Tokyo express does not need a marine. 1 infantry on Japanese destroyers.
Baron's Convoy Disruption House Rule 1942.2 OOB cost structure
National Convoy Disruption House rule for 1942.2 OOB cost structure
Originally, this House Rule was make for a reduced naval cost structure SS5-DD6-CA9-CV12-BB15 to help balance the higher loss of money for Naval Power (UK, USA, Japan). It may requires some alternate ways to infuse more IPCs into the game to keep balance. IDK (Never play-tested with OOB cost structure.)First thing, Convoy Sea Zones (SZ) have to be identify with owner’s Control Markers.
All Convoy SZs worth 4 IPCs and are bordering at least 1 Territory (TT) or have an island group in it.
These TTs can worth 0 IPC to many IPCs, this doesn’t change the 4 IPCs Convoy SZ basis.
Here is Convoy SZs for 1942.2, I would suggest to implement (some, such as SZs 2, 3, 4, 45, 53, 57, can be considered as Allied lend-lease shipping SZs coming from either UK or US toward Russia or Australia / others should be considered as import-export lines of shipping) :
1 SZ x 4 IPCs = 4 IPCs max.
SZ 4 (Arctic Sea: Karelia & Archangel)United Kingdom 31 IPCs
8 SZs x 4 IPCs = 32 IPCs max.
SZs 3 (Iceland), 7 (Northern UK), 8 (Southern UK),
SZs 10 (Eastern Canada), 23 (West Africa),
SZs 34 (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Persia), 35 (India), 45 (North Eastern Australia)United States 42 IPCs
9 SZs x 4 IPCs = 36 IPCs max.
SZs 2 (Greenland), 11 (US East Coast), 18 (Caribbean), 22 (Brazil),
SZs 53 (Hawaii), 55 (Mexico West Coast), 56 (US West Coast),
SZs 57 (Midway), 65 (Alaska/Western Canada)Germany 41 IPCs
2 SZs x 4 IPCs = 8 IPCs max.
SZ 5 (Baltic)
SZ 15 (Italy)Japan 30 IPCs
7 SZs x 4 IPCs = 28 IPCs max.
SZs 36 (Malaya), 37 (East Indies), 47 (Borneo),
SZs 48 (Philippines), 60 (Japan), 61 (Costal China), 62 (Korea)The most important thing to note :
lf at least 1 territory bordering the Convoy SZ or the Island group within the Convoy SZ is taken from his original owner and the Convoy SZ belongs to the same owner, then this Convoy SZ is deactivated and can no longer be raided by enemys of the original Convoy SZ owner’s which have his control marker in this Convoy SZ.When such Convoy SZ is deactivated, simply flip this Nation Control Marker face downward.
For instance, if Germany conquered Karelia and/or Archangel, the Russian Convoy SZ4 can no longer affect USSR until this Power recovers these two TTys.- Only Submarine can raid Convoy SZ.
During Phase 3: Conduct Combat
Combat Sequence
1. Strategic bombing raids AND/OR Convoy Disruption-
Each Submarine can either make a regular attack (Step 3. General combat) or a Convoy raid (Step 1. SBR AND/OR Convoy Disruption).
Even if there is warships (including DD) in Convoy SZ, a Submarine can still make such raid. -
Once the raid is done, Submarine cannot retreat and must stay in raided SZ.
Each Submarine unit can cause damage from 1 up to 4 IPCs (1D6+1: 1-3 = 1-3 IPCs / 4-6 = 0 IPCs + 1 damage)
So a single Submarine always does at least 1 IPC damage (50% of the time, and more the other 50%).
There is no defense roll and any enemy Destroyer within the SZ cannot do anything about it.
It is up to the Convoy SZ owner’s to use Destroyers (and more) on his turn’s attack phase to sink Subs.These damage and odds are for these units:
6 IPCs Submarines, A2 first strike D1 first strike M2, Convoy Disruption damage: 1D6 (1-3= 1-3 / 4-6 = 0) +1 IPCs.
8 IPCs Destroyer A2 D2 M2, cancel on a 1:1 basis Sub’s Submerge and Stealth Move but a single DD cancel all Sub’s First Strike.-
Damage are immediately remove from Convoy owner’s hands, never more than 4 IPCs per SZ for the whole game round.
And attacker must put chips under owner’s National Control Marker (1 chip per IPC damage) as a reminder for the game round of how many IPCs were raided in this specific SZ if multiple raids occur from more than one alliance powers.
These chips will be removed from under National Control Marker in SZ during Convoy SZ’s owner 1. Purchase and Repair Units. Step 2: Pay for Units and Repair Damaged Units and Facilities.
Very interesting! What is the purpose of rolling 1d6+1 for damage? Is the die roll supposed to affect game play differently than just a flat loss of 1 IPC per sub or 2 IPCs per sub?
Very interesting! What is the purpose of rolling 1d6+1 for damage? Is the die roll supposed to affect game play differently than just a flat loss of 1 IPC per sub or 2 IPCs per sub?
Since there is no combat but something somehow similar to SBR without any AAA defense, it seems unfair and too predictable to put a flat damage of 2 IPCs.From historical POV, there is no certitude in war. It was not an easy task for Sub commanders to search, seek and destroy convoys and merchant freighters, keeping the dice mechanism of Global Convoy Disruption help simulate these unpredictable situations. Chance is part of the war, and part of A&A game too.
In game terms, player can either spread each sub in different SZs in hope of maximizing impact, for instance 1 Sub in 2 SZs can damage from 2 up to 8 IPCs, if lucky. Or Sub commander may prefer to keep both subs together for strategic (or tactical defensive) reasons, in that case you can loose some extra damage for not spreading in more SZs. On the other side, a flat 2 IPCs damage would be clear assurance to reach the maximum damage per SZ and would create a systematic pattern of no more than 2 Subs per group.
This variability increase somehow the fog of war and put some decisions on Sub commander’s shoulders.
Ok, here’s another thought, because I do like this idea. What if convoy zones give their owners uncome, but only when they are undamaged? Just as an undamaged factory let’s you build units, an undamaged convoy zone lets you collect bonus income. A perfectly healthy convoy zone generates 2 ipcs. A zone with 1 damage generates 1 ipc. A zone with 2, 3, or 4 (max) damage generates no ipcs. Repairing a damage costs 1 ipc.
If you are constantly repairing damage, that represents losing merchant ships to submarines faster than you can build them. If you only take occasional damage, that represents losing some merchant shipping to enemy subs, but still turning a profit on the trade overall.
As an added bonus, this will incentivize players to protect territories adjacent to their convoy zones so they don’t lose the bonus income altogether, instead of incentivizing them to deliberately surrender low-value territories near high-value convoy zones just to shut down the enemy subs (e.g. Libya, French West Africa, Soviet Far East, etc.)
It is a very original idea. A positive bonus working as Base.
The issue it rise in my mind was about the number of pertinent SZs I already put on the 3 maps.
Giving 2 IPCs per Convoy SZ will explode the economy. US 18, UK 16, Japan 14, Germany 4, URSS 2.That way, with your Base simile, you help me think about this other one:
why not use a combination to reduce money flow?
1 IPC per undamaged Convoy SZ.
1 damage = 0 IPC
2 damage = -1 IPC
3 damage = -2 IPCs
4 damage = -3 IPCsSince each Sub does 1+ 1-3 damage (4-6 = 0), it means each Sub block at least the bonus in the SZ.
However, in all 1941, 1942.2 and AA50 there was not a hundred Subs to work with.
If 5-6 were active in a given turn it was a good day for Sub.
And this does not consider that Convoy is a lesser objective compared to attacking warships.
Sinking Destroyer was prioritized over Convoy raid, most of the time.IDK if even 1 IPC bonus per working Convoy SZ can remain manageable.
US 9, UK 8, Japan 7, Germany 2, URSS 1. -
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by Mar 16, 2017, 1:02 PM
I kinda like Baron’s rule and roll for damage but once a sub attacks a zone the damage for the convoy zone stays and the sub can leave the convoy box.
If you only have 3 to 6 subs in game at least 1 sub represents 10, 20, or 25 subs in that area. But you have to go into the convoy box in order to do damage.Then the defender has to either attack the sub if it stays or move into convoy to remove damage.
I kinda like Baron’s rule and roll for damage but once a sub attacks a zone the damage for the convoy zone stays and the sub can leave the convoy box.
If you only have 3 to 6 subs in game at least 1 sub represents 10, 20, or 25 subs in that area. But you have to go into the convoy box in order to do damage.Then the defender has to either attack the sub if it stays or move into convoy to remove damage.
Your suggested mechanic might be better or more annoying to UK and Japan players (as it should be).
However, I find difficult to rationalize a good explanation for an on going penalty even when Sub is destroyed elsewhere.Any plausible way to figure what this mechanic meant?
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by Mar 16, 2017, 1:46 PM
Just means when sub stops his move in a convoy zone box. Roll for damage put that subs country control token and damage chips under the token. Now next turn if sub is not attacked sub can leave that convoy box and damage would stay there with his control marker.
So defending ship has to move into convoy zone box to remove damage. No damage repair aloud. -
Just means when sub stops his move in a convoy zone box. Roll for damage put that subs country control token and damage chips under the token. Now next turn if sub is not attacked sub can leave that convoy box and damage would stay there with his control marker.
So defending ship has to move into convoy zone box to remove damage. No damage repair aloud.Yes. You explained this mechanic clearly. Thanks.
My hesitation is about how it depicts WWII convoy and Sub actions.
If Sub unit is out, then convoy are clear to pass.
Why should they be destroyed and unable to deliver shipping if there is no sub in a given SZ? -
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by Mar 16, 2017, 2:29 PM
It’s just where 1 sub represents a bunch of subs in the area .
So it breaks the usual principle about projection of power of sub unit which was considered as 1 occupied SZ.
That what is weird in your mechanic.But, maybe it is the way to go to work with Argothair suggestion: 1 Sub unit is blocking its own SZ (damaging IPC penalty) and all other adjacent SZs income (no IPC bonus).
Clearly the u-boat menace will increase and better depict why someone wrote this:
The Allies agreed on one thing. World War II would not be lost on any land battlefield but might be in the ship graveyard of the North Atlantic. Churchill wrote: “The U-boat attack was our worst evil. It would have been wise for the Germans to stake all upon it.”
Maybe, a way to rationalize it historically is to say that merchant ships were waiting there was no more Sub infestation in a given SZ.
A warship would meant a patrol has been done and confirmed this is no more a high danger SZ to navigate in.
Or that Sub unit are like 20-30 real Subs traveling back and forth from the old SZ to the new one. So the old one is still under pressure.It makes for a less static SZ because the usual behaviour in ATO with u-boats was to wait in a SZ until a DD coming within reach and make an attack on it. But as long as no UK DD were put on ATO, Subs stayed mostly in same SZ.
Below I quoted Der Kuenstler impressive opening post from another interesting thread on Subs and Destroyers:
Reality wrecking destroyer rules need a revamp…
I don’t exactly use the same Subs and DDs but his opening post is so cool.
It have to be known. -
“The only thing that ever really frightened me during the war was the U-boat peril”. - Winston Churchill
Dear old Winston wouldn’t have to worry about u-boats if he were playing the latest editions of Axis and Allies today. The current OOB rules make destroyers so powerful that just one of them can turn a wolf pack of submarines into a litter of baby kittens.
According to the current rules, just ONE destroyer can do these things:
Stop any number of enemy subs from a surprise strike in a sea battle
Stop any number of subs from submerging (even 100 or more!)
Stop any number of subs from going through the sea zone it is sitting in
allow air units to hit any number of subs in the zone it is in
It is no wonder that there is no proper battle of the Atlantic with these rules in place.
On the other hand, the rules say that ANY of your ships or those of your allies have NO EFFECT on convoy disruption. Look at this picture from the 1940 RE rulebook:

There is plainly a British DD sitting there in the same zone as the menacing u-boats. Yet the DD does nothing to stop any of them from raiding the convoys there. Huh?
The answer to this unrealistic mess is to do what artillery does with infantry. Their powers work when being matched on a 1:1 basis. Just as one artillery does not make 10 or more infantry attack @ 2, one Destroyer should not be able to stop 10 u-boats from leaving the Baltic Sea. I’m proposing that the destroyer’s powers be limited to a 1:1 basis with subs, like this:
SUBMERSIBLE: One destroyer and two fighters attack three u-boats. Only one of the u-boats should have to stay. The other two should be able to submerge and escape.
SURPRISE STRIKE: If one DD is in a naval task force attacking four subs, only one of the subs should lose the surprise strike ability, not all four. One DD cannot be everywhere.
TREAT HOSTILE ZONES AS FRIENDLY: If five subs want to come out of the Baltic and there are two British DD’s blocking their way, only two subs should have to stop. The other three should be able to get by.
CAN’T BE HIT BY AIR UNITS: If a DD and three planes attack 2 subs, all the hits should apply to only one sub. The other can submerge.
CONVOY DISRUPTION: DD’s should stop it on a 1:1 basis. As in the picture above, if three subs are there with an enemy DD, only two of the subs should be able to disrupt convoys.
To me this would enable subs to compete with destroyers and make a real battle of the Atlantic possible.
General 6 Stars '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizerlast edited by Mar 16, 2017, 3:50 PM Mar 16, 2017, 3:44 PM
im not a big fan of convoy distruption from a sea zone next to a convoy. On my 40 map and 39 maps there are convoy boxes where u need to stop in the convoy box to damage it.
You’d have to come up with a different rule for 40 game because I see the convoy is only in the sea zone.
But this may work also with the convoy boxes because some are connected to more than 1 sea zone. This may benefit Japan to. I’m gonna putt with this and see what way is the best for damage and Der’s idea is good to -
IDK if even 1 IPC bonus per working Convoy SZ can remain manageable.
US 9, UK 8, Japan 7, Germany 2, URSS 1.Well, there’s no reason we can’t decrease the number of convoy zones. The point should be to simulate a few of the most important, most vulnerable commerce lanes, not to put a convoy box in every single sea zone that saw merchant traffic. Just off the cuff, here’s another possible distribution of convoy zones for 1942.2:
USSR: Archangel, Soviet Far East
Germany: Baltic, Central Med
UK: English Channel, Central Atlantic, Eastern Med, Persian Gulf, Cape of Good Hope
Japan: Tokyo Bay, South China Sea, Java Sea, Coral Sea, Leyte Gulf
USA: Solomon Islands, Pearl Harbor, Caribbean, New York, BrazilThat should produce a less crazy income swing. If you think that’s still too much, you can relocate income from land territories to adjacent sea zones, instead of adding fresh income. E.g., Borneo drops from 4 IPCs to 3 IPCs, but the Borneo Sea Zone is now worth +1 IPCs if its convoy is undamaged.