Best are Stallingrad, The Fighting Lady, Avengers: End game. captain Marvel and The Longest Day, these are best so far, infact I saw all of them by using coupons through Florida Ticket Station, if you need to watch them, you can easily buy tickets from there.
Mostly I was just trying to be funny Hoff. But I do prefer Edge to Oblivion.
I left Oblivion focused on various holes in the plot. More than likely those holes don’t really exist and I did not keep up. In which case the plot’s complexities were beyond my pea sized intellect!
Edge’s plot did not cause me those same problems. I also enjoyed the variations in Tom Cruise’s screen persona. He begins as a coward. His fighting skills are surpassed by Emily Blunt, who is a hero. So not quite standard Tom Cruise, varied only in outfits, genres and leading ladies.
The man can act. I wish he would take more risks. In Edge he took a few, albeit minor ones.
Haha, no worries.
I thought Edge of Tomorrow was interesting and at least a little unique in that, as you said, Tom Cruise did not start out as the powerful figure he usually is. I thought Emily Blunt pulled off her character very well. The different angles the problem was approached were… interesting, again, but the repeating day scenario is not really new to me so I didn’t think it was all that fresh. (The Star Trek: Next Generation episode “Cause and Effect” is more creative.) Christopher Nolan’s Memento used a similar vehicle, but I found that to be watchable only about once. I also thought the characters, besides Blunt and Cruise, were rather bland… granted they were supporting. I do have to compliment Bill Paxton… I had absolutely no idea he played Sgt. Farell until I saw his name in the credits.
Oblivion reminded me of Planet of the Apes, which appealed to me. The whole story was pretty good and different from the standard sci-fi action fare. Morgan Freeman and his group of rebels were the weakest part IMO. Still wish they would have done something different with them. Keeps the movie from being an 8 or 9 in my book.
I cannot remember what those Oblivion plot holes were Hoff, but did you think they weren’t there?
Agree re Emily Blunt - she was Tom Cruise’s equal in every way. Again, then, something rare for a TC film. Not just a TC vehicle.
Memento was a very good film. But then most Chris Nolan film’s are. Always different and inventive.
I cannot remember what those Oblivion plot holes were Hoff, but did you think they weren’t there?
I do not recall either. I have watched it two or three times and was going to the other day but my brother borrowed it.
I will have to watch again and be alert for them, though none really jumped out at me in the past.
Both Oblivion and Edge of Tomorrow had probably unnecessary, but easily scripted, happy endings that I didn’t feel were properly satisfying for some reason. They were a little too easy, if you know what I mean.
The music for Oblivion was better too. :-P :wink:
:-P with brass knobs on - as we say in the UK!
:-P with brass knobs on - as we say in the UK!
You British by birth or a resident alien?
By birth Hoff. All of us are who are born in countries with rule of law, democracy, social welfare, human “rights”, low toleration of corruption, etc are very lucky indeed.
Being British I also get the crowning glories of cricket and the Queen. Eat your heart out!
Have some good friends over in the States. Another great country, despite the dearth of royalty and cricket. :-D
By birth Hoff. All of us are who are born in countries with rule of law, democracy, social welfare, human “rights”, low toleration of corruption, etc are very lucky indeed.
Being British I also get the crowning glories of cricket and the Queen. Eat your heart out!
Have some good friends over in the States. Another great country, despite the dearth of royalty and cricket. :-D
I am a bit of an Anglophile myself, so I very much appreciate all that the UK has offered the world throughout history and feel a brotherly affinity through shared traditions. Similar feeling for all the Queen’s former Dominions. Western solidarity, yo. 8-)
Craptastic 4 is another mountain dew/taco bell burrito marketing tie in for fat lazy minds who want to turn off their brain and watch ideas from comics litter movie theaters.
Confirmed. End of potential series of more of these due to horrible box office.
I liked both edge of tomorrow and oblivion for the reasons you guys both mentioned, but if I were craving a movie and had only one choice between them, I would choose edge of tomorrow. Even though the plot revelation in oblivion was stronger, the overall action in edge of tomorrow wins the race… There’s another Tom Cruise movie out there that I put with these two for it’s replay value, (I know you both think I’m gonna say Minority Report to stay in line with the sci fi theme) I’m talking about Jack Reacher. Great cast and a refreshing plot for an action/crime drama.
Jack Reacher did have a great cast. But the movie itself left no mark on me. I do, however, have the Minority Report DVD, which suggests some chord was struck, although not watched it for years. Need to dig it out.
As General Veers said a few posts back, TC is holding onto his action hero status despite the passing years. Why then no Jack Reacher 2? There are plenty of books to choose from I think. Does this suggest the movie did not quite hit the “TC movie standard”?
PP -
I watched Focus with my wife the other night on dvd and we both liked it.
Unexpected events and turnings in a way made that you have a hard time to predict what is comming up next.I recommend to watch it.
Minority Report wasn’t anything special for me. I believe that I actually got up and said something like, “I never want to see that movie again.” Not that I hated it, I just didn’t think it was that good.
Will keep my eyes open for Focus AeV
Don’t recall that anyone has talked about The Martian yet: pretty awesome to me, especially if you are hungry for more space-based science fiction after Interstellar. (Co-incidentally it has both Matt Damon and Jessica Chastain in it.) I am looking forward to seeing this more than The Force Awakens.
I hear the book is quite good also.
I pretty much go to see all Ridley Scott’s films and the premise for this one sounds interesting.
It’s freaking Jason Bourne in space!!!
Can’t get better than that.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatt Damon!
My brother has recommended “Suite Francaise” to me. Anyone got any views to share that might help me decide whether to buy it?
Clearly not!
Saw The Martian last night. Would recommend it to anyone willing to suspend disbelief and instead immerse themselves in the story unfolding on the screen.
It is science fiction after-all!