Post League Game Results Here
Sovietishcat (Allies+12) over simon33 (Axis) in a playoff game.
Major miscue as Japan doomed things.
Oh that was BM.
666 (Allies) over Simon33 (Axis+6) PtV
elche x over aagamerzs13 bm4
Pejon_88 (Axis) over Simon33 (Allies+12) BM4
G1 L22 #1 trulpen vs elche (+20) BM4.tsvg
Trulpen over elche -
L22 BM FlyingBadger (Axis) vs elche (Allies+16) #3
@elche over FlyingBadger -
pejon88L over aagamerz13 bm4
LennardF (Allies + 28) vs Elche, BM4
LennardF over elche -
L22 BM3 Elche (X) vs AetV (L+19) game 3
Elche over AetV
farmboy L over aagamerz13 x bm4 game 1
farmboy (A+22) over ME1945, BM4
Farmboy (Allies+16) over Simon33 (Axis) BM4
Pejon_88 (Allies+19) over Simon33 (Axis) BM4
My opponent, @jkeller, has not been seen online here since the 2nd of August. Hence there’s not bee any activity in our OOB semi final game for over 14 days. This means I may claim a victory by default according to the league rules. I think I have to do it, so this playoff may proceed. The other finalist has been waiting now for some time and probably wonder what we’re up to.
This is rather unfortunate, especially since I was away for a long time earlier due to suffering from cancer and chemo therapy (still do). I communicated this with my opponent, who was understanding and considerate. A frustrating situation, but the pause might in a benevolent light be considered an ill-gotten vacation.
I’m not particularly happy to claim this victory on these grounds. My opponent is a very strong player and I believe I’d most likely lose the game if it continued. My mind was set to a loss and avoiding it is not my reason for moving forward. Hope the community understands and especially also jkeller if/when he gets back here again.
@trulpen said in Post League Game Results Here:
My opponent, @jkeller, has not been seen online here since the 2nd of August. Hence there’s not bee any activity in our OOB semi final game for over 14 days. This means I may claim a victory by default according to the league rules. I think I have to do it, so this playoff may proceed. The other finalist has been waiting now for some time and probably wonder what we’re up to.
This is rather unfortunate, especially since I was away for a long time earlier due to suffering from cancer and chemo therapy (still do). I communicated this with my opponent, who was understanding and considerate. A frustrating situation, but the pause might in a benevolent light be considered an ill-gotten vacation.
I’m not particularly happy to claim this victory on these grounds. My opponent is a very strong player and I believe I’d most likely lose the game if it continued. My mind was set to a loss and avoiding it is not my reason for moving forward. Hope the community understands and especially also jkeller if/when he gets back here again.
I have no idea why JKeller has not posted since August 1, 2022. I can verify, unlike the statement on his profile (below), that he was online 14 days ago. He sent me a chat regarding the resumption of the playoff game you are referring to as I had reached out to him as to why the game had been suspended (also below).
I have no ruling right here, however it just seems to me since he gave you from July 27, 2022 to September 9, 2022 to post your Turn; a total of 44 days, you would provide him with the same courtesy before claiming victory.
Hey guys I’m sorry for the lack of communication and activity. I have been really busy lately and had to place my games on the back burner. I am wrapping up some things shortly so I should be able to resume play soon but if you need to move on with the playoffs and forfeit me due to inactivity I completely understand. As much as I love this game unfortunately my boss and my wife do not share the same affection😂. So actually I appreciate the consideration but I will go ahead and forfeit as I need to focus on other things in my life for now at least. In a couple weeks hopefully I can start playing again.
Great to see you’re here, jkeller.
Ah, it only takes 1 woman to halt the German conquest of Stalingrad and Cairo and simultaneously freeze all Japanese aircraft on the ground.
Or a cat can nuke the whole world by himself. Unless you’re on cat-proof TripleA.
The solution, to me, is clear. jkeller’s opponents 100% have the right to claim victory, and could have a long time ago as you all know. Obviously it is great sportsmanship to resume the game if the absentee comes back and wants to play, but obviously the waiting player has every right to deny.
Since jkeller is back but kind of indicating that maybe it’s best he doesn’t continue so that he can keep his job and his marriage (I’m being facetious) I hope you please talk privately with keller and invite him to continue the games if he wants to, that is, if you would like to continue the game. I think it’s the right thing to do in trulpen’s case because it’s the semis in the OOB and both have spent many hours getting to this point. Also because the outcome is in doubt.
In other words, many of us would like to see a partially completed game in the semi-finals completed to the best of each player’s ability, and that’s worth waiting for. But that makes me realize that if AA Andrew wants the game to be called for trulpen, he actually should have that right, so check with him too if you haven’t already.
So basically work together to come to a conclusion that everyone likes, but trulpen and AAAndrew both have the right to say this game is over and trulpen wins.
@gamerman01 said in Post League Game Results Here:
In other words, many of us would like to see a partially completed game in the semi-finals completed to the best of each player’s ability, and that’s worth waiting for. But that makes me realize that if AA Andrew wants the game to be called for trulpen, he actually should have that right, so check with him too if you haven’t already.
@gamerman01 I would greatly prefer to wait as long as it takes to play someone who won a game versus someone who won via a forfeit.