• TripleA '12


    Unit Placement

    Newly purchased combat units must be placed at ICs that your power has controlled since the start of your turn: Land and air units must be placed into the territory upon which the IC sits. Sea units must be placed into a sea zone adjacent to the territory with the IC, so long as there is a Naval Base on the coastline that touches that sea zone.

    For example, the IC in the territory of Northern Italy is adjacent to two sea zones; SZ 30 and SZ 31. However, as the Naval Base in Northern Italy is sitting on the coastline that touches SZ 30, newly purchased sea units may only be placed into SZ 30. If the Italian player bought another NB in Northern Italy and placed it on the coastline touching SZ 31, then he/she would be able to place new sea units into SZ 31 as well:

    Italy buils ships.PNG

  • TripleA '12


    Strategic Bombing Raids

    Both Minor and Major ICs can be damaged and even destroyed by enemy Bombers conducting a SBR. An IC can produce 1 less combat unit for each Damage counter on it. Therefore, an IC on a territory with an IPC value of 3, but which has 1 Damage counter on it may only produce 2 units that turn. ICs must be fully repaired in order to run at full production capacity.

    ICs can receive a maximum number of Damage counters equal to twice the IPC value of the territory in which they sit, and still survive. Therefore, an IC in a territory worth 3 IPCs can receive a maximum of 6 Damage counters, although it won’t be able to produce any units until at least 4 of that damage has been repaired.

    If an IC ever receives more damage than twice the IPC value of its territory, then the IC is destroyed. So, if an IC in a territory worth 3 IPCs ever receives 7 Damage counters or more, it is destroyed. ICs that are destroyed must be removed from the game map immediately. Any combat units in the Mobilisation Zone which you have produced but not yet placed must be placed at another IC, if you have one (during your next Mobilise New Units phase). If you do not have another IC, then these units are destroyed; remove them from the Mobilisation Zone. It is a bad thing indeed to lose your last IC!

    Example: The Major IC based in the territory of East Germany can normally produce 6 units per turn. However, due to a recent SBR the IC has incurred 3 Damage counters. The IC can now only produce 3 units per turn until this damage is repaired: FIG. 1

    In this next example, the same IC has now incurred 9 Damage counters, and cannot produce any units until at least 3 of them have been repaired: FIG. 2

    And finally, having received 13 Damage counters (more than twice the IPC value of the territory) the same IC is now destroyed: FIG. 3

    FIG.1  FIG.2  FIG.3.PNG

  • Customizer

    It’s really interesting how you have handlied ICs.  It seems like you have restricted them quite a bit, as well as making them vulnerable to destruction.  On the other hand, they are quite a bit cheaper than what we currently have.  It’s interesting to me the limitations of minor ICs, that they can only produce certain types of units.  I do think I like the ability to destroy ICs through SBRs and that you can remove your own to keep them from being captured.  USSR would really benefit from that in the new Alpha + 2 setup where they have a minor IC in the Ukraine.  I think the Germans really like that IC.

    Yeah, I did notice as I was writing out the different tech developments that a number of mine are more or less covered by your practical improvements.  I still think I have a few pretty neat ideas.  Whether or not they are feasable for the game remains to be seen.  After all the work to come up with these, I don’t think I actually tried them out.

    You have to tell the difference between major and minor air and naval bases.  I find it interesting that you locate the bases right on the coast of territories so even if that territory borders another sea zone, it can still only use the one side.  I assume an air base on any territory still can scramble to either sea zone?  What about scrambling to adjacent land territories?

  • TripleA '12

    Thanks again for your feedback, knp7765! I appreciate your comments on the ICs. I made my rules for these at the time that AAP40 came out although I don’t own that game or AAE40. I did originally put a Minor IC in the Soviet Union territory of Odessa, and I may return to that set up…

    Theoretical Technology is still the biggest problem/challenge in my game so far, hence I concentrated on the D12/practical side of tech first. The practical is finished now and so I will concentrate on the theory part.

    Major Air and Naval Bases are green and Minor Air and Naval Bases are blue. I will post the rules for these installations soon. In order to build sea units, you basically need an IC (major or minor) on a territory with an active Naval Base on one of its coast lines. The location of the Naval Base dictates where new sea units can be built. Only Naval Bases should be on coastlines.

    More on Bases and scrambling soon.

  • TripleA '12


    Minor Air Base   COST: 5 SIZE: 4 UPGRADE COST: 5

    Major Air Base    COST:10  SIZE: 8

    Air Bases (AB) are purchased during the Purchase Units phase and are placed on the map during the Mobilise New Units phase, just like regular combat units. ABs must be placed into any territory that your power has controlled since the start of your turn, regardless of IPC value. Unlike Industrial Complexes, ABs can never be destroyed by your own forces.

    Air Bases have two sizes which represent how many air units can be based there. Minor ABs can hold up to 4 air units, and Major ABs can hold up to 8 air units (any mixture of Fighters and/or Bombers). An AB can hold one less air unit for every Damage counter on it.


    A Minor AB that your power has controlled since the start of your turn can be upgraded to Major AB during the Purchase Units phase, for the cost of 5 IPCs. Pay the cost to the bank and replace the Minor AB token with a Major AB token. The Major AB is now effective immediately. Any Damage counters on the AB prior to the upgrade will remain there until repaired in the normal way.

    Damaged ABs can be repaired during the Purchase Units phase for the cost of 1 IPC per Damage counter. Pay the desired amount to the bank and remove that number of Damage counters from the AB. Destroyed ABs cannot be repaired; they must be rebuilt at their normal build cost (replace the Destroyed counter with the relevant AB counter on the map; the AB is now fully functional again).

    A Major AB can be downgraded to a Minor AB for no cost, during the Mobilise New Units phase. This is effective immediately - replace the Major AB with a Minor AB. (The German player may downgrade any Major AB in an Axis Minor territory at this time also.)

    Air Base Operations

    Your air units (Fighters and Bombers) must be based in a territory with an AB in order to be able to conduct attacks or SBRs during your Combat Move phase. The AB in question could be yours or an ally’s. Any air units based in a territory without an AB cannot move during your Combat Move phase; they may still move during your Noncombat Move phase, however.

    Friendly Fighters (yours or those allied to your power) based in a territory with an AB may defend in a regular combat in that territory, as normal. They may also defend in a SBR against all installation types, in that territory, if the controlling player so wishes. They may choose to defend in any regular combat or SBR in an adjacent territory (one space away). However, each Fighter may only participate in one engagement, and they must return to the AB they originated from afterwards.

    Friendly Fighters based in territories without an AB may only defend in a regular combat or SBR in that territory and they may not engage at all in adjacent territories.

    Friendly Bombers (yours and those allied to your power) based in a territory with or without an AB may still defend in a regular battle in that territory as normal; however, they cannot defend in any combats in adjacent territories, in any way. Also, friendly Bombers can never defend against SBR attacks, regardless of installation type.

    Strategic Bombing Raids

    Air Bases can be damaged and even destroyed by enemy Bombers conducting a SBR. Any Bombers that survive defending Anti Aircraft Gun and Interceptor fire (Fighters) will then roll for damage. The size of the AB determines how many Damage counters it can receive, and it can hold one less air unit for every Damage counter on it. Therefore, after a SBR has been completed, the maximum number of air units based at the target AB must be reconciled with the AB’s diminished size. If the number of air units based there is greater than the current size of the AB, then the extra units must immediately be moved to a friendly adjacent space - either a territory or Aircraft Carrier (in the case of Fighters).

    For example: The Soviet Union player controls an undamaged Minor AB (size 4) and there are 4 air units based there (2 Fighters and 2 Bombers). Germany makes a SBR against the AB with 1 Bomber. The German Bomber survives all defending fire from the AA Gun and the 2 Interceptors in the territory, and then rolls for damage, getting a 2. Therefore, 2 Damage counters are placed on the AB; its size is now 2 (size 4 - 2 damage = size 2). The Soviet player must immediately remove 2 air units of his/her choice from the territory, in order to reconcile with its new size.

    If an AB ever receives more Damage counters than its size, it is destroyed. For example, a Minor AB has a size of 4 - if it ever receives 5 Damage counters or more, it is destroyed. If this happens, remove all the Damage counters from the AB and replace them with a Destroyed counter.

    Any friendly air units based at an AB which is destroyed by a SBR will be automatically destroyed on a one for one basis for each additional point of damage.

    AIR BASES.doc

  • Good stuff here! I like what i’ve glanced over. will definitely be printing this out for closer reading.

  • TripleA '12

    Really glad you like it so far thoes426, thank you. Here’s some more:


    A Strategic Bombing Raid (SBR) is a special kind of attack against enemy installations that can only be made by Bombers, in order to reduce your enemies’ production/strike capability. Your Fighters may also escort your Bombers to protect them from enemy interceptors during this kind of raid. SBRs may be conducted against all three installation types (Industrial Complexes, Air Bases & Naval Bases).

    The Bombers move towards their intended target(s) during the Combat Move phase (range permitting), and carry out the raid during the Combat phase. Each Bomber unit may only participate in a single SBR, and they cannot take part in both a SBR and a normal combat on the same turn.

    If there is an Anti Aircraft Gun (AA Gun) in the same territory as the installation under SBR attack, then it can fire at the attacking Bombers in an attempt to shoot them down. Only 1 AA Gun per territory can fire, rolling a total number of D12 dice equal to the total number of Bombers attacking. The AA Gun will therefore fire once at each attacking Bomber unit and on a roll of a 1 or a 2 a Bomber is shot down; remove it play.

    After AA Gun fire has been resolved, any surviving Bombers continue to conduct the raid. Roll 1 D6 for each Bomber and combine the total. Place Damage counters equal to the total rolled onto the installation under attack. If an AB or NB ever receives more Damage counters than its size, it is destroyed. If an IC ever receives more Damage counters than twice the IPC value of the territory upon which it is sited, it is destroyed.

    Example: United Kingdom conducts a SBR against a German Major Industrial Complex (IC) with 3 Bombers. There is an AA Gun present in the territory with the IC and it fires at each Bomber (rolling a total of 3 D12 dice) and it gets a 2 (hit), a 4 (miss) and a 9 (miss). Therefore, 1 UK Bomber is shot down. The remaining 2 Bombers now continue the raid and roll for damage against the IC. They roll 2 D6 and get a 3 and a 4 for a total of 7. Germany now places 7 Damage counters on the IC.

    Fighters - Escorts & Interceptors

    Fighters from both sides may get involved in a SBR and as such they are referred to as Escorts (attackers) and Interceptors (defenders). Your Fighters - Escorts - may accompany your Bombers, range permitting, to the intended enemy target installation. Your Fighters may originate from any friendly territory with an AB or from a friendly Aircraft Carrier, within range. Friendly Fighters (those allied to your power) can never take part in a SBR made by your power, as powers allied to each other can never attack together. Each of your Fighters may only participate in one engagement, and they cannot take part in both a SBR and a normal combat on the same turn.

    Enemy Fighters - Interceptors - based in the same territory as the target installation may defend during a SBR, against all installation types, in that territory. They may do this whether there is an AB present in the target territory or not. Also, enemy Fighters based in an adjacent territory with an AB may rally to the defence of the installation (this includes Fighters belonging to a power allied to the one whose installation is under attack, as powers allied to each other may always defend together). However, each defending enemy Fighter may only participate in one engagement, and they cannot take part in both a SBR and a normal combat on the same turn.

    SBR Combat Sequence

    A Strategic Bombing Raid is conducted using the following steps:

    1 - Attacking player declares a SBR against a target installation(s) and moves all of  his/her Bombers and Fighter Escorts to the territory under attack - range permitting.

    2 - Defending player declares any/all Fighter Interceptors to defend against the SBR, including those based in territories adjacent to the target territory.

    3 - All Bombers/Escorts and Interceptors endure one round of combat, using the values found in the table below. Bombers cannot fire but can be chosen as casualties by the attacking player.

    4 - Any surviving Bombers are now subjected to AA Gun fire, as described above. Any surviving Escorts are not subjected to AA Gun fire, but must remain in the territory until the Noncombat Move phase.

    5 - All remaining Bombers now roll for total damage against the target installation, as described above.

    Fighter Combat Table.PNG

  • TripleA '12


    After the SBR is finished

    During the Noncombat Move phase, all of your surviving Bombers must return to any friendly Air Base within range (the AB could be the one they originated from, or it could be a different one). All of your surviving Escorts must return to any friendly Air Base or Aircraft Carrier within range (again, these could be the ones they originated from, or they could be a different ones). Any surviving Interceptors must return to the territory they originated from.

  • TripleA '12


    The Middle East Territories represent the oil-rich Arab nations that indirectly supported the Allies during the war. On the game map they are comprised of the following spaces:

    Middle East Territories IPC Table.PNG

  • TripleA '12


    The territories of the Middle East consist of independent countries that provide oil and other resources to the Allies. During the game, Germany and Italy have a chance to control this oil (and the IPCs) by taking over these territories. They are captured or liberated like any other land territory, but the IPCs of this region are tracked differently. The Allied powers may occupy these territories in order to defend them from Axis capture, but they can never take control of these territories for themselves. In fact, the United Kingdom player begins the game with one Infantry in Lebanon-Syria, but does not gain the IPCs generated by this territory.

    Whenever Germany or Italy captures a Middle East territory, move their national control marker (either German or Italian) along the track of the lower ‘Middle East Territories’ section of the National Production Chart (NPC), according to the value of the territory just captured. The upper part of the chart is unaffected.

    As per the normal rules for the Axis Minors; if the AM capture a Middle East territory, place a German national control marker on the Middle East Territories section of the NPC, according to the value of the territory just captured.

    Germany and Italy may never build Naval Bases or Industrial Complexes on a Middle East territory. However, Air Bases are allowed.

    There are eight positions on the Middle East Territories track of the NPC chart. During their Collect Income phase, the German and/or Italian player may collect their IPC income, according to their respective IPC level, directly from the Allied players - not from the bank. The Allies must decide who will pay Germany and/or Italy. The costs may be spread out among the three Allied powers, or one power may bear the burden. If the Allies are unable to decide to pays, the Axis powers will choose.

    For Example: In the chart below, Germany controls 3 IPCs and Italy controls 2 IPCs. During Germany’s Collect Income phase, he/she will collect 3 IPCs from the Allied powers. During Italy’s Collect Income phase, he/she will collect 2 IPCs from the Allied powers.

    Axis Capture Middle East IPC's.PNG

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