I think i figured it would be gory or scary, but due to the utter contrived nonsense, it became something of a comedy. The problem is this was not the intention or was it?
I can suspend belief when watching the Three Stooges because they are trying to be funny. It is deliberate. This was like what they did in “Not another teen movie”
When a movie gets so ridiculously contrived that it becomes a self parody and that was never the intention and the actors are not cracking jokes and it turns into a Filipino vampire style movie that you might see on mystery science theater 3000, THEN it becomes either the biggest letdown or pure comedy. Something like Trilogy of Terror had a genuine quality of putting the viewer on edge because the plot did not try to emulate a Wile E. Coyote cartoon complete with uber mega-contrived roadrunner traps. To me it became a spoof like Plan 9 from outer space, except whoever made it figured they were actually scarring people, rather than make them laugh. It went way beyond any dignity that could be covered under “suspension of belief”
Probably why so many of those comedy spoofs use it as a plot device like scary movie. It became the joke of comedies like Freddy Krugger and sold more Pepsi.
What would have been great if they got somebody like Curly and they put him into one of these mutilation machines, and the saw just broke apart trying to saw off his head. That would have been a fitting scene in that movie. Or they could have redone the scene where they pull teeth and done this:
or this: