• Well looks like I forgot to post picks of game. Germany went full out for Moscow and was defeated on turn 6 from doing it. Then in mean time Allies took West Germany and next would be Berlin.
    So now we have a game Sunday with major changes to game. I post a list here and hope I get them all.

    1. No Allies in Russia period.
    2. Russia has a lend Lease Chart now.
    3. Adding another Russian IC to setup and being used as Tankograd.
    4. Russian Shock troops in Siberia now.
    5. Cruisers a capital ship now. Can only be built at Capitals.
    6. Stg. Bombers cannot hit Navy ships now.
    7. Added 2 US Carriers and 4 figs to the pacific for more historical attacks at
      Midway or Soloman Islands or return to Europe side.
    8. Some tweaks to NA’s and Event Cards.
      I will post a report Monday.
      After 2 years of play testing I finally got my new event cards printed up.
      There pretty much set. I’m sure there will be a tweaked card here or there down the road which is very normal when you are using event cards.
      Here’s a pic of them and I’ll post a pic of US cards that are in game.


  • @SS-GEN Good action as always. I use a minus 10 bucks if any allies in Russia to Russia, Bombers can’t hit ships and CAs have to be built at starting major factories.

    So pretty similar to what you got going on. I know G40 is a little different, but I like those changes and have used them for a while.

    Always enjoy your game reports.

  • The Axis surrendered in Sundays game. Germany couldn’t get Moscow and was having trouble holding Stalingrad with Russian troops coming out of Moscow to counter. So probably most VC points with Bonus ( Middle East Oil ) was going to be 28 maybe 29. Need 30 and hold a turn for the win.
    Germany Wolf packs just totally wiped out UK’s navy with FS and had like 8 or 9 subs left after naval assaults in the Atlantic. Then the Wolf Packs went on a convoy tear. Was hitting UK 9 icps a turn and Russia 4 icps a turn. The sub in the Russian convoy box is still there. Amazing how UK and US combined 7 Tac Bombers with a bunch of destroyers could not stop the Wolfies until like turn 3-5. UK if doing good makes like ave 45 -50 income but was down for a few turns in like the upper 20’s. So the Battle of the Atlantic happened great again in game.
    According to the guys on Europe side they said there was a ton of SBRing going on and only 1 or 2 bombers got shot down.
    Germany got there V-2 Rocket Event Card on T3 or 4 and was able to SBR London for a few times before UK said enough and came in with Tac Bombers for a single attack on V-2 Rocket. Popped that Bitch.
    Italy was a power house in game as always. They got a free Battleship for 1 of there NA’s. But Italy spent a bit to much in Africa and lost there navy with taking Cairo to fast. The can openers in Russia didn’t really do anything. They did get the Mideast Oil and also for desperation at end of game influenced Turkey but even the Turkish troops they received won’t be enough to get Stalingrad. So with Germany going weak on reinforcements in Paris and Italy not Garrison enough to Paris early, the US did there Joint strike together with UK NA and took Paris on T7. So with Germany and Italy having to buy mostly at home will weaken the Eastern front and make Russia counter now with a few more Attacks.
    Russia got there Guard Tank NA in game. With the new Russian stuff and LL chart with Tankograd it made Moscow hold its own.
    New Stuff for Russia in game now.

    1. 1 factory can move per turn.
    2. 1 Tank per turn gets promoted to a Guard. +1 on A D Russia had this NA this game.
    3. Tankograd factory. 1 free tank and buy 1 for 4 icps. Cannot move factory period for game.
    4. Adjusted weather chart.
      The Tankograd factory fell to German Paratroopers and planes. I will move this factory location 1 territory further south where it should of been originally. This is what I have on weather chart now.
      T1) 41 Winter for Germany. All Russian Inf +1 on defense.
      T1) 42 Monsoon/Good This for rest of country’s except Germany. Monsoon - No motorized movement in Burma area. Norway too.
      T2) 42 Raspituta - All motorized units move 1 only in Red Territories.
      T3) 42 Winter - Russian Inf D +1 in all red territories. Motorized units can cross marshes.
      T4) 43 Monsoon
      T5) 43 Raspituta
      T6) 43 Winter and so on.
      This does slow down the German Blitz but its still only 1 time every 3rd turn.
      The key is to hold off Germany if you can to T6 so you can get your 50 inf to D +1 in winter season.
      The rest of weather affects in game are in the event cards for Air and water.
      Like 1 turn Russia couldn’t fly planes out of Moscow due to fog. Hurt them a bit to take out German blockers, But Russia had 3 Generals on front lines for rerolls if Inf missed for first round only. Then Generals can retreat. So Russia was able to not use more Inf than they wanted to to retake back territories to block German Blitz.
      Also Russia got there Sniper Event Card amazing at the right time where they could pick any 2 Ger Inf from any Red territory.
      So they picked 2 single blockers and saved them selves 4 inf. to use to retake and block out Germany.
      So I may also found the way to slow down Germany and help Moscow live. Besides making the Pacific campaign even better also.
      Japan took Midway turn 1. Forced the 4 US carriers ( 2 added to setup now ) to take back Midway with Elites landing in Midway to take back Territories to deny Japan there 10 icps for 2 3Island Group NO’s. So with time frame perfect for game I can also be on right time frame track in the Pacific. Time frame is Dec 8 right after pearl Harbor. I’ll post pic of new setup in pacific and explain why the 2 US carriers were added.
      Japan did there normal thing but with US fleet sittin in Midway Japan carrier fleet with support just stayed where ever the US fleet moved to. Then US went all out in Europe on T3 and got Paris on T7.
      FEC with no Calcutta pressure from Japan was able to send out like 18 tanks ready to hit Italy in the Mideast Oil fields. This may need a change. We may go with only 1 tank Build restriction per factory now to FEC but have to play it more. Usually the tanks don’t leave Calcutta and stay for defense for the best cost the whole game.

    Well I’m sure I missed somethings but it was another great game. Games are taking longer but will soeed up once all guys get on board with new changes. No more changes coming but a tweak here or there.
    I’ll post map pics this aft and explain a few things. Oh ya the change will be each Oil derrick now will give you 2 icps income more but only 2 Derricks per country in game. Don’t want over load of them. There more also for refineries because some are in Capitals and city’s.

    SS OUT !

  • Here’s the convoy pic.image1(4).png

  • End of turn 7. De Paris is alive again !image2(1).png

  • Japan and US. Where you going ?image1(3).png

  • Also going to add refineries now to game with the Oil Derricks I have and change that rule for Derricks. Going to add for now refineries to
    N. Italy
    Deep South

    Can damage up to 5 Icps. If Damaged cost for Planes and Ships +1 Icp each in cost.
    Can convoy raid the sea zones next to a territory with a Refinery up to 3.
    Now the Venezuela Refinery is for UK. It had the 2 Largest Refineries in the war.
    It was a huge supplier for UK in war.
    German Wolf Packs did sink oil tankers off coast of Aruba. Technically the refineries where on Aruba Island but Venezuela
    will do. If convoy raided just place a Oil Tanker token under ship so you can keep it there for all to see.

    Now the 2 refineries in the Dutch Islands maybe my final fix for Japan in the Pacific campaign.
    This will give FEC and Anzac an option to bomb the oil refineries if Japan controls them and forcing them to defend the Islands more in game now. Or either side can buy subs and convoy raid the refineries from the seas.
    Now the Oil derricks will be worth 1 or 2 Icps each if you control them towards your income. Oil Derricks can be bombed to. Up to 5 damage and you just loose the 1 or 2 Icps towards your income only.

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Yo Barney I’ll let you know how this combined Cruiser works in game. Cruiser A4 D4 C9 M3 SHS 3 can take a hit on a plane for every round of combat. I have also in game, its Mandatory to have 1 round of Dog Fight in every battle. But Planes can retreat after 1 round of Dog Fight and or 1 round of combat for both the attacker and defender. I did some naval play testing battles and with the Cruiser getting the AA shot now makes battles a whole lot more interesting. Do my planes stay ? Attacker or Defender. How many cruisers does he still have ? Can I land my planes on retreat ? My planes are trapped ! SH. Can I still kill his fleet without my planes still with him having a Cruiser ? and so on.
    Also Stg. Bombers cannot hit Naval units in game so now your Fig/Tac B /N Fig/N Dive B planes are even more important.

    Will also see if I need to lower Cruiser to a A3 D3 and or raise cost. I have that option yet.

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18


    Right on. I like having naval AA as well. As you said above, it can impact your decisions.
    I think it helps promote smaller fleets as well. They’re probably more expensive to take out, even if the AA misses with a cruiser defending. If you do whack a plane you could end up winning the battle or have a more favorable trade if you don’t.

    So does he send more power to guarrantee victory, which means those resources can’t be used elsewhere or risk losing the fight ?

    Obviously it boosts the defensive power of a fleet so some sort of offensive boost may be in order, especially with strats not being able to hit, which I don’t use either.

    The sub rules I use seem to have countered it fairly well and with this new boost to the cruiser on attack, should help as well.

    I’ll see if I can upload a file of the rules I’ve been using. Some you can use buy themselves, others seem to tie together. Anyway…: )

    Option Redesign Notes.txt

    ( sorry little hard to read but wasn’t able to figure out the editor. I’ll see if I can come up with a better one)

    Oh yea after some back and forth I ended up going back to 2 AA shots for the CA and reduce BB to 1. Gonna roll with that for now and see what happens

  • OK. Will see how both our test results come out.

  • @SS-GEN

    I can readily see where you got some of these ideas… haha:face_with_rolling_eyes:

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    Most are working in this game anyway.
    Ha ha Barnee has just recently been involved.

  • 2024 '23 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    So only a couple rounds in but I sense a problem for cruiser AA. Even though I’ve noticed it peripherally and have been using it for quite a while, when one sends all air against a CA, odds aren’t good. If CA has fodder, odds go way down.

    OOB box game is pretty much the same and usually one does have fodder, but I think the BB is gonna lose it’s AA completely and might even drop the CA back to 1 shot. Definitely will if gets boosted to A4 with BB, which I haven’t really tried out yet.
    Guess you could boost the cost a buck too if they seem overpowered. Too bad Baron not around. He always enjoyed a math puzzle : ).
    I’ll probably set up multiple options .

    Yea having the airbattle for 1 rd is something I need to explore more. The way it works on triplea ( at least last I checked, which has been a while ) was whoever had air superiority either obliterated the other or you stayed grounded/didn’t attack.

    I think there’s a way to lower the odds before regular combat air battle now, so it wouldn’t be so risky if outnumbered.

    Being able to target a planes first hit on naval unit of choice would help with both oob and cruiser AA.
    Pretty sure that’s roughly how you do it. I’ll have to reread some of your stuff. I know Baron always advocated for that option. In land/air battles in some form as well.

    Anyway might not be too huge a issue, as one usually has fodder and oob doesn’t really simulate all air against naval with fodder and no air either.

    Of course I could be totally missing something too heh heh

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    @barnee What is your Cruiser value/rule ?
    Does your Cruiser get a ship shot too ?
    What you mean by lone Cruiser attacked by planes only ?

    Cruiser needs to get a shot at a plane or ship every round. Chooses plane or ship.
    Here’s my plane rule.

    1 round of Dog Fight. Attacker can retreat planes only after a Dog Fight
    and defender scrambles plane only. Defender can’t retreat planes.
    All attacking and defending planes can retreat after 1 round of combat
    from naval and ground attacks.

    I have Cruiser A4 D4 C10 M3 at a plane or ship each round of combat.
    I raised cost 1 Icp for now. Will do some opening naval testing attacks in my game for
    the normal turn 1 stuff before game in 10 days.
    Cruiser D12 system
    Old value
    Cruiser C9 A7 D7 1.04 58%
    New Value
    Cruiser C10 A4 D4 .48 33% I just started at half for now that cruiser can hit plane also every round.
    Cruiser C10 A3 D3 .36 25% Can lower to this also if need be.
    Your D6 Cruiser
    Old Cruiser
    Cruiser C12 A3 D3 .50 50% See the d12 1.04 and d6 .50 that tells you d6 cost is to high for the bang.
    New Cruiser
    Cruiser C12 A2 D2 .33 33%. Can take hit on a plane or ship every round of combat.
    Cruiser C12 A1 D1 .17 16.7% This is to weak.
    My D12 new Cruiser is still stronger than D6 new cruiser in cost for the punch. Even though the hit % is the same
    it shows my Cruiser is cheaper for same hit %.

    Another option could try is
    D6 Cruiser C12 A3 D3 M3 SHS 2 Any roll of @1 can take a hit on a plane for every round of combat.
    D12 Cruiser C10 A7 D7 M3 SHS 3 Any roll of @2 or less can take a hit on a plane every round of combat.
    D6 Cruiser A3 D3 50% against Naval or AA @1 16% against a plane every round of combat.
    D6 Cruiser A2 D2 33% against naval or a plane every round of combat.
    I feel Shore shots for D6 should be
    Battleship @3
    Cruiser @2
    Destroyers @1

  • '17 '16

    Toying on AA Capacity: giving to Naval Fighter
    you may look at them (D12) so to use a same combat value in all context.
    And allows for a much higher attrition rate amongst aircraft due to lower cost.

    Naval Fighter C7 A3 D4 M4-5 (0.73 , 0.98), same value in dogfight and hits aircraft first in regular combat.

    Naval Dive Bomber C7 A4 D3 M4-5 (0.98 , 0.73), pick target for each successful hit.
    Dogfight values might be A2 D1, for instance.

    Land-based Fighter C8 A4 D4 M5-6 (0.75 , 0.75), same value in dogfight and hits aircraft first in regular combat.

    Tactical bomber C8 A5 D4 M5-6 (0.94 , 0.75), pick target for each successful hit.
    Dogfight values might be better, so A2 D2 or A3 D2.

    Fleet Carrier can remains C14 A2 D4 M2-3, 2 hits.

    To adjust set up:
    Example, 10 Naval Fighters C10 A5 D7 C10 = 100 IPCs, A50 D70 for 10 hits=
    Sum: A500 (/3) D700 (/4) to convert into C7 A3 D4 = A166.67 D175 square roots of each = 12.9 vs 13.23 so, it is around 13 units.

    So, you need to add 3 Fighters into this initial set up of 10 Naval Fighters.

    To provide the same cover at sea, you may decide to put in SZ, 1 additional Carrier to hold for the additional Naval Fighters and place 1 last into a scramble SZ within reach of carriers.

    Same ratio of 10 to 13 for Naval Dive bomber.

    10 Tactical bombers C11 A7 D5 = 110 IPCs, A70 D50 for 10 hits=
    Sum: A700 (/5) D500 (/4) to convert into C8 A5 D4 = A140 D125 square roots of each = 11.8 vs 11.3 so, it is around 12 or 11 units.
    So, you need to add 2 Tac Bombers into this initial set up of 10 Tactical bombers. A simpler rate of 1 additional TcB for each 5 initial on the setup.

  • Let me ask you this. You are saying lower values and cost to get more planes in game. Ok I get that.
    You also want more planes in game due to a lot of planes were shot down plus also can take a plane now for fodder ?

    What about countries that have only 1 or 2 figs or 1 fig 1 Tac on setup.
    US Japan benefit the most. UK London would at least get 1 extra fig.

  • @SS-GEN said in Global War 1940 2nd ed.:

    Let me ask you this. You are saying lower values and cost to get more planes in game. Ok I get that.
    You also want more planes in game due to a lot of planes were shot down plus also can take a plane now for fodder ?

    What about countries that have only 1 or 2 figs or 1 fig 1 Tac on setup.
    US Japan benefit the most. UK London would at least get 1 extra fig.

    In my own game, I bend the conversion in favor of minor power.
    1 or 2 Fighter received 1 additional, 1 Fg & 1 TcB get another aircraft…
    Which type is according to what fit the better narrative.
    Since you have 4 types, you may chose to balance with one type over the other.

    Also, you may decide to converte with the lower ratio with Japan and Germany.
    Instead of 3 additional for 10 Naval Fighter, it can be only 2.

    However, due to lower cost of aircraft, Allies are going to built more at a faster rate with their economy.

  • Ok I’ll keep this in mind. It be a big change to game. I still have a few weeks to look at. I’ll see what changes it will have on setup for my game

  • Is there still a DF round first ?

  • @SS-GEN
    In my game, there is none for simplicity.
    Fighter are aiming at other aircraft.
    Tacbombers are aiming at ground or naval.
    So, if you need to protect TcB, bring Fighters.

    However, DF phase can still have a part.
    It allows TcBs to fire at aircraft once.
    Probably more balance that way.

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