Next AH and Ottoman empires, versus, British Empire and U.S.A. Can the Americans make a difference to let the Allies take out Ottoman Empire & neutralize AHE fleet.
Round One: AHE builds BB, transport & fighter. Moves fleet to off Jordan, BB & C & transport(trooper & gun),versus, British Empire C & transport. Losses are damaged BB & C, and, Allies all. landed trooper & gun reinforces Ottoman forces.
British Empire builds BB, 2 transports, &, for India fighter. Moves Indian BB & transport(gun & trooper), &, C goes to off Egypt. Battle C versus AHE damaged BB & transport. Losses Allies all & Axis transport. BB shells scores a hit & defending gun in Mesopotamia scores no hit. Landed trooper & gun versus same Ottoman forces. Each side losses a gun, the province is contested.
Canadian transport(trooper & gun), and, C heads for Egypt. From London, BB, 2 Cs, &, transport(trooper & gun) heads for Jordan. Both fleets to link up at Sea Zone#14. British land forces concentrate in Wales, &, land forces in Africa heads toward Egypt.
Ottoman Empire builds 2 troopers, gun, &, fighter, moves Ankara garrison to Mesopotamia. Battle 7 troopers & gun, versus, British trooper. Losses trooper each side, the province is retaken!
From capital 5 troopers & gun move to Smyrna. While from Smyrna 6 troopers & gun, &, from Syria a trooper go to reinforce Jordan.
Two CCs from Home Waters join AHE BB off Jordan.
U.S.A. builds 3 transports, &, moves fleet to Sea Zone 14, to link up with Canadian C & transport.
Round Two: AHE builds fighter, transport, &, BB. Moves damaged BB back to Home Waters, &, from Home Waters to off Jordan moves BB & transport(trooper & gun landed in Jordan).
British Empire builds BB, sub., transport, &, for India fighter. Moves trooper from Sudan to Egypt, while fighter flies in from India. From outside Med. Sea arrives off Egypt, 3 Cs & transport(lands trooper & gun).
Just outside the Med. Sea are 2 BBs & 3 transports(3 troopers & 3 guns) heading for Egypt. Whoever controls the Med. Sea, controls reinforcements for Jordan or Egypt.
Ottoman Empire builds 5 troopers, moves reinforcements into Jordan from Smyrna, &, fighter flies in from capital. Also garrison from capital moves into Smyrna, &, 2 troopers from Mesopotamia move into Syria.
U.S.A. builds 2 transports & sub., BB & C joins Brit. fleet off Egypt & Italy. Also 2 transports(3 troopers & gun) joins Brit. Fleet outside Med. Sea, and, an empty transport heads for S. Africa.
Round Three: AHE builds 2 transports, fighter, &, BB. Moves 2 BBs & transport from Home Waters & one BB & transport from off Jordan, along with fighter from Trieste, into central Med. Sea. Here they combat US BB & C, and, British 3 Cs , transport, &, fighter from Egypt. Losses Allies win air duel, only a damage AHE BB remains, while a transport drops off 2 troopers into Jordan. Again for three rounds, reinforcements have made it into Ottoman Empire.
British Empire builds fighter for India, &, 2 BBs. Fighter in India flies to Egypt, while BB & transport leave Red Sea, to go off Egypt(versus Ottoman 2 C & AHE damaged BB & transport, losses Allies all & Ottoman 1 C & AHE a transport).
Leaving Wales for Egypt, BB & sub. & transport(2 troopers). Meanwhile 2 BB & 3 transport arrive off Egypt, debark 3 guns & 3 troopers.
Ottoman Empire builds trooper, fighter, &, submarine, moves 2 troopers from Jordan, and, 3 troopers & gun from Smyrna to into Jordan. From capital four troopers go into Smyrna.
U.S.A. builds BB, transport, &, 2 troopers. Two transports arrive off Egypt & debark 3 troopers & a gun. Another transport arrives off South Africa. Also 2 transports(3 troopers & gun) leave East Coast with sub., and, joins British Fleet at entrance to Med. Sea.
Round Four: AHE builds BB, transport, &, fighter. Two BBs(one damaged) , &, 2 transports go from off Jordan, to off Egypt in Central Med. Sea(versus Brits. 3 transports protected by 2 BB). In earlier air duel AHE fighter from Jordan defeats Egyptian based Allied fighter. Losses only AHE damaged BB & transport left.
British Empire builds 2 fighters for India, 2 transports & a gun. Arriving off Italy BB , C, &, transport(debarks 2 troopers onto Egypt). Also 2 BB leave Wales for Egypt.
Egyptian garrison invades Jordan, 7 guns & 13 troopers(also fighter takes out one of two defending fighters, and, is lost), versus, AHE 3 troopers & gun, and, Ottoman 25troopers & 6 guns. Losses only British 1 trooper left, &, AHE losses 2 troopers & gun, &, Ottoman 7 troopers.
Ottoman Empire builds sub.(Axis cannot allow to lose control of central & eastern Med. Sea), fighter, &, trooper. From off Jordan & Home Waters, C & two fighters & sub go to central Med. Sea, versus, British 2 BB(one damaged), sub., & 2 transports. Losses Ottoman 2 fighters, C & sub., &, Brits. damaged BB, sub. & transport.
Also from capital 2 troopers & gun into Smyrna. Sends 2 troopers & gun from Smyrna into Jordan(defending Brit. trooper taken out, Jordan retaken), &, trooper from Mesopotamia to Ankara. Also from capital 2 troopers & gun into Smyrna.
U.S.A. builds transport, trooper, &, fighter. Moves sub. , &, 2 transports off Egypt, landing 3 troopers & gun. Also transport arrives off S. Africa.
Round Five: A.H.E. builds BB, sub., &, transport. Moves BB & transport to central Med. Sea from Home Port, versus, USA sub. & 2 transport, &, damaged Brit. BB & a transport. Losses Axis all & USA transport and submarine.
B.E. builds BB & 2 transports, &, for India 2 guns. Two damaged BB arrive off Egypt, &, 2 transports leave Wales with 3 troopers & gun. Also fighter flies in from India, while another transport enter Red Sea for India.
Canadian forces sans 2 troopers, move to US East Coast, while trooper & gun board US transport off S. Africa.
Ottoman Empire builds 2 troopers, gun, & submarine. Trooper from capital & Ankara enter Smyrna, while 3 troopers from the latter enter Jordan.
From Home Waters to central Med Sea., sub. & fighter attack Brits. 2 damaged BBs & two more undamaged. Losses all Axis, &, Allies two more damaged BBs.
Land forces invade Egypt, 15 troopers & 4 guns, versus, Brits. 2 troopers & 2 fighter, &, USA 6 troopers & 2 guns. Losses Ottoman 5 troopers, and, Allies USA 5 troopers & 2 guns, &, British 2 fighters. Egypt is contested!
USA builds 2 transports, 2 troopers, &, tank. Moves BB & transport to off Egypt, &, lands 2 troopers. Also a transport cannot enter Red Sea via Suez Canal, since Egypt is contested. While another transport with British trooper & gun leaves S. Africa for Egypt. Another transport leaves East Coast for Egypt with trooper & fighter.
Round Six: AHE builds fighter, transport, sub., &, BB. BB, sub., &, fighter go into central Med. Sea, from Home Waters, versus damaged British 4 BBs, &, 2 fighters, and, U.S. BB & transport. Losses in air duel one fighter each side, all AHE ships, &, two British BB, and, US transport lost & BB becomes damaged.
Trooper & 2 guns go from Jordan to Egypt versus British trooper, 2 guns, &, US 2 troopers. Losses AHE 2 guns & US 2 troopers.
B.E. builds tank, fighter for India, &, BB & transport. Moves transport off Red Sea to India, boarding & debarking, a trooper & gun, into Mesopotamia(no hit from defending gun). Attacking Ottoman 3 troopers & gun, losses all Allies & Axis 2 troopers.
At entrance to Med. Sea, 2 transports land into Egypt 3 troopers & gun, while a BB & 2 transports(3 troopers & gun) leave Wales. Also 3 troopers & gun from Canada, board 2 US transport, off East Coast.
Ottoman Empire builds 2 guns & 3 troopers. From capital 2 troopers to Mesopotamia, trooper from Smyrna to Jordan, &, gun from capital into Smyrna. As reinforcement’s moves 2 troopers & gun into Egypt. Battle 12 troopers & 5 guns, versus, Brits. 4 troopers , gun, &, fighter. Losses Axis 5 troopers, &, Allies all, Ottoman flag flies over Egypt again!
Sub. from Home Waters goes to Central Med. Sea, versus, damaged 3 Brits. BB & US BB. Lost Axis sub., &, US BB damaged.
USA builds gun, sub. &, BB. USA transport arrives off Jordan from East Africa, with British trooper & gun. Also 2 transports leave from East Coast for Egypt, with Canadian 3 troopers & gun. Along with 2 transports leaving Egypt, back to US east coast. Finally transport with trooper & fighter lands in Egypt(only trooper), BB shelling takes out a trooper, &, defending gun takes out a trooper.
Round Seven: AHE builds 2 BB, moves remaining trooper from Egypt to undefended Sudan, &, fleet tries a breakout from Home Waters. BB, sub., fighter, 2 transports, go to Central Med., versus, damaged 3 British BB & 2 transports, and, damaged USA BB & transport(with fighter). After battle left are damaged 2 Brits. BB & US transport(with fighter).
British Empire builds gun, 2 troopers , BB, &, fighter for India. Moves BB & 2 troopers off Egypt, via, Med. Sea. Landing, 3 BBs shell & all are hits, defending 5 Ottoman guns score only 2 hits. Landed Allies 3 troopers & gun, versus, Ottoman 3 troopers & 5 guns. Losses due to shelling & gun defense Allies 2 troopers & Axis 2 troopers & gun, regular combat no losses either side.
Also trooper & gun debark a US transport, off the Sudan, versus, AHE trooper. Losses Axis trooper only & colony retaken. BB leaves Wales, while transport arrives off Canada & boards 2 troopers.
Another transport leaves India with trooper & gun, &, lands in Jordan(also fighter flies in), versus, Ottoman trooper. Losses Allies gun & Axis trooper, Jordan falls!
Ottoman Empire builds sub. & 4 troopers. Moves from capital trooper to Mesopotamia & one for Syria, and, to Smyrna 2 troopers & gun. Also to retake Jordan, from Smyrna trooper & gun, versus, Brits. trooper & fighter. Losses Axis gun & Allies fighter, Jordan is contested.
Ottoman forces in N. Africa can go forward into Sudan(stay cut off), or, retreat back into contested Jordan(trooper & 5 guns take out British trooper, for no lost, Jordan is recaptured). Egypt is left undefended!
U.S.A. builds 2 troopers, transport, &, C. Two transports off Egypt, lands 3 troopers & gun, while another debarks an fighter, Egypt is retaken! Another transports goes to India.
Another two transports return to US East Coast, where 2 troopers, gun, &, tank board them, while BB & sub. leave heading for Egypt.
Peace Breaks Out! Most naval conflicts are in Central & Eastern Med. Sea. AHE fleet has failed to send recent land reinforcements to Jordan, much less join the Turkish fleet.
AHE losses are mostly naval, &, land for the Ottoman Empire. Both land & sea losses are heavy for the British(only 2 troopers from Canada & one from S. Africa has never seen battle), while for the USA a bit more in losses naval wise.
The Allies know taking out the Ottoman Empire is possible, but, unacceptable to try to take out AHE land empire.
Most land fighting in Egypt & Jordan(minor in Sudan & Mesopotamia). Ottoman know that Allies control the Med. Sea, and, with their ten transports can pick away the eastern & western parts of the empire. The transports are for the Allies the most important weapon they have.
IPCs Lost: Axis troopers 40 & Allies 35, guns 4 & 12, fighters 8 & 5, transports 7 & 12, subs. 5 & 2, C 3 & 6, BB 7 & 6