How many of ya’ll play ‘Fortress America?’ I play this game which was released with Axis and Allies in the game master series and is quite popular. It was printed extensively in the 1980’s and reprinted in 2012. If any of you want to see the added section under other games upvote and/or comment, thanks.
Best posts made by Panzerboy0191
Fortress America - Could we add a new game to other games?
RE: What are you reading
I’m reading anything by Antony Beevor, such as ‘Ardennes 1944.’ Also ‘Band Of Brothers,’ being a classic.
Put in as many German bombers...
Re: German bomber strategy - How to play and How to counter
Add as many German bombers as you can, minimum of one each turn. These bombers, and even fighters if you are a Luftwaffe junkie, makes a great quick reaction force that can support your navy, economic attacks on Britian and Russia, or just making your land battles a lot more weighted on your side. I have played a succesfull game where Germany was able to take the West Indies and Strategically bomb Eastern USA, effectively destroying the reaction by the US to counter Axis Atlantic dominance. This helped bring a quick end to the game. Honestly either Axis Power will do well with a lot of bombers, because Japan can jump them around on islands to help with attacks, because obviously they can’t win defensively against the ever growing fleet of USA Battleships.
RE: All the Russian openings: For Begginers
Great article! I agree that Karelia is a country you should just as well forget about. Caucasus is actually an important piece in your defensive line, but unfortunately can be taken if you are playing with an open SZ 16(by a massive land/amphibious and fighter supported assault). Try to just hold a line by shuffling infantry up and down, this is confusing for Germany and is just fun. If you end up losing all but Russia, or all but Russia and the Caucasus, you can still be hindrance by sending small assaults at weak positions, blitzing in and out with tanks for extra IPC’s, or build a strategic bombing force. The way most games go Russia is a hindrance force by round 2 or 3. So, draw German resources away from more critical fronts, and give aid to your allies major attacks.
RE: SS Event Cards
These cards are really a work of art and quite well done.
RE: Campaign Journal
Yes I agree, I especially use it when I am testing new rules. They help me remember what I need to revise.
1942 Second edition House Rules for a more interesting game.
Here are my house rules for 1942. I have been compiling these for a while. Some of these are national advantages from the revised edition.
Special Rules and Advantages:
Air Force Rules;
Paratroops; One bomber may carry in one infantry into a land or amphibious assault. The Bomber/Para unit is still subject to regular AAA fire. If shot down, both units are removed. If a bomber dropped an infantry it is done and may not assault like a bomber in this combat.Doolittle raid; an aircraft carrier may carry one bomber instead of two fighters.
Kamikaze Planes; Japanese fighters who could not reach back to a safe spot after a combat, can still fly into and participate in a battle. The player who controls them must announce that they are Kamikaze attacks. They must be chosen as the first casualties in combat.
Luftwaffe Dive Bombers; German fighters may strategically bomb enemy industrial complexes. Roll one die for each participating dive bomber, add up the total amount of hits and then divide by two. Round down, this is the number of hits that you have.
American Superfortresses; American bombers that are Strategic bombing are immune to AA.
Special Forces:
Each turn the German player is allowed to buy one SS infantry and one SS tank. They cost 1 more IPC each than the regular variant but had 1 more attack and defense factor.Each turn the American player is allowed to buy one Marine infantry and one Marine tank. They cost 1 more IPC each than the regular variant but had 1 more attack and defense factor.
Ground Units;
Willys Jeep; American infantry may move two spaces like a tank. Does not affect combat.Atlantic Wall; German Infantry defend at a 3 if they are defending a grey/black territory from an amphibious assault.
Russian salvage; after a Russian successful close combat in which one or more enemy tanks are destroyed, the Russians add one of their own tanks to the board. Take all enemy tanks off. Limit of once per turn.
Marine infantry; American troops on the right side of the board attack at two during the first round of amphibious assault. In addition Marines can be transported on a battleship, limited to 1 infantry per ship. Units DO NOT have to be ‘Marine Special Forces’ to do this.
German 88; A German AA gun that is defending in a battle that has enemy tanks in it may move to the two dice defense section of the board. If the enemy tanks are all destroyed then the AA gun is removed from the board. AA guns still fire at air units.
Recruitment Centers(from the zombies version); A recruitment center is an industrial complex that only can produce infantry. It costs 10 IPCs, and works like an industrial in every way except for that it can only produce infantry.
Tokyo Express; A Japanese destroyer may carry one infantry.General Rules:
Wartime economic support; a country may lend IPCs to an ally as long as it does not exceed 25% of their treasury, and is repaid within two turns.
Tokyo Express; A Japanese destroyer may carry one infantry.
Neutral country invasion; If a country invades a neutral country, they must pay 3 IPCs to the bank immediately. All neutral countries are worth 1 IPC except for the Sahara which is worthless, Spain which is 5( also if a country attacks Spain, Spain gets an automatic defense army of 1 fighter, 1 artillery, 1 tank and 2 infantry, and turkey which is worth 2 and has an automatic defense army of 2 tanks and 3 infantry.
War Bonds; At the beginning of your turn roll one die. Add that many IPCs to your treasury. If your country is the USA or Germany, roll two dice.
RE: Should Germany attack Karelia first turn?
Yes, with the amphibious bonus and the tanks it can bring up from Baltic states, and units from adjacent territories, yes. This is an important territory to capture as it opens up the top of the Russian line, it has the added bonus of helping you build units there to take Russia proper. Also bring in the Luftwaffe to help support anything in the European theater. It will help you move a heavy fighting force around fast. In addition to that you will find that you need to move all the tanks in your starting zone to the Russian territories. Tanks are Germany’s best friend, especially in Russia.
RE: Axis And Allies Wikipedia False Info
Winston Churchill Quotes
A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. -
RE: 1942 Second edition House Rules for a more interesting game.
You are my AA hero. Just gotta say.
Latest posts made by Panzerboy0191
RE: What are you reading
@ABWorsham4 I assume that is about the Skorney raids?
RE: Failing to take Russia/India
I would say that it would be a good idea to relax on India, go for Africa as a more aggressive campaign and leave India to the IJN. Build a decent sized German Navy by turn 3 or else the rest of your game will be defensive. The navy will help you keep pressure away from France, and can even open up possibilities to a small South Pacific campaign.
RE: All the Russian openings: For Begginers
Great article! I agree that Karelia is a country you should just as well forget about. Caucasus is actually an important piece in your defensive line, but unfortunately can be taken if you are playing with an open SZ 16(by a massive land/amphibious and fighter supported assault). Try to just hold a line by shuffling infantry up and down, this is confusing for Germany and is just fun. If you end up losing all but Russia, or all but Russia and the Caucasus, you can still be hindrance by sending small assaults at weak positions, blitzing in and out with tanks for extra IPC’s, or build a strategic bombing force. The way most games go Russia is a hindrance force by round 2 or 3. So, draw German resources away from more critical fronts, and give aid to your allies major attacks.
RE: What are you reading
I’m reading anything by Antony Beevor, such as ‘Ardennes 1944.’ Also ‘Band Of Brothers,’ being a classic.
RE: [1942.2] Is there a 1940 setup for 1942 game?
You should make one, I don’t have a 1940 copy but have friends who do and would love to have one. Still I always like to put in a Bismark no matter what time period, just to stress Britian because they have vast, if thin superiority in the Atlantic ocan.
Put in as many German bombers...
Re: German bomber strategy - How to play and How to counter
Add as many German bombers as you can, minimum of one each turn. These bombers, and even fighters if you are a Luftwaffe junkie, makes a great quick reaction force that can support your navy, economic attacks on Britian and Russia, or just making your land battles a lot more weighted on your side. I have played a succesfull game where Germany was able to take the West Indies and Strategically bomb Eastern USA, effectively destroying the reaction by the US to counter Axis Atlantic dominance. This helped bring a quick end to the game. Honestly either Axis Power will do well with a lot of bombers, because Japan can jump them around on islands to help with attacks, because obviously they can’t win defensively against the ever growing fleet of USA Battleships.
Should I buy this version?
I play classic, 2nd, and revised editions. I understand that this game incorporates an extra player but is it worth it? Should I stick with how I’m playing or shell out the almost $100 for this game?
I really enjoy playing with the national advantages in revised, does this game have any? Thank you guys!
Is Artillery Useful?
I’ve been playing Axis and Allies for a long time, and I feel like I should ask if anyone else thinks that artillery is worth the cost. Ok, I will admit that it is good for Russia once they have a bunch of infantry and are getting ready for a breakout, but, I think that I would just buy either infantry or a tank. The artillery just seems like a waste of an extra IPC I should Just spend on infantry. Or, an underpayment on a tank I really should buy…
So if any of you guys have an idea…let me know in comments, because I don’t see a purpose.
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