• Customizer

    DARN!  This pic of my Dad is 423 instead of 256 and so it’s too large a file.  Sorry guys, I appologize.  Maybe I can find some of them that are small enough.    Tall Paul

  • Here is a picture of a small unknown German unit, that my Grandfather brought back from the war.

    german unit.jpg

  • Here is a picture of a german woman named Lisa Averbach in Luftwaffa Uniform.

    German Woman Lisa.jpg

  • Here is a picture of an unknown German.

    Steven Hotcaveg 4.jpg

  • Here is a picture of a group of youthful German men.

    young german.jpg

  • Here is my Grandfather, Archie Worsham Jr at Ft. Sill, Oklahoma.

    pa pa Fort Still.jpg

  • My grandfather, A.B Worsham Jr. in uniform.

    pa pa Worsham uniform.jpg

  • Customizer


    I enjoyed seeing those pics of the previous “ABWs”.  Thank you  I feel it very important to remember our predecessors and their stories so we can preserve their part of “History”.

    Although I have already digitized several dozen pics of my Dad in WW2 I haven’t taken the time to get them reduced in “volume” so that I might share them here with ya’ll(I’m from the South,…and ya’ll is a contraction for you all).  Does anyone know how I might EASILY make these pics smaller in volume.  As they are they’re almost twice the maximum allowed on this forum.  Thanks in advance.
                                                                                        “Tall Paul”

  • Tall Paul I had the same problem, i had an printer/scanner from 1999. I just bought a newer model and it scanned these pictures great.

    My grandfather had some type of relations with the german women Lisa, I don’t know if they were lovers or friends, but he took great pride over that picture and talked about her.

  • @ABWorsham:

    Here is a picture of a group of youthful German men.

    I think they are of the R.A.D. wich was the Reichsarbeitsdienst…they all got that spat and similar looking insignias on their clothings…probably arround 1943

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