@SS-GEN Well to be fair, donations here don’t go to supporting TripleA and its lobby/dice servers just the A&A website/forum. So I would encourage players to consider splitting their donation if they post a lot here but use TripleA and its servers as well. You can go to the TripleA website or forum to donate:
Axis & Allies .org 2017 Support Drive
Dang it… now it’s showing on your profile… i’m going to have to send Dj a double-gold sponsorship just to have him delete the banner off your profile again!
I won’t delete his badge but for a small fee I’ll turn it upside down for 30 days.
Yes… lemme see what I can do… I still owe that Brit for his relatives burning down our White House 200 years ago or so…
Happy to do it again for you’all if you like :-D
Dang it… now it’s showing on your profile… i’m going to have to send Dj a double-gold sponsorship just to have him delete the banner off your profile again!
I won’t delete his badge but for a small fee I’ll turn it upside down for 30 days.
Yes… lemme see what I can do… I still owe that Brit for his relatives burning down our White House 200 years ago or so…
That was us. You guys started it! :-P
That was us. You guys started it! :-P
Don’t get me started on Canada… 3,000 miles of unprotected border… you guys could come pouring across the border and invade us any time… I’ve always thought we should do a pre-emptive nuclear strike on Canada just to be safe. You never know when Canada may turn hostile, so best just to nuke them now.
done….with pleasure.
We’re going to build a wall and you guys are going to pay for it. We can’t have our moose wandering across the border where you issue firearms to everyone when they turn 10 years old. :-P
We can’t have our moose wandering across the border where you issue firearms to everyone when they turn 10 years old. :-P
And thanks to all our fully-armed 10 year olds, Canadian’s have been to scared to invade in over 200 years. WOLVERINES!!!
Give me my new gold banner DJ
Could I, please, have mine too.
Sorry about the delay. Everything should be up to date now.
Perfect, as Always. Thank you.
I donated $10 and received my prized 2017 Bronze Badge (thank you very much), and would like to know if it would be acceptable to followup with a $25 donation and receive a Silver Badge and proudly display both badges for 2017? :-DNot that I’m looking to “buy badges” or anything as nefarious as that, not in the least.
I am wholly motivated by an honest and pure desire to provide an acceptable level of support, within my budget, for the website and organization. :evil:This train of thought started from a desire to ask about upgrading from my (what some might characterize as a humble/lackluster) initial donation, and then I thought…hmmmm… what if?..
just askin’ all in good fun, :-D
GM -
It turns out we’re in a little worse shape than I thought. I guess adding one at a time to the total led me to an error of about $200.
We’re, as of writing, $425.50 below last year. We also lost some sponsor revenue but gained a fraction of that back with the War Room sponsorship. We had no been getting the t-shirt pay outs but that was fixed and helped.
At this point I would be happy to match last year’s $2410. We had 37 people at $10 last year. A few Gold and Silver would be nice but 40 more Bronze would get us there for sure.
well I’m doing 10 because I want all three. I’ll throw a silver in too, as was suggested by someone earlier to make it a bigger donation.
Have to wait until I can pay someone to do it. Won’t be too long.
How much do you need ? Pretty sure the members can cover it.
The goal is to match last year. Go ahead and get a bronze. Encouraging others to get badges is worth much more than buying multiple badges. Thank you for your encouragement!
The goal is to hit the same number as last year.
I just did 25 bucks… I hope it helps!
Time for 2018 drive yet? While I can pretend it’s a Christmas present to myself? :P
Hi, i donated 25$ and need a confirmation on that.
It is now over week. -
Hi, i donate 25$ and need a confirmation in that.
It is now over week.Me too… I supported a week ago, need my 2017 Gold badge.
Hey everybody. Just got back from a nearly 3 week vacation. I was hoping to have time to keep up with badges while I was away but we were constantly on the move. I should get everybody caught up tonight.
Also, I apologize for not posting here before I left.