• '17 '16



    W/o the math, what is the final unit attributes for transport?

    You mean

    Planes only attacking lone transports. All transports get a @2 at planes.  No escape.

    Ships only attacking lone transports. All surviving transports get a roll of @2 after all attackers roll after each round of combat.

    Ships and planes attacking transports with escorts. Transports only shoot at planes@2.

    Transport, always taken as last casualty, can only escape when alone and against warships only.

    Otherwise, each get an AA roll against aircraft once per combat round, if any available.

    Not to your taste IMO.

  • Ah maybe. That’s the shortest answer I’ve ever scene from IL. :-D

  • '17 '16


    Ah maybe. That’s the shortest answer I’ve ever scene from IL. :-D


  • Its ok, but i favored the one that carry’s 3 planes and takes 2 hits. a 8-8-4-8 leviathan

  • I was thinking of giving 1 point per group of Islands. I don’t want to get carried away here. Or instead of giving out NO’s for each country in game maybe give each country some king of a number of controlled territories gives you just 1 point. It could give you a bit more of something to capture if needing 1 point for a win but maybe to hard to get that 2 point victory city for a win when you only need 1 point for a win.

    I don’t have NO’s in game. I don’t believe in most of them in a game.  But I know there in game for strategies and added money. I can only see 1 NO for each country only for oil, supplies and minerals.

  • '17 '16


    I was thinking of giving 1 point per group of Islands. I don’t want to get carried away here. Or instead of giving out NO’s for each country in game maybe give each country some king of a number of controlled territories gives you just 1 point. It could give you a bit more of something to capture if needing 1 point for a win but maybe to hard to get that 2 point victory city for a win when you only need 1 point for a win.

    I don’t have NO’s in game. I don’t believe in most of them in a game.  But I know there in game for strategies and added money. I can only see 1 NO for each country only for oil, supplies and minerals.

    I think it is an interesting an idea to give 1 Victory point for this National Objective.
    But, as usual, devil is in details.
    We can easily think about Japan controlling both Borneo-Celebes and Java-Sumatra (DEI?)
    Or Germany going for either Middle-East or Caucasus as the resource territory.

    Maybe, for Allies this can be something else beyond resources but more about liberating major Territories?

    The main issue about NO is to be easily remembered by both sides because Axis players have to remember their opponents NOs, and vice-versa.

  • I could just go with 1 point for axis and 1 point for allies. So for each side come up with some combination of territories.

  • '17 '16

    Maybe there is something amongst these various options?


    Victory Objectives & Tokens: New Victory Condition Rule

    Once a victory objective has been achieved, a victory token will be awarded, the side with the most victory tokens at the end of the day will win the game. Victory tokens are awarded immediately upon completion regardless of when, or how the objective was achieved. Victory tokens may never be awarded twice for the same objective, and they may never be taken away once earned. It does not matter which round the game ends, as long as the last game round was completed.

    Here is a list of all victory objectives for each side…

    Axis Powers

    London -The Axis control London
    (FOW) *The nation that takes control
    Moscow -The Axis control Moscow
    (FOW) *The nation that takes control
    -The Axis control Sydney
    (FOW) *The nation that takes control
    -The Axis control the Burma road as well as Hong Kong and Shanghai
    (FOW) *Japan

    -The Axis control Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Tobruk, Alexandria, and Egypt.
    (FOW) *The nation that controls the most
    -The Axis control 7 victory cities on the Europe map
    _(FOW) *The nation that controls the most

    Pacific -The Axis control 6 victory cities on the Pacific map
    (FOW) *The nation that controls the most

    -There are no American Capital ships on the board
    (FOW) *Japan

    -All 3 Axis powers have a combined total of 142 IPCs on the income tracker (NOs not included)
    (FOW) *The nation that is earning the most
    Allied Powers

    -The Allies control Berlin
    (FOW) *The nation that takes control
    -The Allies control Tokyo
    (FOW) *The nation that takes control
    -The Allies control Rome
    (FOW) *The nation that takes control

    -The Allies control the Burma road as well as Hong Kong and Shanghai
    (FOW) *The United Kingdom

    Africa -The Allied powers control all non-neutral territories on the continent of Africa
    (FOW) *The nation that controls the most
    -The Allies have liberated Paris
    (FOW) *The nation that liberates it
    -The Allies have liberated the Philippines, or have controlled it for the entire game
    (FOW) *The United States

    -There are no Japanese Capital ships on the board
    (FOW) *The United States

    -The Soviet Union controls 6 original Axis territories
    (FOW) *The Soviet Union

    Bonus Income: New & Modified National Objectives

    Axis National Objectives

    Germany (in addition to all original NOs)
    -5 IPCs if an Axis power controls London

    Japan (in addition to all original NOs)
    -5 IPCs if Japan controls all original Chinese territories

    Allied National Objectives

    Soviet Union (2 NOs which will replace the original National Prestige NO)
    -5 IPCs if there are no Axis warships in sea zone #125, and the Allies control Archangel as well as London
    -5 IPCs if there are no Allied units on any original Russian territories

    United States (in addition to all original NOs)
    -5 IPCs if the United States are at war with the Axis powers

    UK Europe (in addition to all original NOs)

    • 5 IPC’s if there are no enemy submarines in the Atlantic, excluding szs 112 and 125-127.

    ANZAC (in addition to all original NOs)
    -5 IPCs if the Allies control Cairo (when at war with Germany and Italy)

    What about this one?
    -There are no Japanese Capital ships on the board
    (FOW) *The United States

    And this one?
    -All 3 Axis powers have a combined total of 142 IPCs on the income tracker (NOs not included)
    (FOW) *The nation that is earning the most_

  • @Baron:

    Maybe there is something amongst these various options?


    Victory Objectives & Tokens: New Victory Condition Rule

    Once a victory objective has been achieved, a victory token will be awarded, the side with the most victory tokens at the end of the day will win the game. Victory tokens are awarded immediately upon completion regardless of when, or how the objective was achieved. Victory tokens may never be awarded twice for the same objective, and they may never be taken away once earned. It does not matter which round the game ends, as long as the last game round was completed.

    Here is a list of all victory objectives for each side…

    Axis Powers

    London -The Axis control London
    (FOW) *The nation that takes control
    Moscow -The Axis control Moscow
    (FOW) *The nation that takes control
    -The Axis control Sydney
    (FOW) *The nation that takes control
    -The Axis control the Burma road as well as Hong Kong and Shanghai
    (FOW) *Japan

    -The Axis control Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Tobruk, Alexandria, and Egypt.
    (FOW) *The nation that controls the most
    -The Axis control 7 victory cities on the Europe map
    _(FOW) *The nation that controls the most

    Pacific -The Axis control 6 victory cities on the Pacific map
    (FOW) *The nation that controls the most

    -There are no American Capital ships on the board
    (FOW) *Japan

    -All 3 Axis powers have a combined total of 142 IPCs on the income tracker (NOs not included)
    (FOW) *The nation that is earning the most
    Allied Powers

    -The Allies control Berlin
    (FOW) *The nation that takes control
    -The Allies control Tokyo
    (FOW) *The nation that takes control
    -The Allies control Rome
    (FOW) *The nation that takes control

    -The Allies control the Burma road as well as Hong Kong and Shanghai
    (FOW) *The United Kingdom

    Africa -The Allied powers control all non-neutral territories on the continent of Africa
    (FOW) *The nation that controls the most
    -The Allies have liberated Paris
    (FOW) *The nation that liberates it
    -The Allies have liberated the Philippines, or have controlled it for the entire game
    (FOW) *The United States

    -There are no Japanese Capital ships on the board
    (FOW) *The United States

    -The Soviet Union controls 6 original Axis territories
    (FOW) *The Soviet Union

    Bonus Income: New & Modified National Objectives

    Axis National Objectives

    Germany (in addition to all original NOs)
    -5 IPCs if an Axis power controls London

    Japan (in addition to all original NOs)
    -5 IPCs if Japan controls all original Chinese territories

    Allied National Objectives

    Soviet Union (2 NOs which will replace the original National Prestige NO)
    -5 IPCs if there are no Axis warships in sea zone #125, and the Allies control Archangel as well as London
    -5 IPCs if there are no Allied units on any original Russian territories

    United States (in addition to all original NOs)
    -5 IPCs if the United States are at war with the Axis powers

    UK Europe (in addition to all original NOs)

    • 5 IPC’s if there are no enemy submarines in the Atlantic, excluding szs 112 and 125-127.

    ANZAC (in addition to all original NOs)
    -5 IPCs if the Allies control Cairo (when at war with Germany and Italy)

    What about this one?
    -There are no Japanese Capital ships on the board
    (FOW) *The United States

    And this one?
    -All 3 Axis powers have a combined total of 142 IPCs on the income tracker (NOs not included)
    (FOW) *The nation that is earning the most

    Yes the axis one would work. Need something for allies with a combined all allies also one too._

  • '17 '16

    What if you combine both Naval dominance of Allies?:

    There are no Japanese Capital ships on the board
    There are no enemy submarines in the Atlantic, excluding Baltic szs.

  • @Baron:

    What if you combine both Naval dominance of Allies?:

    There are no Japanese Capital ships on the board
    There are no enemy submarines in the Atlantic, excluding Baltic szs.

    This may work but I wonder if it would take allies longer to get this one than axis there’s but as always the longer the game better for allies but some times not. I got time to come up with something.

    I also need to raise the axis total income from 142. I will make it higher.

    Play test more of game this Sat and the group now wants to play this game  too at end of month so that is going to be huge for seeing a lot more different things going on.

  • '17 '16

    On IPCs goal, it is clearly your call, you know your map.

    There is probably other way to encourage Allies.
    I just found that sinking Axis ships was a way to figure how Allies are defending and protecting merchants shipping lines.

  • I have come up with the Axis total income needs to be 178 or higher to receive 1 point.
    For Allies I have no German subs and no Japanese Capital ships to receive 1 point. But still undecided on this one. I think the allies would not get this one until late in game compared to Axis.

    In game now the Axis ( total icp’s 163 )are only about 15 icp’s away from there 1 point NO.
    They will need to capture 3 or so more neutrals to get there.

    With this added 1 point NO it gives the Axis another option for a win. Where there at now in game so far with 26 victory city point’s,  they would not need Stalingrad (2) but Moscow (3) or London (3) and the 1 point NO to get to 30. But if they took Stalingrad (2) and NO (Axis total income ) 1 point they be at (29). 1 point short of victory. The Axis would need to take Calcutta (2) and Stalingrad (2) now for victory too or go for S. Africa Capital for that 1 point with Stalingrad (2) and NO 1 point = 4 points total.
    Now that would be something to see in game. Italy is strong enough to do that with a bit of German help assuming Germany doesn’t have to go all out blitz to Moscow.
    Just thinking now if I need to add just 1 more NO 1 point to game for each side. But I don’t think i will need to add another NO 1 point to game.

  • '17 '16

    For Allies I have no German subs and no Japanese Capital ships to receive 1 point. But still undecided on this one. I think the allies would not get this one until late in game compared to Axis.

    What if you do it “either… or”?

    If there is either no Axis warship in Atlantic SZs or no Japanese Capital ships.

    Doing both, could meant 2 victory points or still only 1 victory point.

  • Yes I thought of either for 1 point but not 2. If I make it either or Or then the point is not deducted from the victory city points total from axis. It would just be a bonus point or points for both sides.

  • '17 '16

    I always believe this point was only a bonus Vic point, not a penalty.

  • I’m going with 2 NO victory points for each side in game starting Saturday.


    1 point - Axis total ICP income is 178 or higher.
    1 point - Axis control the Mid East Oil countries of Trans Jordan, Syria, Tehran, Irag,
    Iran, S. Iran, Georgia and Caucasus.


    1 point - No German subs in Atlantic ocean.
    1 point - No Japanese Capital ships in the Pacific.

    I will have Oil Derricks on map in these Mid East Oil countries showing what you need to capture and/or recapture to get 1 point bonus or remove 1 point bonus from victory points chart.

  • '17 '16


    I’m going with 2 NO victory points for each side in game starting Saturday.


    1 point - Axis total ICP income is 178 or higher.
    1 point - Axis control the Mid East Oil countries of
    1- Trans Jordan,
    2- Syria,
    3- Tehran,
    4- Iraq,
    5- Iran,
    6- South Iran,
    7- Georgia and
    8- Caucasus.


    1 point - No German subs in Atlantic ocean.
    1 point - No Japanese Capital ships in the Pacific.

    I will have Oil Derricks on map in these Mid East Oil countries showing what you need to capture and/or recapture to get 1 point bonus or remove 1 point bonus from victory points chart.

    Seems pretty cool to me.

    Combined with the others VCs and points, this will provided more flexibility on goals for both sides.

    I wish I could play your game, I’m so far away…

    Have a nice week end.

    PTO Allies
    3 Sydney
    2 Hawaii
    2 Calcutta
    1 Manilla
    1 L. A.
    1 Hong Kong

    PTO Axis
    3 Tokyo
    2 Shanghai
    2 Peking
    1 Changkhun
    2 Saigon

    ATO Allies
    3 Moscow
    3 London
    2 Washington
    2 Lengingrad
    2 Stalingrad
    1 Cairo
    1 Johannsburg

    ATO Axis
    3 Berlin
    3 Rome
    3 Paris
    1 Oslo
    1 Milan
    1 Warsaw

    The Allies start with 24 points and Axis with 22 points. First one to 30 points and holds for a turn wins the game.




    W/o the math, what is the final unit attributes for transport?

    You mean

    Planes only attacking lone transports. All transports get a @2 at planes.  No escape.

    Ships only attacking lone transports. All surviving transports get a roll of @2 after all attackers roll after each round of combat.

    Ships and planes attacking transports with escorts. Transports only shoot at planes@2.

    Transport, always taken as last casualty, can only escape when alone and against warships only.

    Otherwise, each get an AA roll against aircraft once per combat round, if any available.

  • We got 3 more turns in game. 5 turns so far into game. As you can see in the Europe side of map allies starting to get some thing going off of coast of Normandy. UK just took Oslo and Germany has 14 planes in Europe and has to decide if its going to attack the allies fleet or just use planes for attacking with inf for any landings. Also need to take out troops in Oslo. First game now where Germany had to retreat in Leningrad but then was able to take back. Italy very strong in game and with Germany not getting the good Na’s and no tech so far in game will need all the help from Italy big time.


  • The Pacific looks pretty bare. Japan trying to push into Calcutta but US with some help trying to push Japan off the islands soon ?
    Japan will need to buy mostly navy now so may stall the Calcutta push.
    Japan also with no tech in game so far.


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