Germany is definitely the hardest Axis nation to play with. It is maybe (competition with UK) the hardest nation to play at all. Germany has so many options, on air, sea and ground level. It is confronted on all sides from 3 major Allied powers The key to victory with Germany is to play it skillfully. And the key for playing it on a high level is to buy smart. And the most important buying on Rd 1, not just for the Germany or the Axis but all, is Germany 1, since it determines the (Axis) game in a sort of way.
Lets see what are Germany
s options, since there are many.
Germany (rd 1) buyings:
1) AC, destroyer, submarine
A really interesting bid which helps to fulfil the gaps in Germany`s navy.
2) AC, two transports
A powerful bid with strengthening the navy and threating with an early Sea Lion.
3) Three fighters
A very versatile bid, since those 3 figs can be used in many ways.
4) Five submarines
A powerful bid. If Japan does not DOW early on, Germany can plunder much of the UK IPC for a few rounds.
5) Five tanks
Strong ofensive bid for rushing to Moscow.
6) 10 infantry
Strong defensive bid for stacking key territories in the east.
7) Eight infantry, 1 submarine
The same as last one, with one sub just to aid in the Atlantic.
8) Six mechanised infantry, 1 submarine
Defensive bid, bud with more tactical options in the east.
9) Six artillery, 1 submarine
Very offensive, but more patient one. Pretty powerful when does art come to the east.
10) Four tanks, 1 submarine
Similar as the 5 tanks bid, just with one sub to aid in the Atlantic.
11) Two bombarders, 1 submarine
Pretty interesting bid. Bombarders can strife from Iceland to Egypt and the sub is an extra help in the Atlantic.
12) Two submarines, 1 destroyer, two marines
An interesting one too. Destroyer helps for the navy, marines are ready for bat and cruiser, and two subs along.
13) Five artillery, two marines
Pretty ofensive bid, with more options in the Atlantic.
14) Five mechanised infantry, two marines
Defensive bid, bud with more tactical options in the east plus the Atlantic options.
15) One bombarder, 1 destroyer, two marines
A nice combination for expanding in the Atlantic.
16) 3 tanks, 3 mech
A nice land combination for striking East soon and strong.
17) 3 art, 6 inf
Something slower, but still a powerfull land combination for striking the East.
18) 1 bat, 2 marines
Interesting buy aiming at Atlantic domination.
19) 2 figs, 2 marines
Combination of air and sealand power.
20) major IC
Put in either Romania or Slovakia Hungary brings Germany much closer to the Soviet factories.
Moderator’s edit: Added tag [House Rules] to title.