I still haven’t seen any pictures of the re-release yet, so I’m not sure what color the German pieces will be either.
The main article on this site was updated though with some additional info on the sculpts (I’ve added my comments).
Next, we have some information regarding the sculpts for some of the pieces. Because Wizards was unable to reuse some of the original sculpts a few of the sculpts are the same as Axis & Allies 1942 SE. These are listed below:
Fighter is from 1942 - boo, no Hellcat fighters :(
Tank is from 1942 - okay
Battleship is from 1942 - okay
Tank is from 1942 - okay, but would have been cool to have the original sculpts
Artillery is from 1942 - big upgrade here, the original artillery was pretty bad for Italy!
Fighter is from 1942 - nice upgrade
I’m guessing they mean 1940 second edition as 1942 doesn’t have Italy.
USSR (Russia)
Destroyer is from 1942 - nice upgrade
Cruiser is from 1942 - nice upgrade