Hey folks!
I’ve only gotten a couple of games under my belt - first as Australia in a 7 man game, then as Italy in a 5 man, then as the entire Axis in a 1v1. I’m working on learning Axis moves; I’ve read through and tried out the Japan Playbook, the German Playbook, I’ve done extensive research, and am trying to settle on one to try, which is a J2/I2 Axis strategy located on these forums (I got an error message that I can’t post links, so if you search J2/I2 Strategy by Submersed Elk, that is what I’m working. I’ve tried reaching out to the author, but he hasn’t been active in the forums here for a year, so …I turn to the community.
I have some questions that I haven’t been able to find answers to, and while I’ve been using the TripleA program, I’ve only been playing against AI(hard) because I don’t think I’m ready for people yet.
1. Can fighters scramble to defend against SBR? In my vs. AI games, I’ve tried a couple SBR against London on G2, and London never scrambles fighters, nor does the French plane join in. I thought they could? Is it factory AA defensive fire only?
2. Assuming the J2/I2 strategy linked above, with SZ110 and SZ111 cleared in G1, is there a better play than a strategic bombing? I have plenty of units in France to secure Normandy and Southern France. I’ve seen several comments in different threads in here that Axis should only SBR Moscow, but that’s a turn 3+ option for me I think.
3. I’ve tried the 2 bomber+ 1 sub build for Germany, and was following the linked guide for a G1 Carrier build - during G2, I have a cruiser, transport, carrier with Fighter + Bomber, and sometimes 1 sub, along with an empty transport (that shuttled Denmark into Norway on G1. I get shadowed by a russian sub, and there are two more russian ships in SZ115. What do I do with this fleet? Do I blockade London? Do I go back through the Danish straights to kill that sub and cruiser? Do I cruise south to the med to eventually link up with the Italians to keep the med clear? I don’t know what to do here.
4. I’m trying to understand the purpose of the Japanese attack in Yunnan on J1. A couple infantry with an artillery, and a bunch of planes. Japan always wins it, then the planes retreat a zone, but the Chinese take it back during their turn, and national objectives are determined at the end of the turn - so even the one turn steal doesn’t deny China any IPCs. I’d like some thoughts on the Yunnan attack.
5. Amur - I need some clarification here. I understand that if Japan attacks any Russian forces in Amur (or perhaps any forces bordering the Mongols?) it triggers them to become Russian forces. What happens if Russia attacks Manchuria or Korea? Do those mongols become chinese troops? I’m trying to figure out how much force I need to leave in Manchuria to prevent a southern invasion into asia.
6. In none of the guides I see does anyone talk about buying research tokens. G1 is 2 Bombers and a Sub or a Carrier, G2 is tanks…J1 is 3 transports and an artillery…now that research tokens are a persistent roll across all rounds until achieved, wouldn’t it be a good investment, especially turn 1? It could redefine the nature of the war.
7. Italy - I don’t know what to do with Italy. In my game as only Italy, the German player had me take Southern France, Greece, and Bulgaria. Doing so denies Germany access to the med through Southern Frances’ factory. In the guide I’m following (linked at the top) the plan for Italy is to just escape from Africa if possible, clear anything possible in the Med for the NO, then start marching east in preparation for a turn 2 assault on Russia, using turn order to take with Italy, then hold with Germans. I don’t seem to be able to get enough Italian forces to bear on Bessarabia to start that punch combo - even with two transports alive to shuttle units over to Albania. I have to be missing something here.
-If Italy takes Greece, can Axis ships pass through the Turkish Straits?
8. J2 builds have me confused. On the one hand, I want to build an IPC in Malaya, but can’t until T3 after taking it on T2. The other IPC I want to build is in Kwangtung, where again - I don’t have access to build until the following turn. Assuming my entire Japanese fleet went south, took the Phillipines and Malay on T2 without purchase support - what do I buy on T2? T3 purchases can just be factories, but the turn 2 has me muddled.
All respect for you guys and your brilliant minds, and I hope to glean some wisdom.