I was going to say swamp gas, but lens glare sounds more probable. Or lens flare, if this is another outer-space picture shot by J.J. Abrams.
HA! Most probable!
I thought this was a cool article for anybody who ever wanted a home made ‘Road Warrior’ fighting vehicle.
LOL Ironically I found this thing the other day on my own, when looking up “home-made tanks”.
lol… F-ing Death Trap.
Thanks, but I think I can wait on delivery of my 1943 model Tiger.
Bovington are holding it for me until I can afford to garage it.
The Little Rascals used to make them back in the day… but they usually ran on duck power.
Are you sure IL? I thought it was petey on a wheel spinning it.
It depends. Sometimes it was him, but usually it was a duck swimming after feed hand cranked by some kid. They had that Taxi which was powered by gravity ( only went down hills). Either way the Syrians must be watching something from Hal Roach studios.