• '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    This pic shows only 1 Axis sub in convoy box which it survived the whole game.


  • This pic is the turn where Germany is going in to Moscow and will capture it. The German units are on the coaster.


  • '19 '18 '17

    This was a great game and a great day. I played as the Italians… I chose the Italians since I had never been to one of SS Gen s games and didn’t know the rules well and --well wanted to watch and learn as well… As the Italians I did the normal of building a fleet and concentrating on the Med. as well as sending some armor up to help Germany as a can opener… I didn’t need to send my armor since they only took the Ukraine and then headed west. The German player - Ryan - did a bang up job… His first turn he got an event card that gave him 2 subs and with what was in the Atlantic as well as my two subs we were able to cause a lot of havoc to the allies… In fact so much so that the US spent at least 90% of there money in the Atlantic the entire game!!! As stated above one of my Italian subs just wouldn’t die and lived throughout the game hitting the allies for either 3 or 4 ipcs of convoy damage… --It was glorious!!! lol… Just to add Germany did buy 2 subs the first two turns so he did spend money on the battle of the Atlantic to great effect.

    Germany was able to build a variety of units each turn and concentrated on shuttling infantry to Leningrad via his transports in the Baltic… With the UK not being able to use his bombers on the naval fleet it was able to survive the whole game. I liked the rule except when I wanted to use my Italian bomber in the Red sea on the British fleet… Germany was able to slowly push its way into Russia and take Moscow while holding off a combined US/UK fleet attempting to kill all those subs that were staying alive in the Atlantic!! The UK and the US were able to take both Normandy and Western France with a large force but had to bail to take Oslo to get a victory city or lose… The Italians kept plugging away in Africa and with enough build up were able to take Cairo for another victory point… The two national capabilities that I had rolled for the Italians were Bravado and Black Shirts… Bravado gave my infantry an attack of 3 on a 12 sided dice and a defense of 5 on a 12 sided dice for defense with Black shirts… I bought a lot of infantry and attacked with them.

    Germany was able to swing through with his armor into the middle east from both Africa - and Russia capturing Stalingrad and the middle east oil fields gaining more victory cities. I was able to hold the UK at bay in Africa because of all the subs killing convoy boxes in the Atlantic forcing him to spend less money in Africa then I think he could have spent… He did build a full force each turn in S Africa though as well as fleet units in the UK.

    With all this happening in Europe it was hard to see all that was happening in Asia… I was seated south of Africa and could see India and Australia and they were reeling from the work that Carl was doing with the Japanese… And then it happened… Japan attacked the American fleet but didn’t use his combined fleet and lost badly – forcing him to redraw his plans… The US had 2 damaged battleships and 4 damaged carriers on the board that got away with an intact supporting fleet… This game was gonna go down to the wire… Japan kept trying different things - threatening Calcutta and then the US took the phillipines back and Japan sent his forces to retake it instead of Calcutta! Two event cards really hurt the UK during this game… One was a monsoon type weather thing that prevented him from moving units out of Calcutta for 1 turn… Which means his aircraft couldn’t be sent to Egypt and he couldn’t move his forces against the Japanese… It came at a critical time… Then 2 turns later when the troops are in Burma the UK player draws a similar card for Burma and they were stuck there… Boy did that help out the Japanese and the Axis in general.

    I learned a lot and had a lot of fun…

    Questions: Why are fighters only attacking at 5 and 5 on a d12 with the cost of 10, when a conversion would make them 6 and 8? They seemed expensive for the cost reduction… You can’t seem to rely on fighters to defend a territory with as much umph as you could before…
    Naval fighters even got hurt more attacking and defending 4 and 4 on a d12 for a cost of 8. I have no idea how this worked in the Pacific and may have worked well.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Thank you Mark for this great game report and for showing up to play for the game from a far distance of travel. Really appreciate it ! With Carl playing (4 games now) and you playing Italy helped Germany and speed up game a bit.
    I’ll try to explain the planes attack, defense and costs and why there that way in game.
    Bombers are to strong in any game. As far as no naval attack and reduced planes values is based on planes shouldn’t win all battles. I know that some bombers did kill ships but then where do you draw the line for them. I still have on list bombers being able to hit navy carpet bombing A3@1 for 1 round only. Or A3@2.
    As for figs and naval figs this gets tricky and the fig is the hardest piece to adjust to being to strong against navy but to weak against ground ( Inf D@4 ). Some good players that have been at game and see the fig being lower agree and even Carl said figs to strong against ships. The Axis did lose 14,000 planes in the Pacific.
    From history the naval fighters were a bit weaker and they had less armor or weight to land on Carriers than a fig. But of course US had the better navy figs as war went on but then you could always add those stronger pieces later in turns but for now we leave it where were at in game. If you add a stronger piece to an Allies then you need to add a stronger piece to Axis. Should mostly be 50 50 other wise then you are now affecting setups a bit. Not going there except for Russia or Germany if needed.
    All pieces are based on cost for punch as close as possible. As mentioned before in some games how can 1 fig kill a Battleship.
    Also in game The Tac/Dive bomber is your main killer in game and that was the way it was.

    As for the fig value C10 M5 A&D@5 41% + getting a DF plane kill @2 16% same battle is considered A&D@7 58%. But gets 2 kills. Plus a extra 1 move. Game is not based on where you can buy an airbase and just put anywhere.
    You mentioned fig A6 D8 = A50% & D66%. This gets you 1 kill.
    The reason for the ship AA ( big guns shooting at ships and anti air guns same time ) and plane Df ( some planes just attacking planes ) kill should be there and this forces the attacker or defender having to take a plane casualty in early rounds and not having just planes saved at an end of a battles. Thats crap. Planes where getting shot down during all battles and not at the end only. I asked Carl and he said keep it the same and Justin said same thing. I was asking them if Destroyer was to strong at C6 M2 AD@3 + get a AD@1 AA plane kill. If you have 8 destroyers ya you should get a better chance for a plane kill but also the Destroyer is mostly the first pick for casualties so its not over powering. If you raise cost to 7 will it hurt rest of countries ?
    The fig would be way to strong across the board if you made it A6 D8 + DF @2 kill. Also Axis would have a huge Advantage in first 3 rounds.
    Naval Fig C8 M4 AD@4 33% + gets a DF plane kill @2 16% = AD@6 50% but gets 2 kills too. So

    Fig C10 M5 AD@5 41% + AD@2 16% plane kill = AD 116% chance of 2 kills & +1 move
    N. Fig C8 M4 AD@4 33% + AD@2 16% plane kill = AD 100% chance of 2 kills
    Fig C10 M4 A@6 50% & D@8 66% = 116% but only 1 chance of a kill.
    Granted the percentages probably be lower than for my version if you wanted to go deeper some but it works.

    Yes as you also mentioned you need to bring more ummp to battles. Sea more Destroyers ( why they cost 6 and were the pawns ) and ground an extra punch piece to decide somewhat more of a battles. If this hurts Russia in the long run we can always add a fig or a few more Inf to setup. But this game I believe Russia didn’t defend Moscow well enough. Plus with Italy and Germany not having to buy as much ground for Europe for early landing defense helped both countries big time. I’ve never seen Europe that empty. This gives the Axis a few extra turns ( due to the battle of the Atlantic going on ) to send ground east in Africa and Russia.
    Also the fig values should make you buy more tac M5 /dive M4 bombers ( C10 AD@5 and if roll is a 3 or less can pick target ) and the cheaper naval fig is your fodder. In the Pacific its worth having 2 land figs on islands for intercept support but also help with fleets and naval planes being cheaper are used for fodder.

    Well I hope this answered your questions.

    So when you factor in costs and movement it should affect costs on a piece. As we play more the option of changing a piece value is always on the board and even can be adjusted during the game if caught early.

    SS OUT!

  • Was indeed an awesome game! Thanks Mark (AAGamer) for joining us, was very nice to meet and play A&A with you. As always, thank you, Ray (SS GEN), for hosting such a glorious event. Please see some of the pics below that I took during the game.

    US battles it out with Germany

    Random map shot

    In the background, Japan and US battle it out in the Pacific

    Italy extends its’ reach in the Balkans.

    I tell ya, I learn something new each time I play. Whether its success or failure, this game is so dynamic and fun. And it’s good to see a steady stream of players each month, let’s keep this momentum going all year long!

  • '19 '18 '17

    @Folgore77 Thanks Folgore!! I had a great time and it was great meeting you… The game has lighten a fire under me to play more A&A and trying to get people in my area to play… I plan on returning if I can beg–get Carl to drive again!! Hope to see you again!

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Yo all General’s are to report to the “Generals Fortress” this Saturday Oct. 19 at 8:30 am for “Operation Justice” !

    Game will be taped and hopefully live streamed.

    We will be playing with the new Stg. Bomber values and Fig values.

    Fig C8 M5 AD@5 ground. AD@4 naval ships.
    Stg. Bomber C8 M6 A 3@3 1 round only still. D2 SBR 1d6+1
    H. Bomber C10 M7 A 4@3 1 round only still. D3 SBR 1d6+3

  • @SS-GEN Good luck guys!! Wish I could make it… So jealous you guys are playing! Good luck @Folgore77 !!! SS-Gen I hope you have a good plan for Japan – you will need it… I here Dan has a plan!!

  • @AAGamer said in SS GEN's 1941 Global War Game:

    @SS-GEN Good luck guys!! Wish I could make it… So jealous you guys are playing! Good luck @Folgore77 !!! SS-Gen I hope you have a good plan for Japan – you will need it… I here Dan has a plan!!

    ppff… Ya I heard Dan has a plan, Retreat !!!

  • @SS-GEN haha

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    OK, We had another epic game with the Axis winning in 7 turns. I’ll give my input on what I saw happen and if any group member wants to chime in and give a more detailed account of there country.
    I played Japan. Took Midway T1 ( Moved carriers out of US range for counter attack non combat ) and Solomon islands and New Britain to Deny US & Anzac 2 Island group NOs and Japan then gained 3 Island NOs for a 15 bonus icps turn 1 plus 1 Island group NO they start with for another 5. Did the normal Asian attacks and then went for money islands and for the 2 bonus victory
    points to help Germany and for axis win. Granted when you leave the 3 Island groups NOs US and Anzac does come and get them due to Japan leaving. Thats the trade off. But Japan should always I mean always have to control Dutch Island oil period in any game towards a win or victory bonus points. So on T7 Japan got back 2 Dutch islands with Refinery’s ( no damage ) for 2 bonus points plus japan had fighter interceptors on island to protect there Refineries from being damaged by Allie bombers and the allies could not take back by end of the turn. US had only 1 bomber in Calcutta and no fig escorts to bomb Dutch Refineries do deny axis bonus points. Japan had 6 figs on Sumatra.
    I also think the US fleet should of moved from Carolinas to the Dutch Islands instead going towards Toyko for another 3 island group NO ( worth 5 icps ) and help with denying Japan from getting a victory bonus point or 2 ? Just IMO. It took the US fleet out of position there for 2 turns at least.

    Europe side. All I know is Germany abandoned Paris and lost with West Germany Plus UK got Oslo and Germany got Moscow and Stalingrad while US UK were constantly SBRing Italy and Berlin. Italy was a power house. New guy Tony was Buying for strict Neutral influence after he got control of the the 2 3 island group NOs and got Congo, Anglo & Turkey and was threating S. Africa but UK just had enough defense to deny an Axis 1 victory point there so thats where Japan had to come in for the 2 bonus points and 1 Victory bonus point for Axis total income which was higher than 210. They were in the 220s if not higher.
    Also the UK abandoned Cairo to Italy for 1 victory point and went to Mideast oil to defend it from the Axis from getting another 1 victory bonus point while the Cairo fleet went towards India but the Italian fleet followed and the Cairo fleet ended up killing the Italian fleet with UK fighters from Calcutta. This did leave Calcutta weak and there was 25 Japan ground units in Thailand for a future attack but was best to spread them ground troops to protect Japan controlled Dutch Islands for a win. If UK would of flew the 6 UK figs out of S. Africa to support Calcutta then S. Africa would have fallen due to a strong presence of Italian troops right there to attack.
    US took Azores T1 to help deplete the German wolf packs by end of T3. The trade off there was no US pressure in Med to slow down Italy I believe needs to happen in game now.
    US was making 120 icps at end of T6.
    Final tally. Axis starts with 20 victory points.
    Axis points start 20
    lost Paris -3 = 17
    lost Oslo -1 = 16
    Cairo +1 = 17
    Moscow +3 = 20
    Stalingrad +2 = 22
    Leningrad +2 = 24
    Hong Kong +1 = 25
    Manilla +1 = 26
    Maylay +1 = 27
    Dutch Oil +2 = 29 2 Refineries cannot have damage.
    Axis income +1 = 30
    Total is 30 victory points. Need 30 at end of any turn for an axis victory.

    The new lower costs for figs C8 AD@4 naval & AD @5 ground with still bonus plane kill @2 and Stg Bombers C8 AD #@3 bonus plane kill @1 also. I believe worked out good plus made Sbring from a d8 +1 to a D6 +1 still good enough in game. Plus figs could only hit naval @4 while Ground it was @5. I used Stg bombers a lot and they were pretty weak. Will have to see if they go back to A 4@3.

    Was gonna live stream but camera was not correct as far as closeness of map. I’ll see if I can post at least a video tape of game sample.

  • This post is deleted!

  • It was an amazing game, 11 hours straight! Well worth my drive from and to Chicago. Thanks for hosting, @SS-GEN !

    As Italy, my strategy had several directives and characteristics:

    1- creating havoc in Africa and the Middle East to force UK, and even USSR, to divert efforts to those regions, so to support Germany’s main thrust. I see this as my “remote can opener”. Result: pushed UK out of Africa (except a contained pocket in Johannesburg) and the Near East

    2- secure gradual IPC growth by capturing as many small (often neglected) territories as possible. Result: These 1 IPC territories plus national bonuses (controlling Med islands) enabled me a whopping 60 IPC income later in the game

    3- invest decisively in influencing neutral nations: Congo, Angola, and Turkey. This was a calculated risk, based on probabilities it was well worth the risk of dice against the IPCs saved/gained. Result: gained strategic advantage in Africa and Near East by controlling those countries, armies and IPCs.

    4- corrode UK and US IPC gains by attacking their convoys as aggressively as possible with my super subs. Result: temporarily drove down Allies IPCs and slowed down their final advance across the Atlantic

    5- relentlessly pursue the British navy in the Med, Red Sea and Indian Ocean. Result: destroyed British navies, securing Italy’s naval dominance (near-supremacy) in those regions, and helping Japan by corroding India’s defense

    6- I refrained from supporting Germany in France and Balkans. Germany didn’t want my help in France, and my support in the Balkans was irrelevant against the massive armies Germany amassed in the Eastern Front. I thus diverted my land units to the Middle East. Result: US did invade Western Europe but it was too late. Italy gained oil rigs in the Middle East, helping the Axis to secure victory points needed.

    Avanti Italia!

    Thanks again. Lots of fun! Looking forward to playing soon. Cheers.

  • @phd_angel
    heh heh good action here : )

    I see Folgore deleted. Is he OK : )

  • Folgore here (Dan)…Apologies for deleting the post of pics from yesterday. I had to resize them as they were a little too big and blurry…

    We had another glorious event and it was an honor to play with these gents. We welcome our newest player – Tony! Hopefully we see Mark (AAgamer) and Carl get to join us next time, as-well-as anyone else who would like to join us.

    For clarity, I added some brief captions to most pics to give you an idea of what was going on and who was controlling what country, etc. I am extremely happy with how the pics came out on my Nikon SLR. Hope you enjoy them, too!..

    Japan and Germany discuss invasion strategies:axisstrategy.JPG

    Tony carefully prepares Italy’s next move.Tony.JPG

    Ryan leads the British into battle!Ryan.JPG

    Ray plots Japan’s strategy.Ray.JPG

    In the background: Japan (Ray, on the left) and USA (led by Mark, on the right) battle it out for control over the Pacific Islands.japanvsusa.JPG

    USA dominates the islands as Japan makes inroads into China.pacifictheatre.jpg

    The seemingly formidable Atlantic Wall is later breached!atlanticwall.jpg

    Italy makes purchases.Italypurchases.JPG

    Battle for Moscow begins!BattleofMoscow.JPG

    Dan prepares the Russian Army’s counter attack against Justin’s German Army Group Center.folgore3.jpg

    German invasion force of Moscow!germaninvasionforce.jpg

    Moscow’s glorious defenders!moscowdefenders.jpg

    Moscow falls to the German Blitzkrieg!moscowfalls.JPG

    After the fall of Moscow, the British capture Tehran and link up with Russia’s Southern army in Georgia to secure the Middle East oil fields…

    The last bastion of hope for the UK in Africa. The Italians ended up not attacking as Axis Victory drew near.johannesburg.jpg



    The General’s fuel for success on the battlefield.

    Thought this was a cool close up shot, reminded me of an anti-Nazi WW2 propaganda poster.ring.JPG

    Casualty Pegs

    German spy, Sir Dudley, can easily be bribed with food or back scratches.sirduffy.jpg

  • Dan great pics !!! Thanks for all of that and a report.

    Tony thanks for your great report of Italy too !!!

    Yes it was a fantastic intense game again. Thank You all for showing up and playing.

  • @SS-GEN Great reports and even better photos of the whole thing… Thanks for sharing all of you. Looking forward to coming the next time!

  • @Folgore77 - Thanks for posting these amazing photos reporting the game as it unfolded. This a great storytelling. I’d love to see it again in the future. Cheers,

  • @Folgore77 Sweet ! Photos came out nice : )

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @Folgore77 need some animal crackers shaped like A&A guys for Sir Dudley lol

    on second thought maybe not. Might start going after the real ones :)

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