• I need a ruling on this situation please.  During the German combat phase I moved all units that would be taking part in a combat, including a sub into the English channel to kill a lone UK transport.  As my turn ended and I collected my $ and the Russians stated their turn.  Then I noticed we forgot to remove the transport from the board.  My opponent said “too bad you forgot, it stays”  Now I understand that sometimes we mix the combat and non combat phases for a speedier game play,  but in this instance I made sure to only make combat moves first.  I think he was just pissed that Japan took South Africa when he thought a French destroyer could block.  I reminded him that France and Japan never were officially at war so no block!  I guess what i want to know is what do the rules dictate in this situation.  And since I am friends with my opponent and wish to continue our friendship what would most of you do in this spot.  Thanks for your time everybody!  Cheers!

  • Your friend is a shitty friend if he’s playing that card.

    End the friendship.

  • I’m a global noob, but I would assume the following (so this is not official):
    1. If you properly decleard combat against the transport, then its dead…if you moved it and didn’t say anything, then it stays.
    2. If you invaded FIC, isn’t that a DOW against France?  So the DD would be a blocker then…
    3. Kick each other in the balls…first one to collapse or cough up blood loses…(this will solve both issues).

  • '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 Customizer

    If it was me I would of remove it. He’s already admitting its killed. So now you have to suck it up so you don’t lose a player and friend. Next time remove all pieces for all combat and put onto the battle board. Theres times we mess up something like that and just redo the combat. You have to find a happy medium or we all ain’t going to get along. Yes that is BS.

  • @majikforce:

    I need a ruling on this situation please.  During the German combat phase I moved all units that would be taking part in a combat, including a sub into the English channel to kill a lone UK transport.  As my turn ended and I collected my $ and the Russians stated their turn.  Then I noticed we forgot to remove the transport from the board.  My opponent said “too bad you forgot, it stays”  Now I understand that sometimes we mix the combat and non combat phases for a speedier game play,  but in this instance I made sure to only make combat moves first.  I think he was just pissed that Japan took South Africa when he thought a French destroyer could block.  I reminded him that France and Japan never were officially at war so no block!  I guess what i want to know is what do the rules dictate in this situation.  And since I am friends with my opponent and wish to continue our friendship what would most of you do in this spot.  Thanks for your time everybody!  Cheers!

    Did Japan capture French Indo China?

  • Japan never invaded FIC or verbally declared war on France.  Likewise France never engaged in combat with Japan or verbally declared war on Japan.  He said it was assumed that all the allies were at war after turn 4.  I pointed to the rule book showing him the rules for DOW.  I feel like I didn’t break any rule I just took advantage of his mistake.  In the instance of the sub attacking the transport I feel like it was a pretty clear combat action since I clearly had a non-combat movement phase and it was assumed that I wasn’t moving in to ignore the transport, I just forgot to address that battle during my turn.  In this instance it seems like a breaking of the rule since the transport would escape a combat situation.

  • @Gargantua:

    Your friend is a shitty friend if he’s playing that card.

    End the friendship.

    LOL Good one!  Unfortunately he is one of the few friends that will actually play this game religiously with me!  And he is a pretty good player, we just get a little competitive sometimes!

  • Slow down.  You made some mistakes because as you said “sometimes we mix combat and non-combat moves”.  I’ve found from experience that slowing down and taking that extra minute becomes invaluable.

    Gentlemen’s rules are one thing, but to a competitive person who feels the agony of a loss closing in and that TT could have snuck across Denmark and possibly landed in Germany - its really important to sway the game back into their favor.

    I for one don’t blame them for upholding the rules, its cheap and less friendly - but rules are rules - especially when you are closing in on a victory.

    Again - SLOW DOWN  :-)

  • @majikforce:

    LOL Good one!  Unfortunately he is one of the few friends that will actually play this game religiously with me!  And he is a pretty good player, we just get a little competitive sometimes!

    Nothing wrong with being competitive but who would want to win that way?

  • Oh, it happens ALL…THE…TIME!  France is ROUTINELY forgetting to DOW Japan…gotta love it when he thinks he blocked you and you sail pass and take India too!

    As for the transport, if it’s dead, it’s DEAD.  Forum rules state that if something is not corrected within one game turn, then it stays as is, but it sounds like even under those rules, you caught it in time to fix it.

  • I’m still up for solving this by kicks to the balls….it will solve EVERYTHING.

  • 1. of all, can a sub kill a lonely transport ?  2. Can any1 clearyfied this DOW ? declaration of war ? And do u HAVE 2 to it ? Isnt it just automatical  if not, why ?


  • TripleA

    This is why I don’t play live games unless japan DOWs J1, or else give me axis so I can do it, or we play another game like fortress america or civ 5 or aa50 or whatever. Politics are stupid.

    Playing on triple a is not so bad when japan doesn’t DOW 1, because you get through the mundane first few rounds much quicker and there is a political chart.

    Global doesn’t come with a political chart in the box. So there really isn’t a counter or anything to move, it is all memory. If someone thinks they declared war, then guess what? They did. You got nothing to point at, so suck it.

    Since France doesn’t buy, you may as well let him DoW during movement, it is not like he did anything other then move pieces around. Some people move pieces around during their buy so they can see what they need to buy visually… that don’t mean they skip their buy and are entering combat movement. Just like he never said he skipped his political phase before he started moving stuff around.

    I wouldn’t want to play with either one of you guys.

  • @Mallery29:

    I’m still up for solving this by kicks to the balls….it will solve EVERYTHING.

    Works for me.  ^_^


    1. of all, can a sub kill a lonely transport ?  2. Can any1 clearyfied this DOW ? declaration of war ? And do u HAVE 2 to it ? Isnt it just automatical  if not, why ?


    1)  Yes.  Submarines are warships and can attack and sink transports.  They have to clear all other defending units to do so, but they can do it.
    2)  You should declare war at the time stipulated in the rules.  Most people, however, view an act of aggression a form of declaration of war.  I view it as such as well, so if you ATTACK the French Destroyer, for instance, then you are at war with France.  If you have not DOW’ed or been attacked by France before moving, then you can sail right past the destroyer present.  It is YOUR job as Allies / Axis to make sure you know the political situation.


    This is why I don’t play live games unless japan DOWs J1, or else give me axis so I can do it, or we play another game like fortress america or civ 5 or aa50 or whatever. Politics are stupid.

    Playing on triple a is not so bad, because you get through the mundane first few rounds much quicker and there is a political chart.

    Global doesn’t come with a political chart in the box. So there really isn’t a counter or anything to move, it is all memory.

    Since France doesn’t buy, you may as well let him DoW during movement, I mean what the hell is wrong with you?

    I despise TripleA.  Newest version is okay…getting there anyway, because you can zoom out and see the lines still (1.5 you couldnt) but I still dont like it.  I like a little looser game play when playing for fun, if you forget to assign an attack, or do a very common NCM, then I’m good with you doing it, but TripleA throws coniptionfits (sp?) and forces you to jump through hoops to do that.

    As for politics, I’d like to see an “official” set of rules that shows the war at the Spring of 1942 so you can skip them and save time playing as well.  Global 1940 A3.9 and Global 1942 A3.9.

  • Jen you can see the lines. you just have to check the option to draw it when you zoom out.

    View->Draw borders on top -> high.

  • The global box does not come with a political chart. Unless you physically drew one with pen and paper, don’t cry about it.

  • @Cow:

    You got nothing to point at, so suck it.

    I wouldn’t want to play with either one of you guys.

    Direct and to the point.

  • MOO!

  • @Cmdr:

    Forum rules state that if something is not corrected within one game turn, then it stays as is

    Never heard of this before. Plus, he’s playing FTF, not by forum.

    2 things come to mind.

    First, after turn 4 everybody should be at war with everybody. Claiming an undeclared DOW is kind of a reach.

    Second, and the rules are explicit on this, once you collect your income, it is immediately your opponents turn. After that, any changes made to the board (including missed combats, non-combat changes, hanging aircraft, etc) are at your opponents discretion. And, in this case, he has even more rules to back him up. Since no dice were rolled for attacking units and it is possible for a sub to enter a sea zone during a combat move and then submerge before combat he is perfectly within his right to make that assumption if the TP is still on the board at the beginning of his turn.

    This is less of a rules issue and more of an etiquette issue.

    You were being a rules dick about the DOW and he was being a rules dick about the TP. Sounds like you’re both even.

  • @Cmdr:


    I’m still up for solving this by kicks to the balls….it will solve EVERYTHING.

    Works for me.  ^_^

    You see, this is why i always stay on the other side of the table then my opponents ;)

    @majikforce: a way to deal with what your friend did is to make a checklist of every step in each round (play as well as battle), and reading it out loud, every single step.

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