Rule clarification for transport unload

  • Ok, so the rules state that any units you load onto a transport in the combat move phase must be offloaded as part of an amphibious assault. So if I load an inf and an art, I can’t just unload the inf in an assault, I have to unload both.

    But what if the inf and art were already loaded before the turn starts? Is it then valid to move the transport and attack with just the inf, leaving the art aboard?

  • '17 '16

    You can always choose to keep 1 unit or 2 on board the transport instead of throwing them in the battle due to the amph. assault.

    However, I’m not sure if you can unload in same Trty from the same TT 1 inf during CM and another Inf during NCM as a kind of reinforcement.

  • Just checked the rules and by logic it seems the answer to the question is: yes.

    I interpret the rules so that a TRS containing cargo that was loaded a previous turn can move during the CM as part of an invasion force but does not HAVE to unload its cargo (wouldnt even be allowed if the cargo was a AAA). If loaded in a previous turn, the TRS can unload any or all its cargo during the invasion, and any remaining cargo during the NCM or not at all.

    Reading the rules I Imagine a slightly different example:
    You canNOT load flak into a TRS during the CM, because those units can by the rules not unload during CM, they may only move during NCM, “except when moving with a TRS if loaded in a previous turn”.
    So, the flak, if loaded in a previous turn, may move with its TRS and another INF loaded during the CM this turn, may stay on the TRS while the INF must unload. Then, if the territory is taken, the flak may also unload during the NCM.
    If the flak were an ART, the same above story goes for this ART instead of the flak, except that the ART has a choice. It may unload during CM or it may unload during NCM. Thus, if both the inf and art were loaded in a previous turn they would both have that choice.

  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '12


    So, the flak, if loaded in a previous turn, may move with its TRS and another INF loaded during the CM this turn, may stay on the TRS while the INF must unload. Then, if the territory is taken, the flak may also unload during the NCM.

    I don’t think that is correct.  A transport can only unload some or all of its cargo once per turn, either in combat move phase or in noncombat movement phase, but not both.  If you had an infantry and an AA on a transport you could unload the infantry during combat phase but the AA would have to stay on the transport until next turn since the transport already unloaded something that turn.  Or, you could keep the infantry on the transport, and if you take the territory, unload both the infantry and the AA in NCM.

  • Variance is correct.

  • Yes, he is!
    Checked the rules again and, darn I missed that paragraph (I think I thought it was entirely dedicated to ‘bridging’).
    But below bridging it says “(…) once it offloads, it can’t move, load, or offload again that turn”.

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