.
    Eventually, you can get to a tier #3 technology and chose any lower tech.

  • Sponsor

    Excellent post IL, very well organized and easy to understand. Here’s my idea for Generals more or less….


  • '17

    Self Propelled Art:

    Do the self-propelled artillery “bump” up a regular infantry’s attack to @2?

    I like that the idea if they roll a 1 the attacker gets to select the land unit hit.

    I wonder if in your games that if people still end up purchasing cheaper tanks to save the $2.

    Victory Conditions:  Are your Victory Conditions, OOB?

  • '19 '18 '17 '16

    Like how you laid out the details of ideas I have read about or used before and a couple of new ones for me (special army groups is one).

    Would the light/escort carries movement stay at 2 or bumped up to 3 like battlecruiser? I assume movement is the number missing on your detail.

    Also, I think the cost of self-propelled artillery might be a little high.  Just a thought.

  • '18 '17 '16

    You have some good ideas there, IL.

    I like how you made the Partisans for Victory Cities instead of just Capital Cities like my rule. Does that mean that China gets to roll for Shanghai?

    I think that your SP Artillery is too strong on defence. I would be surprised if their armour is as effective as a tank. I’ve been kicking around my own ideas for Self-Propelled Artillery lately as I continue to acquire the necessary sculpts (only need Italy now). I was thinking of going 2-2-2-5. They would work just like the regular Artillery except they move 2 spaces and cost 1 IPC more. I’m trying to decide wether or not to add the ability to blitz one to one with a Mech Infantry. What do you think?

    Your Spy is a good idea too. Have you changed the way Technology is developed to begin with? If not then your spy will get little or no use. Developing Tech would be even less attractive if it were cheaper just to steal someone else’s instead of inventing your own. Check out my R&D video that might give you some ideas on how to add more Tech into the game.

  • '17


    You have some good ideas there, IL.

    I think that your SP Artillery is too strong on defence. I would be surprised if their armour is as effective as a tank. I’ve been kicking around my own ideas for Self-Propelled Artillery lately as I continue to acquire the necessary sculpts (only need Italy now). I was thinking of going 2-2-2-5. They would work just like the regular Artillery except they move 2 spaces and cost 1 IPC more. I’m trying to decide wether or not to add the ability to blitz one to one with a Mech Infantry. What do you think?

    It’s all relative. IL’s SP Artillery costs 8, so maybe it’s still fair. However, GHG, I agree with your numbers.

    I bought SP Artillery from historicalboardgaming.com to add that as a possible unit. I agree with 2-2-2-5. Same thing I came up with and it fills the 5 IPC spot if all other units are still OOB costs ect. However, I would debate against a blitz when paired with a mech infantry ability. I think paying for a 6 IPC tank (minimum) is required for that blitz ability for gameism concept. Also, in real life, a mech infantry squad would fight dismounted (minus a driver, gunner, and vehicle commander). Or at least that’s how it is in the US Army today and for several decades prior. The tank permitting the “blitz” simulates punching a hole in the enemy lines so infantry can flood through and or a tank continuing it’s drive behind enemy lines.

    Also the idea of SP Artillery too me is more correct for this game than the HBG idea of permitting mech infantry to “pull” 1 artillery forward during non-com. I’ve never liked that before for different reasons and personally am only ok with that if it’s a “tech” for improved mechanized infantry…something to that effect. I mainly don’t like mech pulling artillery because the artillery unit represents more than just the artillery gun equipment. It represents an entire unit that would have had it’s own organic vehicles to pull the artillery while the Soldiers walked (or in the case for a country not as modern as the US like Germany, they would have had horses for that).  And even still, if the mech vehicles are pulling artillery equipment, where are the artillery men riding? The seats are already filled by mech infantry.

    Side Note:  During WW2, most of Germany’s artillery was pulled by horses. Many German infantry divisions had a company of veterinary Soldiers since for a very long time horses in great numbers were required.

  • Self Propelled Art:

    Do the self-propelled artillery “bump” up a regular infantry’s attack to @2?

    I like that the idea if they roll a 1 the attacker gets to select the land unit hit.

    I wonder if in your games that if people still end up purchasing cheaper tanks to save the $2.

    Victory Conditions: � Are your Victory Conditions, OOB?

    These are armor class units, so they dont bump infantry.

    However, im adding alot more ideas in the coming days. For example, the tech tree will have what i call Mobile warfare Doctrine, which by development allows tanks including SPA to boost artillery 1:1

    The Victory conditions remain the same. I am going to make a new map that’s original and global, which will sort of be a Global 1939 2.0 ( note this is not HBG Global 1939, but my original variant that i posted right before AAP40 1st edition came out, which is something between AA50 and Global 1940 so it takes less time to play than global.

    OK the cheaper tanks comment…  Remember the SPA can target units.

    I like how you made the Partisans for Victory Cities instead of just Capital Cities like my rule. Does that mean that China gets to roll for Shanghai?


    I think that your SP Artillery is too strong on defense. I would be surprised if their armor is as effective as a tank. I’ve been kicking around my own ideas for Self-Propelled Artillery lately as I continue to acquire the necessary sculpts (only need Italy now). I was thinking of going 2-2-2-5. They would work just like the regular Artillery except they move 2 spaces and cost 1 IPC more. I’m trying to decide whether or not to add the ability to blitz one to one with a Mech Infantry. What do you think?

    I rate SPA the same or better as the average tank. The guns were bigger so they can pierce armor and themselves had greater armor protection. However, they were slower on average ( heavier due to plating and larger gun) Im inclined to look at the move at 1, but keep in mind they wont be able to chase tanks too well. Some of my ideas were modification of your videos which i find very interesting and got my creative ideas going. Thanks for your videos and everyone should watch them on the big screen.

    Like how you laid out the details of ideas I have read about or used before and a couple of new ones for me (special army groups is one).

    Would the light/escort carries movement stay at 2 or bumped up to 3 like battlecruiser? I assume movement is the number missing on your detail.

    Also, I think the cost of self-propelled artillery might be a little high.  Just a thought.

    The special army groups is really fun. Gives alot of flavor. I gave the Germans and Soviets more of them and the western allies less because i have to balance the aggregate totals so the allies don’t have more of them.

    The movement of escort carriers should be three, your correct. But i need to increase cost. Escort carriers were really fast and could flee the battle. hmm…

  • '18 '17 '16

    Good point on the Mech Ichabod. I was waffling over that ability because of the logistics of it but you put it into perspective for me.

    I’ve always thought that Artillery should have a first strike capability too but I think that it would mess with the mechanics of the game too much if you could wipe out the enemy without any return fire so I haven’t added that either. It’s already a great game and I don’t want to change the nature of it by changing the mechanics even though there’s a lot to be said for the HBG Global War style mechanics. They are 2 different games with separate mechanics and mixing them creates a different game than Global 40.

  • '18 '17 '16

    Thank you for your comments IL. I’ll be making a few more videos over the next 2 weeks as I will be taking next week off from work. I’m not going anywhere so I have lots of time to create content.

  • '17


    These are armor class units, so they dont bump infantry.

    However, im adding alot more ideas in the coming days. For example, the tech tree will have what i call Mobile warfare Doctrine, which by development allows tanks including SPA to boost artillery 1:1

    The Victory conditions remain the same. I am going to make a new map that’s original and global, which will sort of be a Global 1939 2.0 ( note this is not HBG Global 1939, but my original variant that i posted right before AAP40 1st edition came out, which is something between AA50 and Global 1940 so it takes less time to play than global.

    OK the cheaper tanks comment… � Remember the SPA can target units.


    This is all for fun discussion anyways, right…so I hope I’m not bother you?

    Regarding the discussion on SP Artillery, keep in mind that a lot of the fully 100% contained “armored” SP artillery vehicles/gun pieces were not in service until the middle to late war period. And still, even at the end of the war, a lot of the SP Artillery still had open top platforms. The M7 Priest sounds like the US model for fully armored (not open top) artillery you’re gearing this towards? Also, a lot of anti-tank rounds are usually solid shot and not High Explosive like a standard artillery round. Think about the M1 Abrams sabot round; meaning direct fire vs. indirect fire.


    Even today, the M1096 “Paladin” is treated as traditional artillery and is very likely to not engage targets in any way other than in-direct fire. Practicing direct fire engagement is not even permitted since the round could ricochet out of the range impact zone and is less controlled.

    What’s my point, perhaps instead of treating the SP Artillery as an armored class, why not “rename” it to be “Tank Destroyer?” They’re different units, but maybe it still serves the purposes of what you’re going for?

  • @Imperious:

    Self Propelled Art:

    Do the self-propelled artillery “bump” up a regular infantry’s attack to @2?

    I like that the idea if they roll a 1 the attacker gets to select the land unit hit.

    I wonder if in your games that if people still end up purchasing cheaper tanks to save the $2.

    Victory Conditions: � Are your Victory Conditions, OOB?

    These are armor class units, so they dont bump infantry.

    However, im adding alot more ideas in the coming days. For example, the tech tree will have what i call Mobile warfare Doctrine, which by development allows tanks including SPA to boost artillery 1:1

    The Victory conditions remain the same. I am going to make a new map that’s original and global, which will sort of be a Global 1939 2.0 ( note this is not HBG Global 1939, but my original variant that i posted right before AAP40 1st edition came out, which is something between AA50 and Global 1940 so it takes less time to play than global.

    Was this the 39 map that was available some years back ? I do have that 39 map and printed. How close is your new map going to be from your old 39 map ?

  • Regarding the discussion on SP Artillery, keep in mind that a lot of the fully 100% contained “armored” SP artillery vehicles/gun pieces were not in service until the middle to late war period. And still, even at the end of the war, a lot of the SP Artillery still had open top platforms. The M7 Priest sounds like the US model for fully armored (not open top) artillery you’re gearing this towards? Also, a lot of anti-tank rounds are usually solid shot and not High Explosive like a standard artillery round. Think about the M1 Abrams sabot round; meaning direct fire vs. indirect fire.

    Correct. On the Tech chart this will be featured, the info is always in flux. Heavy Tanks and SPA will be developed weapons. Even tanks will form 3 types: Early ( you start with these) Middle ( standard tank) late ( heavy tank). I posted the ideas or attributes on the spa, but they come with conditions for development. Im looking at Tiered approach to tech developments.

    Was this the 39 map that was available some years back ? I do have that 39 map and printed. How close is your new map going to be from your old 39 map ?

    Yes like that, but with a more advanced look. My problem was the rules were written so i can understand and not very clear. That module was really balanced to a fault. We playtested it like a dozen times and always found it really good. The problem was it didn’t have any NO’s and at that time i didn’t want them because i wanted something basic or different.

  • 1940Global 1940 House Rules:
    Tanks in Global 1940: These start at 3-2-2-6 units, Technology development will get you better tanks.
    Commando/ Paratrooper/ Marine: These are elite infantry units that attack at 3 in the first round, and 2 all other rounds. They defend at 2 and move at 1. And cost 5 IPC. When used as a Paratrooper in combat, they must start with a Transport plane and be dropped to a range of 4 spaces.
    Heavy Tanks: These are 4-4-1-9 units. During combat, they roll first and loses are taken before the defender has any chance to counterattack. These are new units featured in the technology chart.
    Self-Propelled Artillery: 3-3-2-8 If they roll a one during combat they can choose the land unit that is hit. These are new units featured in the technology chart.
    Partisans: Once the enemy controls one of your originally controlled victory cities, you can place a Partisan marker in that territory (limit one attack per turn). They roll a D6 and cause 1-3 IPC worth of damage. Rolls of 4-6 have no effect. Use markers to indicate these units.
    Volkstrum: The German player may recruit these 1-1-1-2 infantry units every turn once they lose an originally controlled Victory City. The quantity of these is limited to the current count of originally controlled victory cities. One Volkstrum unit is placed on each controlled home victory city during the placement phase. Use markers to indicate these units.
    Panzer Grenadiers: The German player may have on the board up to five of these 2-2-2-4 units at the same time. They can be combined with artillery for the combat bonus.
    Conscripts: The Soviet player may recruit these 1-1-1-2 infantry units every turn once they lose an originally controlled Victory City. The quantity of these is limited to the current count of originally controlled victory cities. One Conscript unit is placed on each controlled home victory city during the placement phase. Use markers to indicate these units.
    Special Army Groups:
    Each major nation may form a number of ‘elite’ armies composing of two of the following types of units:
    Mechanized Infantry
    Self- Propelled Artillery (with Technology)
    Heavy Tanks (with technology)
    Germany can form a total of six Waffen SS representing high echelon Panzerkorps.
    (Not more than 3 on the board at the same time).
    Italy can have one elite army (DAK- “Africa Korps”)
    Japan can have one elite army (Kwangtung Army)
    Soviet Union can form a total of six Shock Armies representing high echelon units.
    (Not more than 3 on the board at the same time).
    British can have one elite army (8th Army)
    Americans can have one elite army (3rd Army)
    With each group of units, they fire first in all combat rounds (as either attacker or defender) and loses are removed before enemy units have an opportunity to fire. All nations start with one of these on turn 3 and can designate one new elite unit each turn. If these units are destroyed in combat they may not be brought back. Up to six German and Soviet army groups of these types may be formed in total during the entire game and if they face each other in combat, German, Soviet, Italian, American, Japanese, and finally British, groups fire in this order. Tokens will be used to delineate these units.
    Heavy Artillery: These are 3-2-1-5 units. During combat, they roll first and loses are taken before the defender has any chance to counterattack. These are new units featured in the technology chart.
    Light/Escort Carriers: These are 0-1-8 units that carry one fighter or tactical bomber and take one hit.
    Battlecruiser: These are 4-4-3-15 units that always move 3 spaces whether they came from a naval port or not. They Shore Bombard at 4 and take only one hit.
    Transport Plane: These move 4 spaces in combat or 6 spaces in non-combat movement. They can carry up to two infantry class units that start from the same space. They defend at 0 and cost 10 IPC and like transports cannot be used as a combat loss unless they are the last unit. If destroyed their cargo is also lost.
    Rail lines: These costs 3 IPC each and provide a land movement bonus along a continuous chain of built Rail lines. The limit of this movement is the starting IPC value of the territory they began movement from. The ‘chain’ of build rail lines can be broken by a Tactical or strategic Bomber performing a SBR against the rail.
    Spy: during Research and development phase, a player may purchase them for 12 IPC each. They can only develop Technology from enemy nations that they themselves have developed. On a roll of 4-6 results in successful development of that weapon. Only one spy can be used at a time and is removed from play if successful.
    Tankograd: The Soviets have a special factory that may produce one tank per turn at a reduced rate of 5 IPC. This Tank is placed in Samara and if captured ignore this rule.
    Archangel Rule: The Soviets have a special aid that allows the building of one mechanized infantry or artillery at a reduced cost of -1, and this is placed in Archangel. If Archangel is enemy occupied, ignore this rule.
    Generals: Each major nation can have one General to aid in one combat situation. The first round gets +1 for all land or sea units in one battle per round. The General may also be used in aiding the defense again for that first combat round. Procedure: The unit is placed in the battle during your turn and then moved in an area you expect an attack to be made until it’s your next turn.
    Fortifications: Each player may build these units at 12IPC each and place them freely in any controlled territory. They attack at two rolls of 3 or less and must be manned by any land unit to work. They take up to three hits (mark hits with chips). The 4th hit wrecks the Fort. If they are not wrecked, they may repair automatically if not under attack at the start of the turn.
    Revised Tech Tree:
    Procedure: Same as Global 1940 except you assign your researcher to one of the following FOUR categories: Land, Sea, Air and Production. You can only assign up to one researcher per category at a time and no more than two different categories.
    Research & Development Sequence:
    1. Buy researcher tokens
    2. Roll research dice
    3. Roll breakthrough die
    4. Mark development
    Step 1: Buy Researcher Tokens
    Each researcher token costs 5 IPC’s.
    Step 2: Roll Research Dice
    For each researcher, you have, roll one die.
    -Success: If you roll at least one “6”, you have successfully made a technological breakthrough.  Discard all your researcher tokens and continue to step 3.

    -Failure: If you do not roll a “6”, your research has failed.  Keep your researcher token and continue to the Purchase Units phase of the turn. On each subsequent turn the success becomes easier and is reduced by one each turn: 6, 5,4,3,2, and eventually it is automatic.
    Step 3: Roll Breakthrough Die
    If you succeed on any research die, you choose any technology within the 1st tier. Additional technology research applied to the same tech category can go to a higher technology as long as you got at least one tech. For example: If you want a technology that is 3rd tier in land technology, you must have at least one 1st tier and one 2nd tier tech in that same category.
    Step 4: Mark Development
    If your research was successful, place one of your national control markers inside the appropriate advancement box on the research & development chart.  Your development becomes effective immediately. Any number of powers may develop the same technology, but powers cannot share their technology.
    Land Technology:
    Tier #1:
    • Mobile Warfare Doctrine- Infantry matched with a Tank or Self Propelled Artillery attack at 2 at a 1:1 basis.
    • Logistical efficiency- Total up your adjusted placement capabilities of all your factories. This total is the value in land units (in IPC) that may be transferred to any other contiguously connected land territories traced to your home factory. Example: German player can place 13 units, so 3 infantry and 1 Artillery totally in 13 IPC can be transferred to any controlled territory as long as it can trace an unbroken line back to Germany.
    Tier #2:
    • Self-Propelled Artillery- You may now build these units.
    • Medium Tanks (These are standard 3-3-2-6 OOB units)
    Tier #3:
    • Heavy Tanks- You may now build these as 4-4-1-9 armor units.
    • Prepared Defenses- Artillery rolls first for the defense. If they roll a one, one attacking unit is removed from play and does not fire back. If they roll a two, the hit is allocated in the normal fashion.

    Sea Technology:
    Tier #1:
    • Naval ASW- Cruisers are now ASW units and have the same rules as destroyers with regard to submarine interactions. Both negate at 1:1 basis.
    • AA Cruisers: If your Cruisers roll a one on defense, an attacking plane can be selected as a loss.
    Tier #2:
    • Sonar- Destroyers now have a first strike against subs if subs are present.
    • Super Battleships- your existing battleships attack and defend at 5 and they always fire preemptively in combat each turn (loses removed before they fire back) for either attack or defense.
    Tier #3:
    • Improved Carriers- Carriers now have a 3-fighter capacity. Damaged carriers can still defend with planes, but cannot launch attacks on naval units until repaired.
    • Super Subs- Your subs now defend at 2 and attack at 3.

    Air Technology:
    Tier #1:
    • Radar- any fighters you have defending and not under attack can assist adjacent territories prior to the start of combat rolls. They act immediately in these battles.
    • Naval Radar- At the start of naval combat the defending player who has this technology can attempt to avoid combat and move into an adjacent space. Roll a 1-2= success (your defending ships retreat and no combat occurs), 3-6= failure (combat continues normally).
    Tier #2:
    • Long Rang Aircraft- Aircraft now moves 2 extra spaces.
    • Air ASW- Aircraft can now attack submarines without the need for a Destroyer (or Cruiser with naval ASW technology).
    Tier #3:
    • Jet Fighters- The attack value of your fighters is now 4 and the defense is 5.
    • Tactical Bombing guidance system- On the first round all Tactical Bombers rolling a one can select defending units hit. Further combats are handled normally.
    Tier #4:
    • Heavy Bombers- roll two dice = pick the best result and apply to SBR. Also, Bombers also now attack at 5 or less and defend at 2 or less.
    • Rockets- These are placed in any controlled area even if you do not have a factory. They may fire into any enemy area getting a roll of 3 or less or causing IPC damage to a factory equal to a D6. Each Rocket unit costs 6 IPC.
    Tier #5:
    • Atomic Bomb- Each Atomic Bombs costs 10 IPC and only one can be made each turn. When dropped no AA roll is made. Effects: 3 dice of variable damage and one die of permanent damage. The first turn this can be developed is turn 7. Prerequisite: Heavy Bombers technology.

    Production Technology:
    Tier #1:
    • War Bonds- add one D6 to IPC totals each turn.
    • Rosie the Riveter- Every two non-infantry land units bought gets you a -1 IPC discount in cost.
    Tier #2:
    • Underground factories- SBR hits count at ½ value rounded down.
    • Research Talent Pool- Future research costs are now reduced to 3 IPC each.

    Tier #3:
    • Shipyards- subs, transports, destroyers cost one less IPC, all other ships cost two less IPC.
    • Total War- The first land or air unit built (by type) costs -1

    Procedure: allocate researcher to develop a tier #1 technology in any of three categories. Once you have developed a technology you can choose one of the two choices. If you elect to develop further research in the same category and succeed, you may then either elect to choose a Tier #2 technology or pick something from a LOWER tier technology.
    Eventually, you can get to a tier #3 technology and chose any lower tech.

  • Customizer


    To counter Soviet conscripts, the Germans may recruit 1112 anti-Soviet infantry units in occupied Russia.

    One unit per OS territory under German control. Place each unit in the earning tt.


    USSR should start with heavy tank technology (KV1).


    Possibly also France.

    Have you considered anything along the lines of 1914 tank rules for heavies?

  • To counter Soviet conscripts, the Germans may recruit 1112 anti-Soviet infantry units in occupied Russia.

    One unit per OS territory under German control. Place each unit in the earning tt.


    Germany recruited a number of divisions under the Anti Comintern pact that many European nations wanted to stop any spread of communism. I think these are “absorbed” into basic German infantry, which represent corps or armys and not divisions.

    The Tech thing you got a point, and i may just give certain techs during the game and this needs to be balanced and playtested first. I cant just give the Russians heavy tanks and not give the axis something to balance it out.

  • '18 '17 '16

    Be sure to give some thought as how to transport heavy tanks as well because they were not easy to move. In my Heavy Tank HR you can only fit one onto a transport by itself and they don’t take part in an amphibious assault because there is no way you could unload one of those beasts and fight at the same time. They could only land on a non combat move. Trains are similar with them taking up 2 spots on the capacity. I limited them to only 1 per space and only built on major complexes to make them scarce as well they should be.

  • Yea that makes sense, will need to make some adjustments

  • Customizer

    Suggestion: 3 weights of tank:

    Light: 2-2-1 (blitz)

    Medium 3-3-1 (blitz)

    Heavy 4-4-1 (absorb/deflect 1 enemy tank hit)

    Each power would start at a certain level and be able to pay to upgraded one level:

    Heavy: USSR, France

    Medium: Germany, USA, UK?

    Light: Italy, Japan, Anzac, some neutrals; Sweden?

    None: China

    The importance of upgrading tanks depends on the power; Germany will need heavies to counter the Soviet armour, USA may prefer to mass produce mediums, Italy can scarcely afford to upgrade, while Japan may not feel the need for more than light tanks if it’s mainly fighting unarmoured Chinese.

  • Light: 2-2-1 (blitz)

    Medium 3-3-1 (blitz)

    Heavy 4-4-1 (absorb/deflect 1 enemy tank hit)

    What they all move 1 now?

  • Customizer

    I’ve never believed land units should have different movements. They all moved at the rate of their transport i.e. trains.

    So for all ground units one space only into combat, unlimited rail movement in non-combat.

    The blitz ability I listed is actually “breakthrough”, i.e. a 2nd move after a successful normal combat. This would mean players keeping mixed tank forces rather than all heavies.

    Of course it makes mech inf redundant, though you can use the pieces for “light armour”.

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