Awesome ! Glad your playing again.
Happy New Year !
From the Two Towers Protest Organization:
We believe that the events that took place on Sept 11th 2001 gave America a chance for greater sensitivity. This is something that many people believe has been missing for a long time in the United States. The Spiderman movie which was released in 2002 had the images of the two towers removed from the movie. This sentiment was greatly appreciated by the Two Towers Protest Organization. We would like to see this kind of sentiment put towards the renaming of “The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers” to something which would be more appropriate considering the events which transpired on Sept 11th 2001. The name of this movie will undoubtedly cause a return of the emotions felt on Sept 11th which left so many people in the nation feeling stunned and in a state of shock.
. . . and from their FAQ
The creators of the movie have free speech, so what makes you think they should have to change the name of the movie?
We believe that Peter Jackson and New Line Cinema’s actions are in fact hate speech. The movie is intentionally being named The Two Towers in order to capitalize on the tragedy of September 11. Clearly, you cannot deny the fact that this falls under hate speech. We believe that if they will not willingly change the name, the government should step in to stop the movie’s production or to force a name change.
Rename it to what, The Twin Towers!??? :o
And people wonder why I hate political correctness… :-?
this is a sad time in our Culture, u know they cant even call Politicly correct Politicly Correct cus the saying Politicly Correct is Politicly incorrect lol
The creators of the movie have free speech, so what makes you think they should have to change the name of the movie?
It’s in the best interest of their sales figures. :P
The creators of the movie have free speech, so what makes you think they should have to change the name of the movie?
It’s in the best interest of their sales figures. :P
Greedy Little Bast**ds
I bet the terrorists knew of the LotR in the making, including the second book, and chose their targets to hit not only the twin towers, but also the movie industry :roll: ;)
Changing the name of a book that is how old? 20 years? … But you changed the name of the first Harry Potter in the US as well, so it would not come as a total surprise ;)
LOTR is closer to 40-50 years old. I wonder if two buildings in Winnipeg went down if there would be this movement to change the name of the movie?
Or those protesting have any clue what the book is about (i.e. 2 completely different towers hundreds of miles away that are only 2 of many centers of scenes in the book).
Then again, i think these people are tilting at windmills when there are real problems in the world.
What idiots would even think of this? The two towers was written long before the World Trade Center was even an afterthought.
Unless there is outraged from the people that were directly affected from 9/11, this group of people should know their roll and shut their mouths…if you smeeellllll what the Rock… is…cooking…da dada da da dada…
im telling you 9/11 is highly over rated [read the forum]