here is the link for the new updated map, it hasn’t changed much
So what I want is just the setup of the units (and the new IPC counts for the respective nations) in the respective years, and which Nations control which territories at the start of this new game. Again, I don’t want any other changes in the rules.
I don’t care if the setup is unbalanced, I just want it to be accurate to how the situation it was historically (spring 1944 will be interesting to see if the Axis could win, you never know what happens in Axis And Allies).
I’m quite surprised nobody has responded yet.
Can anyone please tell me if you are working on it? Thank you!
@superbattleshipyamato123 Probably nobody is working on what you proposed, it would be difficult to get others to go along on their own personal setup changes and the Long amount of time to even playtesting it!
Well, as I said above, I don’t care if it is unbalanced, I just want it to be historically accurate at all costs. Still, it is a momentous task, due to the sheer amount of units involved in the game.
Actually, there is a Spring 1941 game using the Axis And Allies 1940 board! I didn’t know about Oztea’s game until yesterday. I also found one for 1942 by someone else.
Still, I hope the community has some ideas about a 1943 or 1944 game using the 1940 board. Any ideas? Thank you!
@superbattleshipyamato123 I assumed you knew about his version since it’s been out for a few years now, although I like his '41 version but his '42 version is Too Axis favored especially in Africa!
Actually, I really just found out yesterday, and the 1942 version I used was not from Oztea- I’ll go check that out later. It’s nice that Oztea’s 1942 is biased towards the Axis, because I always play (and root) for the Axis.
Thank you for responding!
@superbattleshipyamato123 Also I’m not sure that a 1944 setup would work well, especially if you want it to be historically accurate. I mean d day was June of 44 so it would be the first turn if the game, maybe 2nd and Japan arguably was strongest in 41 so they’d be quite weak. The game would be over like turn 3 or 4.
Also I haven’t tried it bet but The Captain made a 43 setup
Thank you for responding!
I am aware of this, but it involved some new units that come with the Axis And Allies 1940 House Rules Expansion, and I said that I didn’t want any changes in rules.
As for a 1944 game, I just wanted to see was there even a remote chance of the Axis winning in the game-if there was a one in a billion chance that the Axis could win, I would like to see how they could win-I like to play Axis And Allies games for experiments, usually against myself (so balance is never that big of a factor for me, or at all).
@SuperbattleshipYamato123 yea Oz’s 41 is the best imo. If you read through his thread, you’ll see he answers some of your questions. The main thing is the farther from the start date, the more limited everything becomes.
At any rate, he has a 42 and 39 as well. Charles De Gaulle has 39 also
You’ll just have to test your ideas or test ones others already have. It’s time consuming : ) even if it’s fun : )
Thank you for responding!
I already found out about the games you mentioned, and as I said, these games are mainly for experiment, to see how could the Axis win, especially in the later years. I will check out Charles De Gaulle’s 1939 game (too bad it’s not the real guy, who commanded Allied forces almost from the very start of the war, and I like to think the real guy would know a lot about how to exactly create this game, since he was actually in the war, and a high ranking one a that).
@superbattleshipyamato123 never know maybe it’s him reincarnated :)
He’s got a good play group and they’ve tested a lot of stuff. haven’t seen him around much lately
Thank you for responding!
I checked out Charles De Gaulle’s one, it looks interesting, but I’ve found so many different customs to the game that it will be a while before I get to it, but it looks great.
@SuperbattleshipYamato Hello it’s me! FranceNeedsMorePower
I will come up with a setup for you starting with 1943. Give me some time though.
Thank you so much! It’s been very hard to find any setups online. Once you’re done I’ll probably create a TripleA version.
@SuperbattleshipYamato What map? Global, 1942, 1941?
@SuperbattleshipYamato I will send you the setup up in a google doc link.
1943 and 1944. 1941 and 1942 are relatively easy to find (Oztea’s setups are great).