The total amount taken from convoy raids is equal to the territory amount…so the UK is 6 and Scotland is 2 so the total amount that they would not be able to collect would be 8 and it wouldnt matter if there were twenty subs in the convoy raid.
That’s if the disruption occurs in SZ 109. However, if disruption occurs in both SZ 109 AND SZ 119, the UK can lose up to 8 from SZ109 AND another 2 from SZ 119. Double dipping CAN occur, but only in seperate seazones hitting a single territory. They would never return saved money, as that’s already in the bank, but they would not collect anything each round if their income was 10 ipcs or less.
For example (using Alpha 2 objectives) and assuming that the UK has lost control of all canadian, african and middle east territories and is reduced to ONLY the UK and Scotland:
if Germany had max disruption on SZ 109 and 119 using only surface fleet units and had no submarines anywhere except 100, 113, 115, or 116, the the UK income would be 6 for UK, 2 for scotland, plus 5 for the national objective,
~~but would collect only 3 IPCs because both convoy zones are hit for their full amount. ~~
Revision - national objective income cannot be disrupted (West US in Pac 40 is only ever worth 10). Krieghund, please confirm - can convoy damage that exceeds territorial income per example cannot affect national objective income. In the above example, Britain should collect 5 from the objective.
UK can lose only 2 IPCs from sea zone 119, as it only touches Scotland. It can lose 8 IPCs from sea zone 109, as it touches both Scotland and United Kingdom.
4 subs in sea zone 119 and 1 sub in sea zone 109 will result in a reduction in income of 4 IPCs for UK. However, 4 subs in sea zone 109 and 1 sub in sea zone 119 would result in a reduction in income of 10 IPCs. In any case, income may not be reduced below zero.