@panther Thanks, will need to be more careful with my transports then.
Return fire from bombarded units
Do units that were hit by naval bombardments during Amphibious Assaults get a chance to return fire on the attacking landing units.
Thank you
Yes, they do.
they do?
yup there it is:
Page# 18
Step 2. Battleship and Cruiser Bombardment:
Roll one die for each battleship and cruiser that can
conduct bombardment. Battleships hit on a die roll of “4”
or less, and cruisers hit on a “3” or less. For each hit, the
defender will move a defending unit behind the casualty
strip. These casualties will be able to defend during the
land combat step before they are eliminated.This is out of the G40 rule book though assuming all 42 has the same rules
This is out of the G40 rule book though assuming all 42 has the same rulesCorrect, in 42 second ed. you will find this rule on page 15.
Thanks guys.
I have read the manual for 42.2 twice but still need some verifications on stated rules.
This is an great forum….me thinks a donation is required.
So, what happens if the defending units get more hits than the invading units are able to absorb? Do the bombarding ships take hits? Are they at risk?
So, what happens if the defending units get more hits than the invading units are able to absorb? Do the bombarding ships take hits? Are they at risk?
No - when the invading units are all killed the battle is over - the ships do not get hit.
I have one more question.
if there are 2 transport in a sea zone as well as 2 warship, but only 1 transport unload the troops to the land territory, will this land receive 1 or 2 ambitious attack?
I thought it’s one, but recently when I play in TripleA I got 2 ambitious attack, if I remember correctly. is this supposed to be the case?
I have one more question.
if there are 2 transport in a sea zone as well as 2 warship, but only 1 transport unload the troops to the land territory, will this land receive 1 or 2 ambitious attack?
I thought it’s one, but recently when I play in TripleA I got 2 ambitious attack, if I remember correctly. is this supposed to be the case?
I think you are talking about offshore bombardment, don’t you?
Yes, that’s correct, as long as the warships are Cruisers/Battleships, because you unload two units and have two warships capable of offshore bombardment then:@rulebook:
The number of battleships and cruisers that can bombard during an amphibious assault is limited to one ship per land unit being offloaded from the transports in that coastal territory.
if there are 2 transport in a sea zone as well as 2 warship, but only 1 transport unload the troops to the land territory, will this land receive 1 or 2 ambitious attack?
I thought it’s one, but recently when I play in TripleA I got 2 ambitious attack, if I remember correctly. is this supposed to be the case?
I like this terms: “ambitious attack”, even if it is misspelled from “amphibious” it said quite about what it takes to accomplish it.
Quite an exact slip of tongue!
:-D :-D :-D -
:lol: :lol: :lol: Just realized I had a spelling mistake.
@P@nther Thanks for the clarification. -
I like this terms: “ambitious attack”, even if it is misspelled from “amphibious” it said quite about what it takes to accomplish it.
If we throw in an additional typo, we’d get an interesting title for a house rule discussion thread: “Should it be possible to use unclear weapons to support an ambiguous assault?”