Alright, I have my original 2nd edition rules right here, and can get the facts straight for everybody.
Page 22, Collect income section
“Although Axis & Allies is a team game, an individual winner can be declared by determining which player has increased his or her National Production Level the most from the starting totals. Use the charts, below, to determine the winner.”
“The numbers in the columns represent a player’s ending National Production Level. A number’s corresponding % represents the increase from the starting income. Whoever has the greatest percentage is the individual winner. Each player refers to his or her country’s chart, below, to compute the percentages.”
“For example, if the Allies won the war, determine the individual Allied winner as follows. U.S.S.R. started at 24 I.P.C.'s and ends with 29 IPCS, an increase of 20.8%; United Kingdom started at 30 IPCs and ends with 45 IPCs, an increase of 50%; the United States started at 36 IPCs and ends with 45 IPCs, an increase of 25%. The United Kingdom is the individual winner!”
So actually the USA is probably as disadvantaged as anyone because of highest starting IPC level.
My other thought - what in the world were the charts needed for? My goodness, if you can’t compute percentage change…. (6th or 7th grade math)