TFA - Spoiler warning
That SW talk here is so good, beginning with LHoffmans review, I cant resist adding my two space credits. Although there is, likely, some repetition.
Rey: Clearly the best thing in the film, agree there, feels Star Wars. Most intriguing aspect of the movie is her background. Is it the eternal (and too some, tiresome) theme of how the Skywalker family is tied to the Galaxys fate, or is it something new entirely as there is a huge galaxy to play with? I prefer oc that Mara Jade is her mom :)
She cant remember Han and Leia, maybe a gentle memory force-wipe from her mom or Luke to protect her. But Han and Leia, in their turn, also dont seem to remember her. We will have to see.
Fin: Too many goofy lines. Clearly has storm trooper melee training, but can handle Kylo with a lightsaber? And why do they have anti-force weapons? To ward off force pikes?
Kylo: As to why he wears a mask, LHoffman? Because he wants to emulate Darth Vader in all things. There is an interesting interpretation of “I will finish what you started”, namely destroying the Empire once and for all, which Vader started by disposing of Palpatine. I think we can dismiss this, though.
A lot of people interprete a conflict within Kylo, especially after his scene with Han (can I spoiler at this time? Better add a warning).I am afraid I never saw one, to me it was always clear that he will kill him, and rather gladly so. The whole scene was unworthy, I agree, not becaused Han dies but how, and which grave he got, and what for. And it was bad acting imho.
As for redeeming him, I cant see that and him surviving. I bet heavily on yet another reiteration of redemption by sacrifice like Vader (I just hope it has nothing to do to please certain religious faiths), because coming back as murderer of a father, civilians, torturer and stuff and happily live ever after (in a supposedly just New Republic) is hard to imagine. They wont jail him.
Han: Also agree, overall looked tired and unwilling to play it out. After so many years he now tries the bowcaster for the first time? You gotta be kidding me. Cheap line, thats all.
Leia: Liked her. Also in the command center good to see that Ackbar doesnt age, and neither does Nunb. I wish those guys would have gotten more screen time.
Snoke: Second most intriguing thing for me. The Darth Plaguies theory has a lot of merit (I am sure you all read about it, similar music theme, similarity to the cover of the DP book), he wants to complete Kylos training….however, as much as I’d love to see him cheating Palpatine, faking his own death (he managed to get into the secret of cheating death, after all), there is one interesting thing in the novelization (a disappointment, btw): Leia told Han that Snoke has always been there since Bens birth, first watching from the shadows, then starting to tempt Ben away from the light side. True to form, she never told Han in case he would worry…doesnt sound like Leia, more like, well, the new authors. In any case this guy has been along for some time and unless he can totally hide his force náture, I cant see how he has not been detected by Luke (even if Luke is not the most trained Jedi). But maybe he hid from Yoda, Mace, Obi later on etc in Palpatines force shadow.
Interesting thing about the military, Zhukov! I thought the same, but there are a few points worth mentioning. The new Resurgent class Star Destroyer is bigger and, we can assume, better. No A, B, E wings, no Interceptors and stuff, disappointing, but neither the Resistance nor the First order are the legimitate forces. For the resistance, all they might want (and get/afford) are X-wings, and it at least is a new model, manouverability is improved (can be seen with the new X-wings from FFG). Maybe they chose not to get into B-wings, as that would need more resources etc. My take is that the Resistance is a kind of unofficial guerilla force of the New Republic, would be too conspicuous to supply them with top notch equipment. Same is true for the First Order, the new Ties are improved, have shields I think. Oc my theory totally fails here because they are apparently rich enough to suck out suns now. That, but no Tie Interceptors? And if the assumedly powerful leader Snoke is not the leader of the Empire itself, do they have a puppet leader? This all is not explained, nothing really fits, this is my point about the smalles denominator to get as many people into paying for a seat.
Emotionally, I totally agree with you, it hurt to see nothing but X-wings and Ties. Not to speak of not seeing any capital ship other than the one SD.
Phasma is almost an epic failure. I dont mind if male or female (more females will benefit SW anyway), but to the extent they marketed her you think they made her like she is just for that. Its a nice Lego minifig, my kid likes her. When she then is put to the test, she meekly follows orders, takes down the shields. Hell, thats the radical faction of the Empire?? Not even fighting for the cause? I cant remember now, did she survive, was it shown? If she died, she could at least have died for the cause. Or maybe Fins behavious isnt so atypical for the First Order, after all?
I forced myself to read some books, Aftermath was depressing really. Again, almost nothing in it to please the fan of the SW environment (sorry, I am not caught by X-wing stunts like Poes). Yes, Mon Mothma envisaged that at some point the military will have to be cut down to local forces, but have we seen something about that? Just that the fleet, or half of it, has been wiped out (FO was apparently successfull in hiding a weapon of this extent so that a huge junk of the NR fleet presented a nice target).
The other book was good, at least the political part, where some Moffs and bigwigs tried to decide what to do after Palpatine. Intriguing when the competent female captain gets back to her mysterious superior, reporting. This must have been before the FO, or was it Snoke already, still Imperial? or is it, as many hope, Thrawn. Things point there, even for now he is dead canon.
The best book, as it was a good summary of all events since Tarkin, wsa Lost Stars (I think). Dont be dismayed by the young adult classification. Yes, there is the romance thing, it was actually good, and yes, there was the conflict between what is good (Rebel) and bad (Empire), but the take was interesting and all too realistic.
Overall, I cant bring myself to think of the movie as good or enjoyable, but there is hope (also ebcause of Luke) that we finally get new things, not endless reiteration.
Pls point out any mistakes (apart from personal opinion), just watched once.