Quick answer is that bids seem to keep going up with bids over 20 now common.
just the dollar amount.
Correct, the only exception are the orange DEI which can be used as landing space regardless if orange or activated by UK/ANZAC.
Here the logic is that the already belonged to the side that activated them prior to the activation.
True. I believe it is possible to even land ftrs there without having first acquired it with ground units.
That’s right. So it isn’t an exception. They’re already allied.
Rule check for BM:
Can a FTR attack a territory, if the only place to land after the battle, is a Pro-Axis Neutral which has yet to be, but can be, activated? The plan would be to activate during Non-com so the plane is able to land in the newly activated territory?
No plane can land in any territory that wasn’t controlled at the start of the turn, under any circumstance. Conquered or acquired as pro-neutral still means it wasn’t controlled at the beginning of the turn.
That doesn’t actually tell the whole story. There is one (extremely rare) instance where you can land air units in a Friendly-Neutral territory that hasn’t been activated yet: a Friendly-Neutral territory that has been attacked, but not taken, by an enemy player, can serve as a landing spot for your planes. This is true even if the Friendly-Neutral territory is not yet activated.
This rule applies in both Balance Mod and Vanilla.
In order to better expose the Balance Mod to the community, this thread has been moved to “Other Axis & Allies Variants”.
The Soviet objective for no allied units read:
“3 PUs if Russia is at war with European Axis, and there are no non-Russian Allied units in any originally Russian territory.”
This means allied air can land in mongolia if mongolia is activated and the soviets still get their +3? (Why does it read Russia, when it is the Soviet Union?)
Yes it does mean that. Allies can land air in Russian occupied German territory and still get the NO too.
Is there any current way to get the Mod 3.0 Objectives in card form? Young Grasshopper recently got his card decks on DriveThruCards.com and they are available for only about $3.50.
Is there any current way to get the Mod 3.0 Objectives in card form? Young Grasshopper recently got his card decks on DriveThruCards.com and they are available for only about $3.50.
Not that I know of.
Sorry if this has been answered but I didnt see a definitive answer despite a lot of discussion on the topic regarding mixed forces.
US attacks an empty Phi with a cruiser loaded with a US marine.
How do Kamikazes work in this situation?
Currently TripleA prompts for Kamikaze usage allowing targeting of the cruiser. Independent of the results of the kamikaze (meaning even if Kamikaze is successful and the cruiser is sunk) the marine is able to unload and take Phi.
Is this the desired behavior? Both regarding the marine unloading (successful no matter what) and the ability to use kamikazes?
that thread deals with scrambles not marines/kamikazes. I’m running the most recent version of tripleA which handles the scenario described in that thread just fine.
In the case linked that is a scenario that is perfectly handled by axis and allies rules. Marine/Kamikazes arent in the rules as its a variant and I cant find an exact rule that says how this scenario should be handled.
@ksmckay That thread as well as the Github issue mentioned there deals with land units that are illegally unloaded - so the parallels to your sceanario are obvious. TripleA should not allow that.
However if the creators of the Balance Mod really intended Marines to be able to unload from a transporting cruiser that had been eliminated, that would need a clarification, indeed.
I’m trying to get a rules answer, and hoping this is the right thread for it since it’s a scenario unique to balance mod. Seems silly that a marine unloaded from a transport with zero combat involved would be that much different than a marine unloaded from a cruiser with zero combat. There had been talk in this thread about not being able to have kamikazes if there was no combat. But never an actual decision as far as I can tell.
I don’t care what the answer is I would just like to see where the rule was already answered or hear the consensus on the rule from the designer. It’s not a rare scenario so I’m sure it has come up before and just looking for the answer to the rules question.
I recommend you to contact Adam0514
I am not sure if I got your question right, so the Phi is attacked by an american marine on an allied cruiser( non-american)? I believe the landing is not allowed, but not sure of the rationale. This is similar to transports loaded with allied units (transport and loaded units are of different nationality) then a scramble will prevent the landing if the amphibious assult is not supported by surface warships or planes with the same nationality
If the cruiser is american, then of course both the cruiser and the marine are lost if the kamikaze strike is successful. In the case of a single transport (american with american units) the landing is allowed as kamikazes can not target transports.
If the cruiser dies to a kami then the Marine should die as well.
@ksmckay said in G40 Balance Mod 3.0 - Rules and Download:
that thread deals with scrambles not marines/kamikazes. I’m running the most recent version of tripleA which handles the scenario described in that thread just fine.
In the case linked that is a scenario that is perfectly handled by axis and allies rules. Marine/Kamikazes arent in the rules as its a variant and I cant find an exact rule that says how this scenario should be handled.
Oh, that is a bug.
Should work fine for sea combats but apparently not for kamikazes. There was a bug in an earlier release for sea combats which was thankfully fixed.
I need to ask about a BM3 rule…don’t know where the blog is.
If Russian declares on Japan and sends Russian forces into China, does it then negate the Chinese free pop-up guerrilla troops?
@barnee Already moved… to the rules-thread however :wink:
@Ichabod said in G40 Balance Mod 3.0 - Rules and Download:
I need to ask about a BM3 rule…don’t know where the blog is.
If Russian declares on Japan and sends Russian forces into China, does it then negate the Chinese free pop-up guerrilla troops?
No. It does negate the USSR bonus for Japan doing a DOW on USSR though. And if it attacks Manchuria/Korea or a couple of others it negates Mongolia.