Haven’t played 42 hardly at all. His other mods, 41 and 39, especially 41, seem very balanced. I think if you haven’t played it much, I’d just roll with no bid for starters.
Global '40 Medals
As a way to improve Global '40 you could implement medals for attacking and defending.
I have tried this with revised edition with a medal for the top attacker and defender.
Since there is 9 powers(6 major and three minor) rather than 1 winner of the medal you could do top three (Two major and 1 minor)
1st Soviet
2nd German
3rd Us
4th UK
5th Italy
6th JapanMinor
2nd China
3rd FrenchSo medals
1st Soviet
2nd German
3rd ANZACI suggested 1 minor power so the major powers don’t monopolise the medals
Medals would be decided on points worked out with the following formula
Att points
Casualty(Def Value) divided by Attacker(Att Value)
Inf v Inf
2 divided by 1 = 2 points
Tank v Bomber
3 divided by 4 = 3 quarters
For capital ships divide points by half
Battleship v Sub
4 divided by 2 = 2 divided by 2 = 1 point
Def points is the same but in reverse
Casualty (Att value) divided by Defender (Def value)
Same rules apply for capital ships
For winning medals you get a certain number of units chosen from a list
1 BS or Bomb
2 Dest, Tank, Ac, tact bomber, cruiser or fighter
1 AC and 1 fighter
3 Mech inf, art, sub
6 inf2nd
2 Dest, Tank, Ac, tact bomber, cruiser or fighter
1 AC and 1 fighter
3 Mech inf, art, sub
6 inf3rd
3 Mech inf, art, sub
6 infOther medal ideas raiding (Bombing damage = points)
Reward1st: Points divided by 3 = IPC gain
2nd: Points divided by 4 = IPC gain
3rd : Points divided by 5 = IPC gainOther ideas or improvments welcome
I’m working on medals to print and use
Hmm, I’m not 100% on what you mean by “medels”, like reward cards or something like that, please explain it sounds like an interesting addition.
Yeah like reward cards.
For a game where everyone plays each power you could give the player with the best att and best def points a prize or they could get extra units at the start of your next game.
Random guy 1
SU: 53 ATT points
FRA: 7 ATT points
Ger: 123 ATT points
Total att points: xNext game gets extra units
Yeah like reward cards.
For a game where everyone plays each power you could give the player with the best att and best def points a prize or they could get extra units at the start of your next game.
Random guy 1
SU: 53 ATT points
FRA: 7 ATT points
Ger: 123 ATT points
Total att points: xNext game gets extra units
Next GAME or next ROUND?
Next round you always get extra units but because they were the best Attacker/Defender last game they get extra units next turn.