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League General Discussion Thread
@gamerman01 said in League General Discussion Thread:
I’ve been playing new to me players lately, and more than one veteran of the league exclaimed that he’s never been aware of this rule, so I need to announce it.
Please, no one tell @Panther I am one of those players…
i am not sure I understand the sz 97 example.
The first example is interessting. lets say all defending subs are missing, after all THEY get a first shot Then the attacking subs fire and get 5 hits. Are you saying i can not assign those 5 hits to the destroyers? I have to fire the 10 bombers first and bomber hits must be assigned to defending destroyers?
I think it is like this, but good to have it ruled
@oysteilo said in League General Discussion Thread:
The first example is interessting. lets say all defending subs are missing, after all THEY get a first shot
For this example, I did fail to remember the defending subs would fire first. I edited my post to make it correct and much less confusing, thanks to you!
Then the attacking subs fire and get 5 hits. Are you saying i can not assign those 5 hits to the destroyers? I have to fire the 10 bombers first and bomber hits must be assigned to defending destroyers?
No, I’m saying those 5 sub hits would be assigned to subs and/or destroyers by the defender, but that the defender SHOULD NOT BE asked yet. Defender should get to see bomber rolls too before choosing any losses. Defender had destroyer so attacking subs do not have surprise strike. Only when there is surprise strike should action be stopped and casualties chosen.
I’ll just explain 97 again and hopefully it makes better sense when I use different words.
We first have to assume the UK has a bid sub. The sub is necessary to illustrate.
If UK attacks Z97 with everything (including a sub from 98), the engine will roll the UK sub first (I think it does this regardless of whether there is a defending destroyer)
In this case, with no defending destroyer that is correct. If the sub hits, the defender must choose a casualty immediately because of surprise strike.Then assuming an Axis scramble to 97, the engine will roll the defending planes alone, and prompt for a casualty choice before continuing.
This is incorrect.
Following the engine, the UK player has to choose a non-sub casualty not knowing if the 2 cruisers and battleship will score a hit that could be taken by the attacking sub.
Following the official rules, the 2 cruisers, battleship, and scrambled fighters would all be rolled, with the fighter rolls being specially noted because the sub can’t be taken as a casualty to those fighter hits.In Triple A, the player taking hits is sometimes required to choose casualties before he should.
As noted (even years ago) in the TripleA notes, this error has been acknowledged and identified and labeled NA for “no available fix yet”Since I keep running into experienced league players who are unaware, I wanted to get this out there again and try to help everyone know how to play correctly
Thanks for your feedback Oysteilo!!!
Sh*t, my head just imploded 😅
Yeah, I tried… I tend to use more words than necessary.
You could just play me and I’ll teach you when these battles come up!
Could anyone let me know what the current version of engine people are playing with? The installer put me on 2.5.22294, but the pre releases go up to 2.7. Don’t want to start a game with an outdated engine! Sorry if this is referenced somewhere else
@wizmark Welcome back Wiz. I don’t think there is a universal answer to this question, but I use 2.6+14476. A version shortly after that messed up the battle calc.
@wizmark I’m using 5. It all depends on who your playing. I don’t even have the newest one downloaded yet. Lol
We’ve had a resurgence in interest in PtV it seems, looks like we are around 80 games so far this year (I count 160 finished games in the ELO spreadsheet, but they each take 2 people). Compared to 51 I believe for 2023. That is either a massive uptick in interest or those of us playing are playing a lot more (@mikawagunichi leading the way at 30! games this year). I thought I would consult some ancient wisdom from yesteryear in the PTV Strategy thread here:
Pleasantly surprised to say, I’ve been in the kitchen cooking and have a strategy not discussed at length. Most of the discussion was around the Germany-Russia front and J1 viability. Looking forward to sparking some discussion with my post (incoming) over there!
Stucifer -
I am also presently motivated to make some strategy videos using my printed PTV vinyl mat, hopefully will have one detailing my super-secret strategy posted soon on YouTube. If anyone has suggestions for a video topic on PTV, strategies, introduction, changes? please let me know!
Link to strategy reveal:
https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/post/1729346Will make another post once the video is uploaded. 🤓
I posted this in the strategy discussion thread, I published a video going over my J2 strategy a couple days ago and a new video today discussing PTV changes from OOB.
J2 Strategy video:
https://youtu.be/0JK0TXDrYGY?si=U_sTL42aK_FfuH4jIntroduction to PTV:
https://youtu.be/YPJ_I0qxGBU?si=bYbZHALTBa0n49-e -
@Stucifer said in League General Discussion Thread:
I posted this in the strategy discussion thread, I published a video going over my J2 strategy a couple days ago and a new video today discussing PTV changes from OOB.
J2 Strategy video:
https://youtu.be/0JK0TXDrYGY?si=U_sTL42aK_FfuH4jIntroduction to PTV:
https://youtu.be/YPJ_I0qxGBU?si=bYbZHALTBa0n49-eThis is great, thanks for putting this together!
@Booper Thank you!!
@Stucifer great stuff! Thanks!
@Stucifer said in League General Discussion Thread:
We’ve had a resurgence in interest in PtV it seems, looks like we are around 80 games so far this year (I count 160 finished games in the ELO spreadsheet, but they each take 2 people). Compared to 51 I believe for 2023. That is either a massive uptick in interest or those of us playing are playing a lot more (@mikawagunichi leading the way at 30! games this year). I thought I would consult some ancient wisdom from yesteryear in the PTV Strategy thread here:
Pleasantly surprised to say, I’ve been in the kitchen cooking and have a strategy not discussed at length. Most of the discussion was around the Germany-Russia front and J1 viability. Looking forward to sparking some discussion with my post (incoming) over there!
StuciferThat’s awesome to hear about the uptick in games this year! It’s cool that people are getting more into it. What kind of strategy are you planning to bring up in the PTV Strategy thread? Anything new or different you’re excited to share?
@HNpis Check out the last ~4 posts in this thread and the linked youtube video
We’re in the second half of December, so you can “sign up” any time, tell me what version of the game you want to participate in the
or ARENA OF DEATHWhatever you like to call it. By now you know what I’m talking about, I’m talkin’ 'bout naming new (or repeating!) Champions!
You can see the sign up sheet on the ELO rankings spreadsheet.
Again, this year for the first time it is your LIFETIME ELO ranking that determines your seeding.
You MUST meet the following minimum games played requirements. The games must have been COMPLETED in calendar 2024, so a game you played all during 2023 but was ended and winner/loser declared in January 2024 counts.
Balanced mod minimum is SIX (6) games completed 2024
PTV and OOB are 3 games.
Again, seeded by lifetime ELO.Everyone has until 12/31 to sign up. Once brackets are completed, games can be started right away in January. Most of you know the drill, so if I left any gaps and you have questions, check league rules or ask me.
PM to me is preferred way to sign up to avoid gumming up the threads.
Again, you can see who has signed up so far in the new tab in the ELO rankings spreadsheet. -
I always find a spot for everyone. I create additional brackets if needed. If you’re not top 8 ELO of those signed up, you will NOT be able to be crowned champion of that game version, BUT you can still be in an exciting single elimination playoff bracket. Winners of (at least) 2nd brackets are still enshrined in permanent league history records.
@gamerman01 PTV for me. I yearn for to avenge last years championship game debacle.