@dawgoneit may the Heavy Bombers be with you … … not! :-) Good luck and have fun!
Post League Game Results Here
@axis-dominion Personally if this happened in a game with me I’d just have my opponent reroll the turn, I think bad dice to an extreme like this in the first round of play (any power) is worth a quick reset keeping the moves the same. I would also extend that to a total upset in the attacker’s favor like if the opposite had happened in 110, losing 1 sub or something only as the Axis when the brits did a full scramble.
L24 BM Ghostglider (axis) vs. axis-dominion (allied +19)
axis-dominion win over Ghostglider.
L24 BM FlyingBadger (Axis) vs Zarhunter (Allies+15) #5
FlyingBadger wins
dawgoneit +10 Axis -VS- avandoo Allies PTV
avandoo Allies PTV Wins
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/41034/dawgoneit-10-axis-vs-avandoo-allies-ptv/97?_=1729692760132 -
Dawg, I notice you’ve played many games of Path To Victory,I want to ask you what you think about it!
@gamerman01 I think I’ve lost every one of them. Lol.
I think it’s a cool game.
I pretty much like A lot of A&A games.
I do think it’s A good addition to the A&A family.
I honestly think you Don’t need a bid though. -
it;s played about the same way as the other versions.
Booper over MrRoboto, claiming game win due to inactivity
L23 BM MrRoboto(L+20) vs Booper (X)
@max334 winning over Nikola 1975
L24 PtV Max334 (Allies) vs Nikola1975 (Axis +12)
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/41218/l24-ptv-max334-allies-vs-nikola1975-axis-12/90?_=1729896448711 -
L24 PtV Daaras (Allies) vs AetV (X+13)
Daaras over AetV
L24 OOB Booper (Allies +48) wins over Stucifer (X)
L23 PtV Max334 (Allies) vs AetV (Axis plus 10)
Max334 over AetV
Ghost over Daaras
Congrats to our PTV League Champion!!!
Congratulations @Ghostglider!
L24 PTV Adam514 (Axis+11) defeated by Ghostglider (Allies)
@Adam514 said in Post League Game Results Here:
L24 PTV Adam514 (Axis+11) defeated by Ghostglider (Allies)
whoa! first beating adam in the playoffs, and now again!
congrats ghost on the championship, that’s quite an achievement!
Congratulations to @Ghostglider !!
Your 2023 League Season Path To Victory Champion!! 🙌
The only one standing at the end.
Congratulations to @Daaras as runner-up. 🙌
Both are entered in the league history of championship winners and 2nd place finishers, and deserve all due awe, honor and recognition ✨✨✨
If you want to learn, to observe brilliance, or both, then you should review the game in Triple A
Ghostglider is so much on his game, he is about 110 points ahead of the next active Path to Victory player.
Path To Victory popularity has taken hold, believe it or not,
We have 79 finished games in little over 10 months of 2024 to 52 for all of 2023. You read that right.Now get back to shooting each other with dice!
Congratulations @Ghostglider. Quite the target on your back now!
@gamerman01 I’ve completed comparing the ELO spreadsheet to the results in this thread. PM incoming with the final few typos. If you will point me toward the pre-2018 game reports, I’ll check those too.
I’ve got a couple of wins it seems were never reported:
- OOB GovZ (L+36) over Tincanofthesea
- OOB GovZ (L+23) over jim010
And I’m giving up on this game:
- OOB Myygames over GovZ (L+42)