@Imperious-Leader Indeed, that is an official boardgame rule. Page 13:
“A tank can “blitz” by moving through an unoccupied hostile territory as the first part of a move that can end in a friendly
or hostile territory. The complete move must occur during the Combat Move phase. The tank establishes control of the first territory before it moves to the next. Place your control marker on the first territory and adjust the national production levels asyou blitz. A tank that encounters enemy units, including antiaircraft artillery units or an industrial complex, in the first territory it enters must stop there.”
Naval Bombardment
When a Cruiser or Battleship bombards the coast on an amphibious assault, is that unit subject to fire from the defending units?
As an example, if a territory had a group of ten tanks and the opponent decided to invade with 2 infantry and 2 battleships, are the battleships at risk?
No - land units cannot fire at the ships. The ships only fire once and are then no longer involved in the battle.