correct, wasn’t sure if
i should post hear or there, though i’d get quicker response in market place, :roll:
admin or modo, feel free to delete this discussion ^^ :-D
Glad To hear the good news Garg!
Nice to hear about the current status of Bear. I get all misty when I read all your posts. Here is the photo of my little pal that I promised you. Twelve years old.
Very handsome dog!
Mr. Bear thanks you all!
Poor dude… hope he’s feeling better.
Just saw this now; do you still need some moneyz?
Mr. Bear’s radiation treatment ($3000) starts in another 10 days… In the meantime he’s staying with one of the veterinary students (See pic! It’s a nice place!). These treatments aren’t even available in my province, are state of the art, and at significantly reduced cost.
Watch out friends - at my next face to face game, Bear is rolling my dice. To put how miraculous this has all been into perspective, it’s as if Mr. Bear just shot down 11 of 12 attacking aircraft with AA-Guns on a sea-lion defence. And now he just has to mop up the Pacific.
That said yes - we still need all the help we can get.
From start to finish this whole process is going to cost $10,000. :S ($5500 is already paid).
Fortunately because of overwhelming donations, and the cooperation of the hospital, I’ve been able to pay for both the surgery and radiation upfront requirements (%50). Now I’m focused on being able to pay for the other half in 5 weeks, when I go to pick him up from the Student.
I believe that if I can fundraise another $1,000, that I’ll be able to make it.
Thank you guys for being so supportive in all this. I have a little something special planned for you all that I’ve been working on.
Alright then, have $5 dollars one me! (sorry, I’m kinda lower income coughdirtpoorcough, maybe next payday).
Thank you very much! Every dollar is important, and counts for the win!
Hope he is doing well. I am happy to support this as I love my Dog and know how important they are to us all.
Sorry I didn’t hear about this earlier. Thanks to Djenson for posting on FB so I could get in.
All the best,
I wondered why my bank statement said $19.82 when I had donated $20.
It finally dawned on me…you live in America’s hat. And that means that the Loon has dropped in value (or the dollar has increased since I last heard) and USA is back on top.
Mr. Bear’s first day in Oncology was yesterday.
Localized Radiation for the next 3 weeks, then I get him back, and he’s good!
His recovery has also been speedy gentlemen, I’ve posted comments from the Vet he’s staying with below
"Hey Joel,
Mr. Bear is doing absolutely great. He’s gotten all his energy back and he’s been having tons of fun sunbathing and playing at the park. He really is a great dog.It’s looking like he’ll start his radiation therapy on Tuesday morning. He’ll go in with me in the morning, have his treatment sometime in the morning, and then unfortunately for him, he’ll be stuck there until my husband is done with work and comes to rescue him. I’m sure he won’t be crazy about hanging out in the runs, but it should only be a few hours per day. The following week, I go onto over night duty, so he’ll go up to the hospital with my husband in the morning, and then I’ll take him home when I’m off. He’ll like that cause he won’t have to spend time in the runs for those weeks.
I hope you were able to open the pics from a few days ago, that was his first big walk to the park. It took a few days before he seemed strong enough to walk too far, but now he’s unstoppable!
Best, "
None of this would have been possible with your support guys…
Don’t know what to say - other than thank you again for standing to be counted as my friends. I owe each of you dearly.
That’s awesome news man!
Yes, good to hear.
So did the big guy come home?
Going to make a new thread about it today. Bear’s been back home just over two weeks, and in perfect health I might add.
“Regratbly” I’ve been too busy running up mountains, camping, playing in the sun, and chasing other dogs alongside my boy to make a formal thread about it. lol… please accept my apology - but it is your fault after all. :)
Thanks again guys…
Very happy for you both.
Terrific. I like stories where the good guys win.
Good to hear this good news!
Garg doesn’t even have a dog. He duped us to go to Tijuana and see a donkey show… :|