“If it was the flak that caused the damage and forced bomber crews to jink their aircraft, thus making accurate bombing difficult, it was the venomously efficient night fighters that were the real killers.” Flight-Lieutenant Alfred Price.
Based on the issues described below about the unrealistic depiction of A&A Strategic Bombing and Interception rules (too high unpredictable results, and all or nothing bombing damage on target), I would suggest a different way of playing the Industrial Complex AA Gun interactions against Strategic Bombers.
This can also works for Tactical/Strategic Bombers against AA Gun from Air Base or Naval Base.
I don’t even think it’s a that much a function of the D6. Think of how upsetting it would be if you were using a 20 sided dice rolling at a one and it hit!?
I’d wonder if low luck for SBR AA would be better? Triple A can handle that. You have to ask the question then why not LL for normal AA.
You made a good point IMO.
Lower is the odds of making a hit, the higher AAA shot can be called “unpredictable” and can create hilarious or disastrous outcomes, depending of POV of defender or attacker.
**The game is unrealistic with regards to strategic bombing.
And yes with a D6 that is just really not something to be changed at all.
Interception would take down a few bombers and the rest would just attack your facilities.
In the game if you win the interception nothing happens no damage at all, if AA hits again no damage at all. Normaly you only shoot down a % of the bombers.
Also attacking bomber formations would be able to defend themself and where known especialy later in the war to shoot down plenty of fighters so bomber defence @1 represents that.**
The intercept @1 and the AA @1 just represent that fact, also the bombers rolling for damage iso just doing a fixed number represents that.
It will never be realistic whatever houserule you devise and how balanced you say your houserule is.
Its a game not a simulation if you really want to change the game to more realism move to D12 system or even D20 and overhaul the whole combat system then at least you can have more variance that isnt jumping up that much.
Currently your return on investment that you can expect with a bomber is around 3 ipcs in total if you do strat bombing a lot, that bomber attacking in a land battle will hit and inf as well.
And that is only if you attack a factory that needs to be used, If you bomb india for 6 damage they might completely ignore it and produce 4 units you did 0 damage but risked 12 ipcs worth of production.
These points make a lot of sense.
An all or nothing strategic bombing raid seems unhistorical.
If flak and intercept hit, there is no damage while no hit makes for an highly damaged IC.
The real things was in between. Extremes were exceptional event in WWII while mitigated raids were common, as far as I know.
You make me think about an alternate way of doing SBR, without changing basic OOB StB A1 Fg A1 D1 combat values. I will post something in House rule later. Thanks.
As I said above, air combat values remain the same:
Strategic Bomber :
Attack 1
Defense 0
Damage: 1D6+2
Attack 1
Defense 1
Tactical Bomber:
Attack 1
Defense 0
Damage: 1D6
Industrial Complex or Base:
AAA Defense: reduce 1D6 damage per attack roll done on IC or Base, down to a minimum of zero damage.
Here is how it works:
If there is no Interceptor on IC or Base, each Strategic Bomber, one at a time, roll one D6 add 2, determining possible damage on IC or Base.
One at a time, roll one D6 and subtract the result from previous damage roll.
Any damage point is scored on the IC or Base.
For example:
2 StBs roll 3 and 5, for StB1: 5 and StB2: 7 possible damage.
IC’s roll are 6 and 2.
So, taking rolls in order: 5 minus 6 = -1 for zero damage from StB1 and 7 minus 2 = 5 damage from StB2
IC receive 5 total damage.
That way, a Bomber cannot be lost over IC or Base but the Bomber unit (depicting many squadrons) can somehow be “damaged” by AA gun to the point of doing no damage on target.
We suppose this Bomber unit (bomber squadrons) is replenished and repaired afterward, once returned to a friendly territory in NCM phase.
The only way to destroy StBs or TcBs is with intercepting Fighters.
In the above example, let’s suppose 1 Fg was launched against two Strategic Bombers.
Both StBs attack @1 and Fg defend @1. Casualties are removed. Same as usual OOB escort and intercept dogfight.
Bombers proceed against IC and Base.
The main interest of this method is that Bombers can only be destroyed by other combat unit while attacking bomber is less damaging to Complexs or Bases but no more destroyed by them. Lesser risks means lesser rewards, but it keeps the same average odds of making damage as OOB SBR (with higher risks and higher rewards). So, trying it will not be unbalancing in itself.
Also, it is an incentive to commit Bombers to SBR/TBR mission (which are much lesser objective compared to regular combat targets implying multiple rounds between combat units). Because, if no regular combat available, attacker can assign to such lesser target with no fear of loosing these costly units for more important combat missions yet to come; and, if interception occurs, at least bombers share risks of loosing combat units with is opponent.
The worse results if no interception will be a no damage at all, but still bombers were not use as ground support unit in other battle. This, in itself, is already a benefit for the defender.
The overall average odds remain near OOB G40 SBR odds.
But there is far less extreme results and swing.
Average damage from StBs vs IC’s AA Gun is D6+2 minus D6 (82/36)= 2.278 damage points per StB.
While OOB G40 SBR average is 4.583- 2 = 2.583 IPCs/ StB run on IC only.
Damage on interceptor / damage on StB / D6+2 Damage on IC or Base = average damage per SBR
1 StB vs 1 Fg gives +1.667 (1/610) - 2 (1/612) + 2.278 (82/36) = +1.945 IPCs on average. [OOB G40: +1.819 IPC damage/SBR]
1 StB vs 2 Fgs gives +1.667 (1/610) - 3.667 (11/3612) + 2.278 (82/36) = +0.278 IPCs on average. [OOB G40: - 0.206 IPC damage/SBR]
2 StBs vs 1 Fg gives +3.056 (11/3610) - 2 (1/612) + 4.556 (2*82/36) = +5.612 IPCs on average. [OOB G40: + 5.793 IPCs damage/SBR]
Break even ratio approximate: .500 StB/Fg
Approximate Interception Threshold: 5/4 = from 1.25 StB/Fg and below
1 StB vs 1 Fg: 1.9453 = +5.835
2 StBs vs 1 Fg: +5.6121 = +5.612
5 StBs vs 4 Fgs =+11.447
5 StBs vs no interception 5*2.278 = +11.390 IPCs (Diff.:+ 0.057)
Damage on interceptor / damage on TcB / D6 Damage on Base = average damage per TBR
1 TcB vs 1 Fg gives +1.667 (1/610) - 1.833 (1/611) + 0.972 (35/36) = +0.806 IPCs on average.
1 TcB vs 2 Fgs gives +1.667 (1/610) - 3.361 (11/3611) + 0.972 (35/36) = -0.722 IPCs on average.
2 TcBs vs 1 Fg gives +3.056 (11/3610) - 1.833 (1/611) + 1.944 (2*35/36) = + 3.167 IPCs on average.
Break even ratio:
1 TcB vs 1 Fg: +0.806
1 TcB vs 2 Fgs: -0.722
2 TcBs vs 3 Fgs = + 0.084
Break even ratio: 2TcBs/3 Fgs = 0.667 TcB/Fg
1 TcB vs 1 Fg: +0.8068= +6.448
2 TcBs vs 1 Fg: +3.1671= +3.167
10 TcBs vs 9 Fgs = +9.615
1 TcB vs no Fg = +0.972*10= + 9.720 (Sum: -0.105)
Approximate Interception Threshold: 10 TcBs/9 Fgs = from 1.111 TcB/Fg and below
Bomber A1
Damage: 1D6+2
Cost 12
Fighter A1 D1
Cost 10
1 StB A1 doing SBR against 1 Fg D1
D6+2: + 5.486 - 3.667 = +1.819 IPC damage/SBR
StB A1 doing SBR against 2 Fgs D1
D6+2: +4.85 - 5.056 = -0.206 IPCs damage/SBR
*9= -1.854, 9 vs 18
Net: (+1.819 - 1.854= ) -0.035
For 1 StB vs 1 Fg
- 9 StBs vs 18 Fgs
Break even point: 10 StBs A1 C12 D6+2 vs 19 Fgs D1 C10
Break even ratio: 10/19= 0.526 StB/Fg
6.32 IPCs/10 IPCs = 0.632 offense/defense cost ratio
Approximative Interception Threshold: from 1.55 StB/Fg and less
31 StBs vs 20 Fgs =+80.094
31 StBs vs no interception 31*2.583 = + 80.073
So odds of damage are slightly lower with no interception (80.073-80.094= -0.021) but near zero differential.
1942.2 Triple A SBR
or Young Grasshopper G40.2 HR for StB not starting from Air Base
Bomber A1
Damage: 1D6
Cost 12
Fighter A1 D1
Cost 10
1 StB A1 D6 vs 1 Fg D1
1 vs 1: +3.69 - 3.667 = +0.023 IPC damage/SBR
*132= +3.036, 132 vs 132
StB A1 D6 against 2 Fgs D1
1 vs 2 : +2.025 - 5.056 = -3.031 IPCs damage/SBR
Net: -0.005
For 132 StBs vs 132 Fgs
- 1 StBs vs 2 Fgs
Break even point: 133 StBs A1 C12 D6 vs 134 Fgs D1 C10
133/134= 0.9925 StB/Fg break even ratio
11.91 IPCs/10 IPCs = 1.191 offense/defense ratio
Approximative Interception Threshold: from 1.5 StBs/Fg and less
3 StBs vs 2 Fgs: +2.760
2 StBs vs 1 Fg : +8.403 - 5.666 = +2.737 IPCs
1 StB vs 1 Fg : +3.69 - 3.667 = +0.023 IPC damage/SBR
+2.917 - 2 = +0.917 IPC damage/SBR*3=
+8.751 - 6 = +2.751 IPC damage/SBR for 3 StBs and no interception
So odds of damage are slightly higher with interception (2.751 -2.760= -0.009) but very near zero differential.
Regular Kid’s Balance Mode
G40.2 SBR HR
Bomber A1
Damage: 1D6+2
Cost 12
Fighter A2 D2
Cost 10
2 StBs A1 against 1 Fgs D2
1D6+2: +10.639 - 7.334 = + 3.304 IPCs damage/SBR
*12=+39.648, 24 vs 12
1 StB A1 vs 1 Fg D2
1D6+2: + 4.723 - 5.333 = - 0.61 IPC dam/SBR
*65= -39.650, 65 vs 65
Net: -0.002
For 24 StBs vs 12 Fgs
- 65 StBs vs 65 Fgs
Break even point: 89 StBs A1 C12 D6+2 vs 77 Fgs D2 C10
1.156 StB/Fg break even ratio
13.87 IPCs/10 IPCs = 1.39 offense/defense IPC ratio
G1940 OOB SBR table:
1 StB doing SBR without interceptor
Sum: +4.583 - 2 = +2.583 IPCs damage/SBR run
1 StB A1 against 1 Fg D1
Sum: + 5.486 - 3.667 = + 1.819 IPC damage/SBR run
1 StB A1 doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D1
Sum: + 4.85 - 5.056 = - 0.206 IPCs damage/SBR run
1 StB & 1 Fg A1 doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D1
Sum: +7.775 - 5.33 = + 2.445 IPCs damage/SBR run
2 StBs A1 doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D1
Sum: +10.973 - 7.334 = + 3.639 IPCs damage/SBR run
1 StB & 1 Fg A1 doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fg D1
Sum: + 7.639 - 3.667 = + 3.972 IPCs damage/SBR run
2 StBs A1 doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fg D1
Sum: +11.459 - 5.666 = + 5.793 IPCs damage/SBR run
A more interesting variant can be with these combat values (which can use a game board version of Balanced Mode air combat values for Fighter A2 D2), because there is a wider optimized Fighter Interception Gap between Break even point (.700 StB/Fg) and Interception Threshold (3 StBs/Fg). This means that attacker can throw near 2 StBs against 3 Fgs to make more damage than receiving, and up to 9 StBs against the same 3 Fgs and it is still beneficial for the defender to intercept instead of letting StBs directly bomb IC .
Strategic Bomber :
Attack 1
Defense 0
Damage: 2D6
Attack 1 (or 2 ?)
Defense 2
Tactical Bomber:
Attack 1
Defense 0
Damage: 1D6+2
Industrial Complex or Base:
AAA Defense: reduce 1D6 damage per attack done on IC or Base, down to a minimum of zero damage.
Average damage from StBs vs IC’s AA Gun is simply 2D6 minus D6 = 1D6 or avg 3.5 damage points per StB.
Damage on interceptor / damage on StB / 2D6 Damage on IC or Base = average damage per SBR
1 StB A1 vs 1 Fg D2 gives +1.667 (1/610) - 4 (2/612) + 3.5 = + 1.167 IPCs on average.
1 StB A1 vs 2 Fgs D2 gives +1.667 (1/610) - 6.667 (20/3612) + 3.5 = -1.5 IPCs on average.
2 StBs A1 vs 1 Fg D2 gives +3.056 (11/3610) - 4 (2/612) + 7 = + 6.056 IPCs on average.
3 StBs A1 vs 1 Fg D2 gives +4.213 (91/21610) - 4 (2/612) + 10.5 = + 10.713 IPCs on average.
Break even ratio:23/33= .697 StB/Fg
1 StB vs 1 Fg: 1.167*13 = + 15.171
1 StB vs 2 Fg: -1.5 *10= - 15.00
23 StBs vs 33 Fgs =+0.171
Approximate Interception Threshold: 3/1 = from 3 StBs/Fg and below
3 StBs A1 vs 1 Fg D2: +10.713
3 StBs vs no interception 3*3.5 = + 10.50
+.213 damage if intercept.
Damage on interceptor / damage on TcB / D6+2 Damage on Base = average damage per TBR
1 TcB vs 1 Fg gives +1.667 (1/610) - 3.667 (2/611) + 2.278 (82/36) = +0.278 IPCs on average.
1 TcB vs 2 Fgs gives +1.667 (1/610) - 6.111 (20/3611) + 2.278 (82/36) = -2.166 IPCs on average.
2 TcBs vs 1 Fg gives +3.056 (11/3610) - 3.667 (2/611) + 4.556 (2*82/36) = + 3.945 IPCs on average.
3 TcBs A1 vs 1 Fg D2 gives +4.213 (91/21610) - 3.667 (2/611) + 6.833 (3*82/36) = + 7.379 IPCs on average.
Break even ratio:
1 TcB vs 1 Fg: +0.2788= +2.224
1 TcB vs 2 Fgs: -2.1661= -2.166
9 TcBs vs 10 Fgs = + 0.058
Break even ratio: 9 TcBs/10 Fgs = 0.9 TcB/Fg
1 TcB vs 1 Fg: +0.2781= +0.278
3 TcBs vs 1 Fg: +7.3794= +29.516
13 TcBs vs 5 Fgs = +29.794
13 TcBs vs no Fg = +2.278*13= + 29.614 (Sum: +0.18)
Approximate Interception Threshold: 13 TcBs/5 Fgs = from 2.6 TcBs/Fg and below
An alternate but simpler way to determine damage done on IC or Base:
I can still simplify the damage and defense rolls procedure with such StB 2D6 and TcB 1D6+2 damage.
For each target, roll every dice attacking it and make the sum (adding +2 bonus number per each dice), then roll all defending flak dice make the sum and subtract from damage total.
No need to consider each roll individually, only according to each individual target: IC, Air Base and/or Naval Base.
When many bombers attack a single target, each defense roll can be combined.
This can describe an intense flak cover over the target area in a certain kind of way, that overacheaving AA fire can overlap more succesful bombers in a way to hinder them.
Example, 3 damage rolls 2D6 on same IC : 6, 9, 2, 4, 8, 6 sum: 30
3 defense rolls : 5, 6, 2 sum is 13, net damage: 17 on IC,
With the first way I suggested: 15-5 = 10, 6-6 = 0, 14 - 2 = 12 sum: 22 on IC 5 points differential.
The second method is less damaging but simpler to apply.