I think Japan still would have invaded the Soviet Union though, if the Second Sino-Japanese War continued (the oil embargo only really happened once they invaded Indochina).
Other than that I agree with you. That would be curious alternate reality.
It’s hard to list an absolute favorite among quite a few able commanders, but I’ve always admired the achievements of Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim, Marshal of Finland.
Why, what did he do ?
The commies basically killed themselves. They attacked during winter wich always favours the defender, and the Finnish terrain with marshes also favored the defender, and the Finnish defenders were dug into Pillboxes and Blockhouses behind rivers and lakes. The commie coloumns had trucks in front and the tanks in the rear, opposite of any rational army, and they attacked in human waves against dug in machine guns, and when they attacked across a frozen lake, the Finnish artillery would barrage the ice so the commies would all drawn. The commies were stuck to the roads so Finnish skii-troops would easily bypass them and cut them off the supply. On top of that the commie soldiers were drafted from civilians that happened to be shopping for Christmas in Leningrad, and had no military training what so ever. And best of all, the commie chain of command would go from bottom to top, so if the privats did not like the orders they just changed it and the commie leader had to obey the privats. Any moron would do well fighting that retardet Red Army.
So just what exactely did Mannerheim do that makes him the most brilliant leader of the world ?
When he joined Hitler in Barbarossa, he would halt just before Leningrad and let the commies live. Imagine a game of A&A where Leningrad live, not easy to beat Russia then. And on top � of that, Mannerheim backstabbed his former allies as soon the tide changed, and joined STalin because he was winning.
ADLERTAG what happened to you? And where is Foxy?
Nice to see you again.
It’s hard to list an absolute favorite among quite a few able commanders, but I’ve always admired the achievements of Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim, Marshal of Finland.
Why, what did he do ?
The commies basically killed themselves. They attacked during winter wich always favours the defender, and the Finnish terrain with marshes also favored the defender, and the Finnish defenders were dug into Pillboxes and Blockhouses behind rivers and lakes. The commie coloumns had trucks in front and the tanks in the rear, opposite of any rational army, and they attacked in human waves against dug in machine guns, and when they attacked across a frozen lake, the Finnish artillery would barrage the ice so the commies would all drawn. The commies were stuck to the roads so Finnish skii-troops would easily bypass them and cut them off the supply. On top of that the commie soldiers were drafted from civilians that happened to be shopping for Christmas in Leningrad, and had no military training what so ever. And best of all, the commie chain of command would go from bottom to top, so if the privats did not like the orders they just changed it and the commie leader had to obey the privats. Any moron would do well fighting that retardet Red Army.
So just what exactely did Mannstein do that makes him the most brilliant leader of the world ?
When he joined Hitler in Barbarossa, he would halt just before Leningrad and let the commies live. Imagine a game of A&A where Leningrad live, not easy to beat Russia then. And on top  of that, Manstein backstabbed his former allies as soon the tide changed, and joined STalin because he was winning.
are you talking about Manstein or Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim, Marshal of Finland??
and who is Foxy?…I´m puzzeld :? :?
He has more than one account, like 4 of them. He is an old time member from Norway.
Aequitas : he is talking about Mannerheim.
Well he saved his country a lot of pain and life and headaches…Beeing part of the war in Europe ,Finnland did pretty well. Finnland was except of Lappland in good shape and stood in a certain way still neutral.
Finnland wasn´t damaged that much and had not so much to do with the holocaust and other barbarious murders.
Compared to Romania as a ex partner of the Reich or Hungary or just name it…
Finnland would not stand a chance alone against russia, so he basically did best what he could do, giving NOT out promisses of being ally to any partner, only as a joiner as long it takes in the best terms/interrests of soumi…
Interresting choice  Herr KaLeun
mr Veritas, I think the topic was about military leaders. We should be happy that the Finnish prime minister Kuusinen kept Finland out of the war etc. My point was that Mannerheim sucked as a military leader.
Most of the instincts of Mannerheim in the Winter War were correct, he was in support of conceding to the USSR’s demands, and not because of any sympathy for communism. He knew that war with Finland’s large powerful neighbour would end in tragedy and loss. While pushing for an acceptance of negotiation agreements, Mannerheim also saw the key to Finland’s defence and continuing sovereignty, even if there was a price attached. His intuition during the Winter War was invaluable, and more than any other man he was responsible for Finland’s retained independence after the war finished. The communists renewed propaganda about the “Bloody Baron” failed to stick and have effect due to the recognition of his importance to success.
source:http://ww2db.com/person_bio.php?person_id=70 Â to underline my argument.
And about Otto Wille Kuusinen you may want to recheck your source, but as well with anybody else here I´m prepared to agree to disagree.  :-)
I have to agree with Aequitas.
Finland RETAINED it’s soveirgnty after the war was over. No other Axis nation did.
I never understood how they did not end up raving commies. Happily of course!
Thanks Aequitas, I did read that link.
Something to do with the fact that they NEVER declared war on America, and that they kept paying their previous war debts to England, even though they were -by technical definition- at war with them.
God Bless America!
Did Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary then?
Silly if they did.
Italy(Mussolini to be precise) was the silliest for DOW with US.
God Bless America!
Did Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary then?
Silly if they did.
Italy(Mussolini to be precise) was the silliest for DOW with US.
what do you mean?..paying their debt?..
I read somewhere (I could be wrong) That Finland owed some financial debts to the United Kingdom.
And that despite the bad blood, and being at war with the UK, that they maintained efforts to pay those loaned throughout the war.
Do you mean my: “God Bless America”?
Said it because I miss my best friend and A&A partner,who says it often and who loves all things American.
He has been twice and would live over there. He is a pharmacist and very disillusioned with the UK at the moment.
Also think Hitler’s and Mussolini’s DOW totally unnecessary and could have brought about their early demise.
@ Wittmann:
you were asking about Romania and Hungary and Bulgaria?
What is your question about them?..if they payed their debt?..
Garg said Finland never declared war on the US (DOW is our A&A way of saying it). I wondered if the other 3 nations that were later occupied by Russia declared war on the US.
Garg said Finland never declared war on the US (DOW is our A&A way of saying it). I wondered if the other 3 nations that were later occupied by Russia declared war on the US.
NO they never declared war on the U.S. ,their declarations had been to Germany only, in 1944.
First they joint Warshaw Pact then Nato
Romania in Nato since 2004
Hungary sine 1999
Bulgaria since 2004 as well….
All three paid a very big price for WWII. for not starting it or finishing it, just beeing part of it…
I think it’s safe to say EVERYONE paid a big price for WWII…
Except… the Swiss?
I think neutral Sweden benefitet more, selling goods to everyone