1 shooter, or 3 shooters, Oswald or not Oswald, is irrelevant.
The real question is WHY JFK was shot. That then answers the rest of the questions.
I’ve done alot of research on this subject, watched dozens of documentaries, and read several books, with many different perspectives. There’s one item in particular however… that stands out to me as the most legitimate motive, with the most legitimate supporting evidence.
**The Day after Kennedy’s Burial, LBJ issued executive order #273 which reversed Kennedy’s order # 263 **(#263 was to abstain from taking action in Vietnam).
It was the first order LBJ issued as president, and in simpler terms - began the war in Vietnam.
I know that many of you understand that the arms industry in North America is a trillion dollar industry.
But did you know that prior to his death JFK consistently maintained the stance that he was not going to get into the conflict in Vietnam? This was non-negotiable.
With trillions of dollars of interests at stake, over many vested groups, coupled with a real fear of communist “domino effect”, I believe that a small group of people essentially manufactured a coup, and made it look more like a simple and rogue assassination. Some of these people (perhaps even Oswald) were probably tricked in the wrongful belief that somehow what they were doing was the right/patriotic thing to do.
That’s the why as I see it. As for the who… well, that’s alot more complicated.
Gargantua is absolutely correct.
Read Rush to Judgement by Mark Lane. Mark Lane exposed the Warren Commission as a fraud in 64’, why does anyone believe it fifty year later? Oswald scored a 191 on his marine rifle qualification, that is two points above FAILING. His sergeant said he was a horrible shot aswell. Stranger than the second bullet that caused seven wounds, is the first bullet that hit a bystander way up the road, so according the to Warren Commission Oswald must have not even been aiming at Kennedy’s car for the first shot. N one saw Oswald shoot the president or put him anywhere near the sixth floor, rather he was found by a police officer a minute after Kennedy drove by buying a coke on the second floor. He was more thirsty than commie.