I’m still up for solving this by kicks to the balls….it will solve EVERYTHING.
Works for me. ^_^
1. of all, can a sub kill a lonely transport ? 2. Can any1 clearyfied this DOW ? declaration of war ? And do u HAVE 2 to it ? Isnt it just automatical if not, why ?
1) Yes. Submarines are warships and can attack and sink transports. They have to clear all other defending units to do so, but they can do it.
2) You should declare war at the time stipulated in the rules. Most people, however, view an act of aggression a form of declaration of war. I view it as such as well, so if you ATTACK the French Destroyer, for instance, then you are at war with France. If you have not DOW’ed or been attacked by France before moving, then you can sail right past the destroyer present. It is YOUR job as Allies / Axis to make sure you know the political situation.
This is why I don’t play live games unless japan DOWs J1, or else give me axis so I can do it, or we play another game like fortress america or civ 5 or aa50 or whatever. Politics are stupid.
Playing on triple a is not so bad, because you get through the mundane first few rounds much quicker and there is a political chart.
Global doesn’t come with a political chart in the box. So there really isn’t a counter or anything to move, it is all memory.
Since France doesn’t buy, you may as well let him DoW during movement, I mean what the hell is wrong with you?
I despise TripleA. Newest version is okay…getting there anyway, because you can zoom out and see the lines still (1.5 you couldnt) but I still dont like it. I like a little looser game play when playing for fun, if you forget to assign an attack, or do a very common NCM, then I’m good with you doing it, but TripleA throws coniptionfits (sp?) and forces you to jump through hoops to do that.
As for politics, I’d like to see an “official” set of rules that shows the war at the Spring of 1942 so you can skip them and save time playing as well. Global 1940 A3.9 and Global 1942 A3.9.