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Post League Game Results Here
Odonis (Ax) vs Onesteveo (Allies+12) L20 Bm3
Onesteveo wins
Max334 (Axis) over Odonis (Allies) PTV L20
L21 Colt (X) vs Gambler6(L+12) BM3 Allies concede
Artofwar1947 over Avner
Bretters +10 over Odonis (Axis) L20 BM3
Bretters wins
just a clarification - bretters was axis and odonis allies with the +10 bid
aagamerz13 +18 allies -vs- dawgoneit axis
aagamerz13 +18 allies Wins. -
HypoAF Allies +16 -VS- dawgoneit Axis
HypoAF Allies +16 Wins
BM3 -
Adam514 (Axis+4) over Simon33 (Allies) P2V
Colt45554 (Axis) vs DannyDuck716 (Allies) Game 3
Colt45554 wins -
DannyDuck716 (Axis) vs HypoAF (Allies) BM3
HypoAF wins -
This was a BM3 game.
@bolasgod Majikforce(axis) over Bolasgod (allies+20) OOB
Showing him how to post game results as well.
@mainah mainah (axis) over bolasgod (allies +15) BM3
OwenToo (Axis) over Simon33 (Allies) P2V
aagamerz13 vs. Pejon_88 in the 2nd tier playoff. A very aggressive blitz krieg with Germany, combined with a near perfect score with bombing raids against Soviet and UK I failed to defend against. Well-deserved win. Goof luck in future games!
Colt45554 (Axis) vs DannyDuck716 (Allies) BM3 game 2. Colt won this… look like I forgot to post it.
L21Bretters (Axis) vs Sovietishcat (L+10)