Anniversary edition reprint announced at Origins?

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Here’s one possible concept for a “streamlined” set of A&A Anniversary Edition rules.  The design is based on the boat-tailed .50cal bullet configuration, which is regarded as having excellent aerodynamic characteristics.  To paraphrase Calvin and Hobbes, the details are a bit rough and somewhat conjectural.

    Looks like an Axis&Allies cigar.

    I’d puff on that.

  • Official Q&A


    Streamlined game play - that’s rich.  Those who don’t understand A&A always get hung up on the length of play.  It’s one of the most common complaints for people who never played.  This is the same company that manufactures Dungeons & Dragons right?  Kreighund - care to shed some light on this?  Hey btw what are the new sculpts has anyone seen anything about that?  Â

    I already did - back on page 5 of this thread:


    This is a reprint, not a new edition.  The Rulebook changes were simply the inclusion of the FAQ/errata and newer, more clear and concise wording.  None of the actual rules are changing.

    However, Shelly’s statement in the interview that some of the sculpts will be different was news to me, so other physical components may change as well.  This only makes sense, as there have been several new sculpts introduced since AA50 was originally published.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10



    Here is confirmation….

    Wow that girl is annoying. At least get someone who is familiar with the game to ask questions.

    Yeah no kidding.  Or get someone familiar with the game from Avalon to speak about it.

    They nice ladies seem to know very little about it.

    The production quality, the photo fit boxes, the large battleboard, the introduction of Italy (Which was huge), the beginning of NO’s, a technology program that reasonably worked, and the only version of the game that came with two relatively balanced setups OOB,  and so on.  Damnit!  This was an LH masterpiece and the beginning of the ‘new era’ of A&A games!

    I want to know, will this reprint bring me the same love the original did?

  • Pre-ordered from Amazon.

    Shipping to Japan! Wohoo!

  • Good to hear from you, Noll. Enjoy playing it.

  • I heard the whole print run is numbered - can anyone confirm?  So are they adding a sense of scarcity/limited edition-ness to this item if its true?

    And hey weren’t Cruisers in the original Anniversary Edition?  If so why does the Amazon description make it sound like they are a new sculpt/thing? 
    Does any A&A bro know if the Italian tanks are gonna be Carro Armato 13/40s like in the original release?  They better not be Pantherz again - just wrong.

  • Sponsor

    I hope they keep it going, why limit a great thing and than keep printing the lesser games forever? it’s like the bacon mushroom melt at Wendy’s… STOP TAKING IT OFF THE MENU!!!

  • '17 '16


    Does any A&A bro know if the Italian tanks are gonna be Carro Armato 13/40s like in the original release?  They better not be Pantherz again - just wrong.

    Well as an A&A bro, I can assure you that no matter what comes with the AA50 reprint, there is no law that will get you arrested for using Italian units from 1940 Global if the Italian units in the new AA50 aren’t really Italian units. If you don’t own 1940 Global and need “real” Italian units, you can order them from HBG… I’m a 1941/1942SE-only owner, but even I have a full set of Italian units… so whether or not AA50 comes with ‘real’ Italians, it’s not really an issue for me (or anyone prepared and “bold” enough to use different units than what comes in the AA50 box).

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    And hey weren’t Cruisers in the original Anniversary Edition?  If so why does the Amazon description make it sound like they are a new sculpt/thing?

    Yeah, they were. My guess is that they are just re-using most of the marketing and description from when Anniversary first came out. Especially if essentially nothing in the game has changed other than some rules.



    Does any A&A bro know if the Italian tanks are gonna be Carro Armato 13/40s like in the original release?�  They better not be Pantherz again - just wrong.

    Well as an A&A bro, I can assure you that no matter what comes with the AA50 reprint, there is no law that will get you arrested for using Italian units from 1940 Global if the Italian units in the new AA50 aren’t really Italian units. If you don’t own 1940 Global and need “real” Italian units, you can order them from HBG… I’m a 1941/1942SE-only owner, but even I have a full set of Italian units… so whether or not AA50 comes with ‘real’ Italians, it’s not really an issue for me (or anyone prepared and “bold” enough to use different units than what comes in the AA50 box).

    That is not entirely accurate. HBG used to sell Field Marshall Games pieces, which had the dedicated Italian set, but it appears they don’t anymore. They have been removed from their menus and the only way to find them is to use the search bar. But even then, they are all listed as Out of Stock. HBG has the “Axis Minor” set under their Italy tab, but these are a just bunch of German units in a different color.

    You can however still get FMG Italian units here:
    You can only buy in full sets though. And I believe when I asked, once these are gone, they are likely gone for good.

  • '17 '16



    Well as an A&A bro, I can assure you that no matter what comes with the AA50 reprint, there is no law that will get you arrested for using Italian units from 1940 Global if the Italian units in the new AA50 aren’t really Italian units. If you don’t own 1940 Global and need “real” Italian units, you can order them from HBG… I’m a 1941/1942SE-only owner, but even I have a full set of Italian units… so whether or not AA50 comes with ‘real’ Italians, it’s not really an issue for me (or anyone prepared and “bold” enough to use different units than what comes in the AA50 box).

    That is not entirely accurate. HBG used to sell Field Marshall Games pieces, which had the dedicated Italian set, but it appears they don’t anymore. They have been removed from their menus and the only way to find them is to use the search bar. But even then, they are all listed as Out of Stock. HBG has the “Axis Minor” set under their Italy tab, but these are a just bunch of German units in a different color.

    What I said is entirely accurate… because I never once mentioned, said, or suggested he buy FMG Italian pieces… not once, so you’re putting words in my mouth I never said. What I did say is that he can buy the G40 OOB Italian pieces from HBG, which should still be an option if AA50 comes with something he doesn’t like. I know the planes, tanks and ships from G40 Italy are all Italian models, not German… I don’t recall the infantry, but in a worse case scenario, if you don’t like Italian infantry from G40, you can just buy some 1/72 scale Italian infantry from Amazon or your local hobby store and paint them to match… there are always options, which was my entire point… there’s no law saying he must use the Italians that come out of the AA50 box, and that was my statement, which I still stand by.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    What I said is entirely accurate… because I never once mentioned, said, or suggested he buy FMG Italian pieces… not once, so you’re putting words in my mouth I never said. What I did say is that he can buy the G40 OOB Italian pieces from HBG, which should still be an option if AA50 comes with something he doesn’t like. I know the planes, tanks and ships from G40 Italy are all Italian models, not German… I don’t recall the infantry, but in a worse case scenario, if you don’t like Italian infantry from G40, you can just buy some 1/72 scale Italian infantry from Amazon or your local hobby store and paint them to match… there are always options, which was my entire point… there’s no law saying he must use the Italians that come out of the AA50 box, and that was my statement, which I still stand by.

    You are correct. My apologies. Perhaps I thought you were implying FMG because in my mind we were talking aftermarket, and they are the only true aftermarket piece replacement option currently. When talking about HBG’s inventory I normally don’t think about their OOB offerings, but they are pretty extensive also.

  • What does everyone want/wish to see as far as the 4 new sculpts? Personally I would like to see UK, Russia, Italy and Germany get the 1940.2 artillery sculpts.

    For A&A AE 2008 UK and Russia had the 105mm US artillery, Italy had the Japanese type 92 70mm artllery and Germany had the 88mm artillery which in 1940.2 and 1942.2 is their AA gun.

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