League General Discussion Thread
Maybe this is just me, but I doubt it.
I dont play a lot of games because every game takes a considerable amount of time and effort. I personally dont want to use the time I have available to play mismatched non-competitive games. It has nothing to do with the rankings and everything to do with enjoying the game.
From a rankings perspective, the system really only discourages M v 2,3 or E v 3. And really its not in a significant way. Considering there are only a few M players in the system (not counting players with extremely limited games played), then I dont really see the rankings being the driving reason for not playing others.
The fact that a brand new player has to come in and play a few games against non E or M level players doesnt seem that big of a deal.
I just dont think a new ranking system is going to change things at all. I certainly dont play this game to achieve some arbitrary ranking. I play the game because I like playing it. The ranking system just helps create better matches by keeping skill levels similar.
None of this means I care if we did change the ranking system. If the community really wants a new system and somebody is willing to take the time to implement it then so be it. I just dont think its a magical cure-all.
It is none of all the above!
What some guys want is, that a diffrent ranking system will benefit their effort to gain more skill Level while playing a higher ranked player.
But this is not the case.
Most of the E and M Players have played tons of games and their Tier is reflecting that.The actual ranking System is more then just sufficant bc it reflects the Level of your skills.
Thanks to @gamerman01 here who does an incredible job on keeping track and adjust the spreadsheat.If you ask for advice or a little coaching here and there, none of the Players here will reject that if you ask kindly.
You will get better the more you play ( not meaning at the same time).
We all pitch in to support as many player as possible, but sometimes it happens that people also tend to stop listening or getting frustrated bc it takes a while before it sometimes bares some fruit.
It doesn’t happen overnight.
It took me nearly three years to become a solid Tier 1. I will continue bc my goal is M and with some time I am going to be one, one day. -
It does however not reflect the skill of players who have played less than 3 games.
It’s not particularly important in most cases, but sometimes it is. I’ll exemplify from my own experience.
L19 I played koala, who turned out to be a very competent player. I did some silly mistake that was taken advantage of and was smashed. Counted as a tier 3 loss albeit the opposition was about E.
I also took on a bunch of other unknowns and that was a “mistake”, atleast ranking-wise.
This season I’ve been kind of nice in a couple of games, taking on new players, and although I’m happy to have helped introduce them to the league, those wins actually suck for me, N.B. ranking-wise.
I won’t take on any more new players, ever. Unfortunately. Because of the ranking-system.
This season I play with koala. I might very well lose again, but I believe it’s not fully certain. Even if I win, it looks like koala, the likely tier E-player, will not complete 3 games this season either and that win or loss will suck for me. Rating-wise.
I don’t want to complain too much, but I discern these points as a serious flaws, however small they are.
@trulpen this however is a different angle and I agree partly on it.
Looking at the current rankings, you have 2 wins of T3 opponents. If you took those games away you would be in basically the exact same position you are now. If you learned absolutely nothing from those games then I suppose you are right, you are worse off then you would be otherwise. But the impact on your rating was relatively minimal and my guess is you got something from the experience that maybe helps you win another game.
Last year, if you changed out your loss against koala to a loss against an E player, you would have ended up in the exact same position, so again minimal impact.
None of this is meant as a counter to your point - that the system struggles with players with minimal games but once you get up to 8 games seems like the impact is relatively minor.
I dont think any system can deal well with players that only have one game played.
That’s true.
Thank you all for contributing! I hope it is okay that I apparently stirred up a hornets nest.
There is also a comparable discussion going on under the “Post League Game Results Here” that I just discovered with some really interesting information and dialogue about this topic.
My thoughts so far…
- @gamerman01 has to do a tremendous amount of manual work to maintain the current ranking system. THANK YOU! Could a system be implemented that is automatic? If I remember the one from Days of Infamy correctly as soon as a game was finished the results updated automatically. Not sure how that was done. Easily could have been someone working their butt off in the background though I hope it was a computer program doing it. Would an ELO system be more adaptive to a computer program?
- There is a Play Boardgames section outside of the League where people play games for fun. As a new player I am not sure if there was somewhere I was supposed to have read to know this. I assumed Play Boardgames was a section for other games outside of Axis and Allies. To make new players feel more welcome I think it would be nice to say “Hey you want to learn? Come play us in Play Boardgames!!! You want to compete? Come play in the League!!!” Perhaps there would be a way to generate an automatic e-mail to a new person just joining the website?
- Besides the top tier players not wanting to play lower ranked people due to the loss of their own League ranking there is, perhaps at least for some, the disinterest in playing someone not of their caliber due to the time and effort invested to play the games. That certainly is their prerogative. If they do want to help new players they can play them in the Play Boardgames section. For me I am happy to give back to the community that I have played in for so many years and as I mentioned before I enjoy helping players get better. So I will have a 'coaching" game that I will play at least once month or quarter depending on how long it takes to finish the current version where as many people that want to watch and ask questions can. The Players involved in the actual game would need to be limited to probably 1-3 opponents and as many as wanted to watch and ask questions could; but that can be discussed and determined later. I could answer questions and critique play regarding the pros and cons of discussed moves. Maybe just a practice game where people chirp in and vote on the next move? More to come on that.
- In League games are supposed to be for competitive and balanced opponents. A minimum of three games is needed to obtain a yearly ranking, 8 games to be eligible for the yearly League Tournament and the more games the better to minimize ranking system anomalies.
Again thank you all for your comments so far.
Lets have ourselves a casual learning game, @AndrewAAGamer! :)
As the lowest ranked Tier 1 (3.5 avg, but just won another game and am currently winning another and tied in a third that just started), I’m happy to see that I made it out of the lowest Tiers successfully. So my fears that the system would vastly under-exaggerate my true rank were overstated. I’d also like to thank the dice, Triple A, and my dual monitor setup.
You should look at my 2-13 record with regard to tier. I at least know which players will spank me appropriately, not too hard and not too soft… :P
@trulpen said in League General Discussion Thread:
Lets have ourselves a casual learning game, @AndrewAAGamer!
That sounds fine. Let me think how to do it plus I want to write up some strategy tips. Probably start after the 3 day weekend. Need to figure out how to promote it too for anyone who wants to learn.
Not a League player, but found this interesting.
Are there any other leagues similar to this maybe in different games that use different systems? You guys could look around see if there are any better systems out there, and I like the idea of ELO, but it cant reset to 0 every year, there has to be some sort of placement system, and with the frequency that games are played (not often), it would be difficult to have an accurate system. -
@WindowWasher said in League General Discussion Thread:
Not a League player, but found this interesting.
Are there any other leagues similar to this maybe in different games that use different systems? You guys could look around see if there are any better systems out there, and I like the idea of ELO, but it cant reset to 0 every year, there has to be some sort of placement system, and with the frequency that games are played (not often), it would be difficult to have an accurate system.And thats why the system is how it is. The resetting each January is also in new players advantage as they dont have to carry on old games while still learning the game.
But I think the main criticism has been that new players “cant” play top tier players with todays system while an elo system would allow this. This is a fair point. But new players won’t rise to top tier level any faster with an elo system I think (and hope)
So I still don’t understand why it is so extremely important to play tier E or M while you are unranked or have a low average score. It is still possible “to learn from the best” by studying their games. Most situations in round 1 and 2 are covered
I think the discovery of the Play Boardgames area where high ranked Players can play lower ranked Players for fun solves this issue. I just wish we promoted it more to new players as for example I had no idea it even existed.
Also trulpen and I will be having a World vs Andrew game here shortly. Check it out as a learning opportunity for anyone interested.
@AndrewAAGamer said in League General Discussion Thread:
I think the discovery of the Play Boardgames area where high ranked Players can play lower ranked Players for fun solves this issue. I just wish we promoted it more to new players as for example I had no idea it even existed.
Also trulpen and I will be having a World vs Andrew game here shortly. Check it out as a learning opportunity for anyone interested.
Fun and great initiative! I will follow it! :)
Hey, I am back. Where are we with bids for BM3?
I’ve been told it’s back to Allies? If so, what is typical? +12
@Karl7 said in League General Discussion Thread:
Hey, I am back. Where are we with bids for BM3?
I’ve been told it’s back to Allies? If so, what is typical? +12
Yeah +12 seems typical. Krazy Carl, wanna go for it?
Sent you a DM!
Hey @Karl7 , we are not done yet!
I want my revenge, am hungry.
Do you hear my war cry??!?
Kill kill.Sent me a PM!
@Karl7 said in League General Discussion Thread:
Hey, I am back. Where are we with bids for BM3?
I’ve been told it’s back to Allies? If so, what is typical? +12
Between 3 and 14, or if you want to narrow it down, 8.