@all-encompassing-goose Please try to adapt it & let me know how it goes! I have it balanced for global interactions, mostly with regards to the British & Russians.
Railways for G-40
I have a first turn run through uploading right now so you can see how it’s working out with all of the house rules. It takes forever to upload a 2+ hour video so it will take quite awhile. The hospitals haven’t saved very many infantry so far in the first 2 rounds, I think only 3 or 4 in total from all nations and it doesn’t take very long if you have a few 12 sided dice. The spy is adding a lot to the game in the first 2 rounds. So far ANZAC has managed to develop improved shipyards and Japan has developed jet fighters. The choices are limited so it doesn’t prolong it that much. U.S. got the spy in the 3rd round but I haven’t started it yet.
One of the interesting things I’m finding out with the railways is I’m constantly thinking " I should’ve put them here instead". That’s what I was hoping for though, a way to change them every game instead of having them the same every time.
One of the interesting things I’m finding out with the railways is I’m constantly thinking " I should’ve put them here instead". That’s what I was hoping for though, a way to change them every game instead of having them the same every time.
That’s the best part about this, im pretty sure ill be taking this mod as I truly think it could speed up attacks and get the ball rolling in some slow areas…. one difference though, ill be making/casting train units to act as the transports.
Good work, I love how players can customize their railways. All around great idea, thanks for sharing.
I liked the idea of using trains as well but I decided against it for no other reason than to keep it simple. After I get used to using the rails maybe I’ll have a good idea on how to incorporate trains on them. If you were able to purchase trains then you could increase your capacity to move more units.
I uploaded a first turn run through with all 10 of my house rules. It’s a long one (almost 2.5 hours) so if you’re bored and have nothing to do check it out;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjWCCiFYgzA&t=1s -
Like the idea of having a train unit that you could purchase to increase the number of units that can be moved.
Also, would like the option for Tac Bombers to attack train units. Then you would have to make a choice to unload units before a territory the enemy can attack or take the risk by going in.
Some neat ideas in here. I like that your house rule gets units to the front faster, and that players have some control over where they need to speed up movement. Not sure about assuming that all railways are the same gauge – that turned out to be of enormous, maybe even decisive significance on the eastern front; the Germans had to retool the Soviet railways as they advanced, but the tanks drove on much faster than the engineers could retool the railways, so after a couple of months of combat there were hundreds of miles with no rail service at all, just horses hauling gasoline through the mud. If you wanted to simulate that, you could say that every time you conquer a territory, it damages all incoming and outgoing railroads in that territory.
Shouldn’t it be the strategic bomber that can attack railroads, rather than the tactical bomber? I thought strategic bombers were used to destroy large, static, industrial targets like railyards, and tactical bombers were used for pinpoint strikes on fast-moving targets like, e.g., enemy tank concentrations. Maybe the strategic bomber hits on a 3 or less, and the tactical bomber hits on a 1?
If I were using rail stations then certainly you would be using strategic bombers to damage them as they would be representing the rail yards as well. I really tried to keep this rule simple by only putting tracks on the board and not accompanying them with trains or stations. That could be something for down the road. My reason for using tactical bombers was that they would be dive bombing a single line and not a yard, and also to give them something that would differentiate them from fighters (fighters escort and intercept bombers, tac bombers damage air/naval bases and railways).
For someone that wants to add a lot of complicated rules you could add a great deal to railways, including having different gauges. I could play a game like that but I find that most people are intimidated by the number of rules already associated with the game and would be put off by adding too much more. If this was my only house rule then sure add a bunch, but I have 10 house rules and so I try to keep them as simple as possible.
I use a locomotive to move my pieces in game . My rule is only 2 pieces [ inf, art ] can only be loaded on train can only move 2 spaces. It took to long to transport mechs tanks etc. loading time. You could increase move and pieces to 3 total and I like were locomotive can be attacked more on the line instead of each end of line. This gives tacs more attacking chances eiither at ends or middle of lines. So cost would be like 3 icps to repair loco and 1 icp for rail damage.
So locomotives u either give so many to countries and or they can buy them and have to start at a capital and or any factory.
This will favor the axis so adjustments need to be made. -
I think you might want to consider moving up to playing HBG’s Global 1936/1939. (Same board, just two game scenarios). Their new map, rules, and game pieces add additional dynamics similar to your many posts on house rules you want to change or add. This map for instance, already has rail roads printed on it where they really went during that time.
Young Grasshopper has a short video on youtube regarding the map, as does HBG themselves.
Thanks for the suggestion Ichabod. I have been thinking seriously about doing just that. I’ve been checking it out for some time now but I think I would like to find other players locally who would be willing to learn and play a game that is that extensive first. For now I’m having fun making videos and improving my A&A skills.
That sure is the challenge. GW39 is a custom built game, with optional or advanced rules to cover almost every tweak that has been discussed for AxA House Rules.
Unf, GW is expensive and complex, adding more to an already 10 hour game. If one version is going to be complex and the other, hypercomplex, I don’t think adding more complexity to the simple (lol) AxA G40 game is a good idea, just go up the learning curve, buy D12 dice, and drop the $300+ to get going on GW.
The problem is about adoption; most of my friends aren’t open minded to other games such as Fortress America or Twilight Imperium, and while they are probably more openminded to an AxA spin off, the learning/convincing curve is pretty big
I thought this was a great idea. The presence of harbours (+movement fleet) and airfields (+movement air) has always seemed to invite a houserule with railroad (+movement ground). I like how you’ve defined railroads as being either operational or damaged; there is no stack of IPC’s underneath it to show how damaged it is.
You can only use a tactical bomber to damage a railway (1 die per bomber at 2 or less). The marker is on the border between 2 territories so the bomber can attack it from either of the territories. The only defence against a bombing raid on a railway is an anti-aircraft artillery (AAA) so it might be a good idea to place one in territories containing a railway. It costs 2 IPC’s to repair a damaged rail marker on the controlling nation’s place units phase during their next turn. The reason they have to wait for that phase is so they can’t use a damaged railway for 1 turn. Why else would you even bother bombing one if there is no effect other than making your opponent pay a couple of IPC’s?
I would try to stick to regular A&A phases to keep things streamlined. I wouldn’t change the bombing rules as you have done. This means AAA units cannot help against railroad bombings; it would be an odd exception, since they’re not used in any other bombings. I would also allow interception just like other bombings.
Another thing that might be nice to add:
- you could let players decide to damage their own railroads. Both the Germans and the Soviets were averse to letting their infrastructure fall into enemy hands.
I’d actually be interested to hash out a set of rules to use strat bombers for railway attacks, since more rail markers are indicative of a larger rail network.
I refer you to my comments on the linked post.
The OP said it - virtually all adjacent industrialised areas were linked by rail. In the game, only a few routes over mountains and through jungle would not have such connections.
So the only use for markers I can see is for damaged links via interdiction i.e. bombing. Otherwise assume all tts are connected by rail. I never really understood the implication in the original game design that soldiers marched to the battle zones and that tanks drove there.
Generally I favour unlimited non-combat rail movement between friendly tts. It’s much simpler and doesn’t need counters or record keeping. One dynamic it changes is the relative value of armour, since this now travels at the same rate as infantry - the speed of the trains carrying them.
The other main counter argument is the relative movement of ships and aircraft. If a turn allow a train to rail artillery from Berlin to Moscow, how far should a ship be permitted to travel in the same turn? Should ships have any limit on their movement range? My solution is that every ship must demonstrate that it passes from, through or to a friendly port to refuel every turn. What’s to stop Japan loading up 10 transports and dropping them off in California? Why, the US Navy of course. The same thing can be applied to aircraft; rather than a maximum range peer turn, they must demonstrate fuel stops at set intervals on a turn. These idea also require more rules regarding enemy interception, radar range and so forth.
In general these rules mean many more units getting into battle per round. There is much less of units stalling in “mid move”, something that virtually ruined 1914 for the Central Powers until the revised rules came along.