VC points and victory conditions for Global 1940

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    Victory Points.

    Each victory city is valued at the IPC value of its territory.  At the end of each power’s turn, add up the total IPC value of all axis controlled territories that contain victory cities.  The axis win the game if the total is 40 or greater for one complete round of play.  The allies win the game if the total is 20 or lower for one complete round of play.

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    Here are some implications for this rule. First, let’s assume that in most games the following cities are fairly easy for the axis to get:
    Germany ($5)
    Poland (2)
    France (4)
    South Italy (3)
    Novgorod (2)
    Volgograd (2)
    Japan (8 )
    Kiangsu (3)
    Kwangtung (3)
    Philippines (2)
    The total value of those cities is 34.

    Now let’s also assume that in most games these cities are near impossible to get:
    New South Wales (2)
    Ontario (2)
    East USA (20)
    West USA (10)

    That leaves the following cities available to the axis to try and get the remaining 6 points they need to reach 40 (assuming they actually hold all the easy ones listed above):
    India (3)
    Russia (3)
    Hawaii (1)
    Egypt (2)
    UK (6)

    With this rule in place, probably the easiest and fastest way for the axis to win would be a combo of India crush and rush Russia.  BUT if the allies do everything possible to maxx defend India (not Cairo), then Japan may suffer heavy enough losses taking it that their other gains may be unsustainable in the long term.  Other combinations might work out more or less like a standard game with a lot riding on Hawaii and/or Cairo.  Also notice how London is worth 6 versus the 4 you get for Leningrad and Stalingrad, so sealion threat and sealion defense should be top priorities.

    For the allies to win they should basically need to reduce the axis to something like Tokyo, Berlin, and 2 other cities.  At that point it would be hard to imagine an axis recovery, but that point could be reached many hours before actually losing all 3 capitols.  So games would end with an actual victory for one side or the other; not just one side giving up.

  • Sponsor

    I like it because it’s simple and it involves Victory Cities, what I’m unsure about is all the games that will end within that $20-$39 range without resolve. However, this house rule plus my 12 VC house rule after round 5, would give two possible victory conditions for each side to aim for. Back to your idea, counting the VC territories after every powers turn could get exhausting, but I suppose a special token could be assigned to counting the axis VC territory values on the income tracker. There’s a lot of promise with this idea IMO.

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    Another thing you could do with a point system like this is to motivate achieving some historically important goals without upsetting the game balance by paying cash for them in the form of NOs.  For example, maybe add a point for axis control of all originally Chinese territories, or deduct a point if there are no axis subs in the Atlantic, or whatever.  Lots of potential for house rules here.

    One thing I like about this kind of system or your 12VCs after round 5 rule is that they both immediately stop any cheesy strategies based on unbalancing the game by going all-in on one map while committing suicide on the other map.  You have to win globally.

  • I like it too. Nice work.

  • Sponsor

    We will be adding your victory condition house rule to our group games, along with our 12 VCs after round 5 house rule. Therefore each side has 2 ways they can win the game, and we would even consider a 3rd if another good rule is created.

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    Awesome!  let us know how it works out

  • Customizer

    Has anyone considered adding an Economic victory/loss condition?
    Remember in Classic, the Axis could win an economic victory if they managed to capture 84 IPCs worth of territory and hold it for a full round. Back then, the Axis started with 57 IPCs so they needed another 27 IPCs to win.
    So, perhaps you could say if the Axis gain $X or more (just by what’s on the income chart, no national objectives included) and hold it for one full round, then it’s an Axis economic victory. On the other hand, if the Axis are driven down to $Y or less, then it’s an Allied economic victory.
    The Axis in Global start with 66 IPCs. In the first round, Germany/Italy stand to gain an extra 16 IPCs from French territories and the Pro Allied and Pro Axis neutrals in Europe. If Japan attacks round 1, they should get another 10 IPCs (Hong Kong = 3, Philippines = 2, French Indo China = 2 and at least 3 Chinese territories). So Round 1 would bring the Axis total to about 92 IPCs, Allied counter attacks not withstanding.
    So obviously the Axis win amount should be well over 100 IPCs but I’m not sure how much would be a fair amount. The Allies start out with 175 IPCs. If you subtract the Allied territories that the Axis is sure to take round 1, that brings them down to 156. So after round 1, if the Allies took nothing back from the Axis, it stands at Axis 92 IPCs, Allies 156 IPCs.
    Also, we have to remember that Brazil, Iraq and Persia are each worth 2 IPCs and the Dutch East Indies are worth 11 IPCs. So that is another 17 IPCs that one side or the other will eventually capture. For the sake of argument, lets just say since Iraq is pro Axis, we will include it with the Axis total and since Brazil, Persia and the DEI are pro Allied, we will include them with the Allies total. That comes to Axis = 94 IPCs, Allies = 171 IPCs.
    Perhaps a good amount for an Economic Victory would be if the Axis powers combined income is more than the Allied powers combined income for one full round, then the Axis win. That amount would be 133 IPCs. At that point, the Allies combined income would be 132 IPCs. These amounts DO NOT include any of the strict neutrals. I think if the Axis were making that much money, then it would be really hard for the Allies to still beat them anyway.
    As for the Allied Economic Victory, perhaps simply cut the Axis beginning total in half. If the Axis are making 33 IPCs or less, the Allies call it. After 1 full round if the Axis are still at 33 IPCs or less, then it is an Allied victory. After all, if the Axis are making that little money, they aren’t going to be bouncing back.
    I am not sure if either of these conditions would shorten or lengthen game time though. For the Axis to conquer and keep 133 IPCs worth of territory might take some time, unless they get lucky and capture Eastern US in which case the game is nearly over anyway. Also, barring any spectacular blunders by the Axis, it could take some time to knock them down to 33 IPCs. Young Grasshopper’s 12 VC by round 5 rule would probably still be shorter.

  • I had an idea to calculate an axis win at the end of each full game turn

    Each capital held is worth 3 points (india counts as a capital)
    Each other victory city is 2 points
    Each completed national objective is 1 point.

    Total up on Germany’s turn, on Japans turn and Italy’s turn.
    Lets just spitball and say, if the axis number is 31, if they score 31 at any time during rounds 5-10 they win.

    For the allies to win, they need to bring the axis down to a certain number, lets say 15

    As the game goes on, the numbers get closer to eachother, so lets look at it this way

    Turns 5-10
    Axis wins with 31 points, lose if they fall below 15 points
    Turns 11-15
    Axis wins with 27 points, lose if they fall below 19 points
    Turns 16-20
    Axis wins with 24 points, lose if they fall below 21 points

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