And hey weren’t Cruisers in the original Anniversary Edition? If so why does the Amazon description make it sound like they are a new sculpt/thing?
Yeah, they were. My guess is that they are just re-using most of the marketing and description from when Anniversary first came out. Especially if essentially nothing in the game has changed other than some rules.
Does any A&A bro know if the Italian tanks are gonna be Carro Armato 13/40s like in the original release?� They better not be Pantherz again - just wrong.
Well as an A&A bro, I can assure you that no matter what comes with the AA50 reprint, there is no law that will get you arrested for using Italian units from 1940 Global if the Italian units in the new AA50 aren’t really Italian units. If you don’t own 1940 Global and need “real” Italian units, you can order them from HBG… I’m a 1941/1942SE-only owner, but even I have a full set of Italian units… so whether or not AA50 comes with ‘real’ Italians, it’s not really an issue for me (or anyone prepared and “bold” enough to use different units than what comes in the AA50 box).
That is not entirely accurate. HBG used to sell Field Marshall Games pieces, which had the dedicated Italian set, but it appears they don’t anymore. They have been removed from their menus and the only way to find them is to use the search bar. But even then, they are all listed as Out of Stock. HBG has the “Axis Minor” set under their Italy tab, but these are a just bunch of German units in a different color.
You can however still get FMG Italian units here: http://iwillnevergrowup.com/shop/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=259
You can only buy in full sets though. And I believe when I asked, once these are gone, they are likely gone for good.