with 2 destroyers you get to attack twice on the first turn with two 3’s instead of 1 4 and even if you lose a destroyer you have overall more firepower with a chance to attack 3 times rather then two
You are a genius!
with 2 destroyers you get to attack twice on the first turn with two 3’s instead of 1 4 and even if you lose a destroyer you have overall more firepower with a chance to attack 3 times rather then two
You are a genius!
What about this variant?
#3 Air Supremacy
Fighters and bombers always attack or defend in the opening fire step of combat. Any hit from a fighter or bomber should be taken by enemy air units prior land or naval units.
9. Jagdpanzers
The Germans put their early war experience into the development of tank destroyers. These armor roamed the battlefields to ambush enemy tanks - armed with more powerful guns than similar tanks.
Your tanks have a first-strike ability (defense only) at an defense factor of 2 as long as at least one enemy tank is present in combat. For each scored tank hit, the enemy must pick a tank as a casualty prior to any other unit. Any cassualties destroyed are removed from play, with no chance to attack. This first-strike ability is for the first cycle of combat only.I definitely prefer the Royal Tigers
I have made two variants of Tiger Tanks, which one do you mean?
Royal Tigers
The massively powerful Royal Tiger was virtually impervious to Allied tank guns and capable of dominating the battlefield. A single Royal Tiger tank could halt the advance of a complete armored division.
Every third tank you have in each combat cycle, attack or defend on a 4.
Tiger Tank Battalions
The massively powerful Tiger tanks were assigned to heavy tank battalions to support other units for special operations, to be deployed en masse for decisive shock action.
You may build three tank units as Tiger tanks, but only one per turn. A Tiger tank attack and defends on a 4 or less. Each Tiger tank costs 6 IPC´s and may be rebuilt if destroyed. Tigers have movement capabillity of 2, but cannot blitz as regular tanks.
5. Afrika KorpsÂ
The Axis forces in Africa relied upon supplies for weapons and most importantly panzers.
Once per game, you may reinforce Libya if you control it. Roll one die each turn during your mobilize new units phase. On a roll of 2 or less, you place two of your tanks and two of your artillery for free in Libya.What does roll one die each turn mean? Doe it mena that I keep rolling til I get the troops?
++++ no you roll one per turn. If you get it then you get it. any other roll and you have to wait another turn for another chance.
BTW Andersson does not post that often here… but sometimes we work together on these things so i thought i might interprete his rules on his behalf.
Note: these are not free units… they come from existing units on the mainland.
Thank you Impy for the clarification of my rule “Afrika Korps”. I need to improve my lousy language. What about:
5. Afrika KorpsÂ
The Axis forces in Africa relied upon supplies for weapons and most importantly panzers.
Once per turn, you may reinforce Libya if you control it. Roll one die each turn during your non-combat movement phase. On a roll of 2 or less, you may move a maximum of two tanks and two artillery from your existing units in any tan territory to Libya.
Seems like it is a tough choise between a BB and 2 DDs!
The fugo raid seems a little unrealistic as according to the history you have supplied they did not stop any war production. So 10 and a turn of mobilizing is seriously out of line. Particularly since you get to choose its use, say the turn before a move towards LA? It seems overpowered both in game terms and historical terms. Perhaps if that were changed to some form of SBR? Can’t get shot down and roll a dice minus one (one min) of loss? Maybe in some other form but the no mobilization is certainly too much.
Wow, this was an old one! You are right! The Fugo Raid is over powered as is, but I skipped it in my revised NAs!
so on the second combat round if both sides have fighters then fighter hits are allocated to land forces in the usual fashion?
Yes! However I like your suggestion were air units always fire in the opening fire step of combat and any hits should be taken by enemy air units prior land or naval units. I have tried it once and it makes air really powerful, but still verry expensive!
By request, here is the link to the most recent version (1.4) of LHTR, Larry Harris Tournament Rules.
For anyone who may not have encountered them, this is probably the most commonly used rule-set for online gaming.
I think this post should be under the forum for House Rules!
No dogfighting only for first cycle of combat? Can land units hit air units?
What I mean is a kind of opening fire step for air units and AA-guns only. Hence no land units can hit air in this dog fight, except for AA-guns. But this air only hit air is for the first cycle of combat only, there after air hit normally if enemy fighters still remain in the combat. Otherwise fighters hit in the opening fire step of combat for the rest cycles of that combat.